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51. Ismāʿīl, Muḥammad Ḥusām al-Dīn, "Idārat al-Awqāf fī al-ʿAṣr al-Mamlūkī." In Le Khan al-Khalili et ses environs: Un centre commercial et artisanal au Caire du XIIIe au XXe siècle. Edited by Denoix, Sylvie//Depaule, Jean-Charles//Tuchscherer, Michel. 45-53. Cairo: Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1999.
Series: Études urbaines, 4/1
Notes: Arabic section. Review see Garcin.
Subjects: Places--Cairo/Administration/Religion
52. Denoix, Sylvie, "Ṭūbūghrāfīyat Tadakhkhul al-Ḥukkām fī al-ʿAṣr al-Mamlūkī." In Le Khan al-Khalili et ses environs: Un centre commercial et artisanal au Caire du XIIIe au XXe siècle. Edited by Denoix, Sylvie//Depaule, Jean-Charles//Tuchscherer, Michel. 65-66. Cairo: Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1999.
Series: Études urbaines, 4/1
Notes: Arabic section. Review see Garcin.
Subjects: Places--Cairo/Religion/Politics
53. al-ʿAsalī, Kāmil Jamīl, "al-Fikr al-Dīnī: al-ʿUlūm al-Islāmīyah fī Filasṭīn." In al-Mawsūʿah al-Filasṭīnīyah. al-Qism al-Thānī: al-Dirāsāt al-Khāṣṣah. Edited by Ṣāyigh, Anīs. 443-491. Beirut: Hayʾat al-Mawsūʿah al-Filasṭīnīyah, 1990.
Notes: Additional title: Encyclopædia Palæstina. Second Section: Special Studies.
Subjects: Places--Palestine/Scholarship/Religion
54. Petry, Carl F., "Waqf as an Instrument of Investment in the Mamluk Sultanate: Security vs. Profit?." In Slave Elites in the Middle East and Africa: A Comparative Study. Edited by Miura, Toru//Philips, John Edward. 99-115. London and New York: Kegan Paul International, 2000.
Series: Islamic Area Studies,
Notes: Review see de la Puente; Moore-Harell; Powers; Schultz.
Subjects: Religion/Economics
55. Gilliot, Claude, "La transmission des sciences religieuses." In États, sociétés et cultures du monde musulman médiéval, Xe-XVe siècles. Tome 2: Sociétés et cultures. By Garcin, Jean-Claude////. 327-351. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 2000.
Series: Nouvelle clio: l'histoire et ses problèmes,
Notes: Review see Buresi; Gayraud; Irwin; Martin; Scarcia Amoretti.
Subjects: Scholarship/Religion
56. Behrens-Abouseif, Doris, "Waḳf, II. In the Arab Lands 1. In Egypt." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam. 2d. 63-69. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2000.
Subjects: Religion/Economics
57. Behrens-Abouseif, Doris, "Waqf as Remuneration and the Family Affairs of al-Nasir Muhammad and Baktimur al-Saqi." In The Cairo Heritage: Essays in Honor of Laila Ali Ibrahim. edited byBehrens-Abouseif, Doris.55-67. Cairo and New York: The American University in Cairo Press, 2000.
Notes: Review see Walker.
Subjects: Religion/Individuals--Baktimur/Individuals--Muhammad b. Qalawun/Economics
58. Karim, Chahinda Fahmi, "The Mosque of Ulmas al-Hajib." In The Cairo Heritage: Essays in Honor of Laila Ali Ibrahim. edited byBehrens-Abouseif, Doris.123-147. Cairo and New York: The American University in Cairo Press, 2000.
Notes: Review see Walker.
Subjects: Architecture/Religion
59. O'Kane, Bernard, "Domestic and Religious Architecture in Cairo: Mutual Influences." In The Cairo Heritage: Essays in Honor of Laila Ali Ibrahim. edited byBehrens-Abouseif, Doris.149-182. Cairo and New York: The American University in Cairo Press, 2000.
Notes: Review see Walker.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Cairo/Religion
60. Ismail, Husam, "The Qaysariyya of Sultan al-Ashraf Inal According to Waqf Documents." In The Cairo Heritage: Essays in Honor of Laila Ali Ibrahim. edited byBehrens-Abouseif, Doris.183-190. Cairo and New York: The American University in Cairo Press, 2000.
Notes: Review see Walker.
Subjects: Architecture/Religion/Individuals--Inal
61. Denoix, Sylvie, "A Mamluk Institution for Urbanization: The Waqf." In The Cairo Heritage: Essays in Honor of Laila Ali Ibrahim. edited byBehrens-Abouseif, Doris.191-202. Cairo and New York: The American University in Cairo Press, 2000.
Notes: Review see Walker.
Subjects: Architecture/Religion
62. Fernandes, Leonor E., "Istibdal: The Game of Exchange and Its Impact on the Urbanization of Mamluk Cairo." In The Cairo Heritage: Essays in Honor of Laila Ali Ibrahim. edited byBehrens-Abouseif, Doris.203-222. Cairo and New York: The American University in Cairo Press, 2000.
Notes: Review see Walker.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Cairo/Religion
63. McGregor, Richard J. A., "The Concept of Sainthood According to Ibn Bāḫilā a Šādilī Shaykh of the 8th/14th Century." In Le saint et son milieu ou comment lire les sources hagiographiques. edited byChih, Rachida//Gril, Denis.33-49. Cairo: Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 2000.
Series: Cahier des annales islamologiques, 19
Subjects: Religion/Individuals--Ibn Makhila al-Shadhili
64. Geoffroy, Éric, "L'élection divine de Muḥammad et ʿAlī Wafā (VIIIe/XIVe s.) ou comment la branche wafāʾī s'est détachée de l'arbre šādilī." In Le saint et son milieu ou comment lire les sources hagiographiques. edited byChih, Rachida//Gril, Denis.51-60. Cairo: Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 2000.
Series: Cahier des annales islamologiques, 19
Subjects: Religion/Individuals--Muhammad Wafa/Individuals--Ali Wafa
65. Gril, Denis, "Saint des villes et saint des champs. Étude comparée de deux vies de saints d'époque mamelouke." In Le saint et son milieu ou comment lire les sources hagiographiques. edited byChih, Rachida//Gril, Denis.61-82. Cairo: Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 2000.
Series: Cahier des annales islamologiques, 19
Subjects: Religion/Individuals--Manufi/Individuals--Farghal
66. Addas, Claude, "Andalusī Mysticism and the Rise of Ibn ʿArabī." In The Legacy of Muslim Spain. Edited by Jayyusi, Salma Khadra. 909-933. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1992.
Series: Handbuch der Orientalistik. Erste Abteilung. Der Nahe und Mittlere Osten, 12
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Arabi/Religion
67. Drory, Joseph, "Meʿalilot sheiḥ Hider "Aluf ha-yishmaʿʾelim"." In Meḥarim be-ʿaravit ʾuvtarbut ha-ʾislam. Edited by Avrahamov, Binyamin. 37-49. Bar-Ilan: Bar-Ilan University, 2000-2001.
Subjects: Religion/Individuals--Khadir al-Mihrani/Culture
68. Aksoy, Şule//Milstein, Rachel, "A Collection of Thirteenth-Century Illustrated Hajj Certificates." In M. Uğur Derman 65 yaş armağanı/Birthday Festschrift. edited bySchick, Irvin Cemil.101-134. Istanbul: Sabancı Üniversitesi, 2000.
Notes: Other title: M. Uğur Derman armagani: altmisbesinci yasi münasebetiyle sunulmus tebligler/M. Uğur Derman Festschrift: Papers Presented on the Occasion of His Sixty-fifth Birthday.
Subjects: Arts/Religion
69. Dietrich, Albert, "Zur Überlieferung einiger Ḥadīt-Handschriften der Ẓāhiriyya in Damascus." In Orientalia Hispanica: sive studia F. M. Pareja octogenario dicata. edited byBarral, J. M..226-244. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1974.
Subjects: Historiography/Religion/Scholarship
70. ʿAbd al-Mahdī, ʿAbd al-Jalīl Ḥasan, "al-ʿUlūm al-Dīnīyah wa-al-Lisānīyah fī Ẓill al-Masjid al-Aqṣá fī al-ʿAṣrayn al-Ayyūbī wa-al-Mamlūkī." In al-Muʾtamar al-Dawlī al-Thālith li-Tārīkh Bilād al-Shām: "Filasṭīn". 141-203. Amman: Maṭābiʿ al-Jamʿīyah al-ʿIlmīyah al-Malakīyah, 1983.
Subjects: Places--Jerusalem/Scholarship/Religion
71. al-Tāzī, ʿAbd al-Hādī, "Awqāf al-Maghāribah fī al-Quds." In Dirāsāt fī Tārīkh wa-Āthār Filasṭīn: Waqāʾiʿ al-Nadwah al-ʿĀlamīyah al-Ūlá lil-Āthār al-Filasṭīnīyah. edited byShaʿth, Shawqī.193-248. Aleppo: Aleppo University Press, 1984.
Notes: Other title: Studies in the History and Archaeology of Palestine (Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Palestine Antiquities).
Subjects: Economics/Religion/Places--Jerusalem/Foreign relations
72. King, David A., "Mīḳāt. 2. Astronomical Aspects." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam. 2d. 27-32. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1990.
Subjects: Scholarship/Religion
73. King, David A., "Mizwala." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam. 2d. 210-211. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1991.
Subjects: Scholarship/Religion
74. King, David A., "Astronomy and Islamic Society: Qibla, Gnomonics and Timekeeping." In Encyclopedia of the History of Arabic Science. edited byRashed, Roshdi.128-184. London and New York: Routledge, 1996.
Subjects: Scholarship/Religion
75. Wiet, Gaston, "L'Égypte et les Lieux saints de l'Islam." In Mélanges offerts à René Crozet Professeur à l'Université de Poitiers, Directeur du Centre d'Études Supérieures de Civilisation Médiévale à l'occasion de son soixante-dixième anniversaire par ses amis, ses collègues, ses élèves et les membres du C.É.S.C.M.. edited byGallais, Pierre//Riou, Yves-Jean.119-130. Poitiers: Société d'Études Médiévales, 1966.
Subjects: Religion/Politics/Places--Hijaz
76. Ward, Seth, "Taqī al-Dīn al-Subkī on Construction, Continuance, and Repair of Churches and Synagogues in Islamic Law." In Studies in Islamic and Judaic Traditions II: Papers Presented at the Institute for Islamic-Judaic Studies, Center for Judaic Studies, University of Denver. Edited by Brinner, William M.//Ricks, Stephen D.. 169-188. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1989.
Series: Brown Judaic Studies, 178
Subjects: Religion/Individuals--Subki, Taqi al-Din
77. Kraack, Detlev, "Chivalrous Adventures, Religious Ardour and Curiosity at the Outer Periphery of the Medieval World: Inscriptions and Graffiti of Later Medieval Travellers." In Le Sinaï de la conquête arabe à nos jours. edited byMouton, Jean-Michel.87-106. Cairo: Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 2001.
Series: Cahier des annales islamologiques, 21
Notes: Review see Bianquis; Troupeau.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Religion/Places--Sinai
78. Blair, Sheila S., "Zāwiya." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam. 2d. 466-467. Leiden: Brill, 2002.
Subjects: Religion/Architecture
79. Meri, Josef W., "Ziyāra." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam. 2d. 524-529. Leiden: Brill, 2002.
Subjects: Religion
80. Carswell, John, "The Baltimore Beakers." In Gilded and Enamelled Glass from the Middle East. Edited by Ward, Rachel. 61-63, 182-183, colour plate L. London: British Museum Press, 1998.
Subjects: Arts/Religion
81. Meier, Fritz, "The Cleanest about Predestination: A Bit of Ibn Taymiyya." In Essays on Islamic Piety and Mysticism. By Meier, Fritz. translated byO'Kane, John.309-334. Leiden: Brill, 1999.
Series: Islamic History and Civilization. Studies and Texts, 30
Notes: Review see Chodkiewicz; Conrad; Kropáček; Lawson; Lohlker; Lory; Nasr. Translated from Meier's Bausteine, vol. 2.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn Taymiyah/Religion
82. Meier, Fritz, "A Resurrection of Muḥammad in Suyūṭī." In Essays on Islamic Piety and Mysticism. By Meier, Fritz. translated byO'Kane, John.505-547. Leiden: Brill, 1999.
Series: Islamic History and Civilization. Studies and Texts, 30
Notes: Review see Chodkiewicz; Conrad; Kropáček; Lawson; Lohlker; Lory; Nasr. Translated from Meier's Bausteine, vol. 2.
Subjects: Individuals--Suyuti/Religion
83. Meier, Fritz, "Invoking Blessings on Muḥammad in Prayers of Supplication and When Making Requests." In Essays on Islamic Piety and Mysticism. By Meier, Fritz. translated byO'Kane, John.549-588. Leiden: Brill, 1999.
Series: Islamic History and Civilization. Studies and Texts, 30
Notes: Review see Chodkiewicz; Conrad; Kropáček; Lawson; Lohlker; Lory; Nasr. Translated from Meier's Bausteine, vol. 2.
Subjects: Religion
84. Meier, Fritz, "Das Sauberste über die Vorbestimmung: Ein Stück Ibn Taymiyya." In Bausteine: Ausgewählte Aufsätze zur Islamwissenschaft. By Meier, Fritz. edited byGlassen, Erika//Schubert, Gudrun.696-711. Istanbul: In Kommission bei Franz Steiner Verlag Stuttgart, 1992.
Series: Beiruter Texte und Studien, 53b
Notes: Review see Baffioni.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn Taymiyah/Religion
85. Meier, Fritz, "Eine auferstehung Mohammeds bei Suyūṭī." In Bausteine: Ausgewählte Aufsätze zur Islamwissenschaft. By Meier, Fritz. edited byGlassen, Erika//Schubert, Gudrun.797-836. Istanbul: In Kommission bei Franz Steiner Verlag Stuttgart, 1992.
Series: Beiruter Texte und Studien, 53b
Notes: Review see Baffioni.
Subjects: Individuals--Suyuti/Religion
86. Meier, Fritz, "Die Segenssprechung über Mohammed im Bittgebet und in der Bitte." In Bausteine: Ausgewählte Aufsätze zur Islamwissenschaft. By Meier, Fritz. edited byGlassen, Erika//Schubert, Gudrun.837-875. Istanbul: In Kommission bei Franz Steiner Verlag Stuttgart, 1992.
Series: Beiruter Texte und Studien, 53b
Notes: Review see Baffioni.
Subjects: Religion
87. Makdisi, George, "L'Isnad initiatique soufï de Muwaffaq ad-Din Ibn Qudama." In Louis Massignon. edited bySix, Jean-François.88-96. Paris: Editions de l'Herne, 1970.
Series: L'Herne. Cahier, 13
Notes: Muwaffaq al-Dīn ibn Qudāmah died in 1223, but the chain under study ends with a mystic of the end of the 13th and two mystics of the 14th century.
Subjects: Religion
88. Shimada, Jōhei, "Isan no keishōsha." In Isuramu no shisō. 106-126. Tokyo: Tokyo Daigaku Shuppankai, 1967.
Series: Kōza Tōyō shisō, 7
Notes: Translation of article title: "Successors of the Legacy." Translation of volume title: Islamic Thought.
Subjects: Scholarship/Religion/Individuals--Ibn Khaldun/Individuals--Ibn Taymiyah
89. Thomas, David, "Paul of Antioch's Letter to a Muslim Friend and The Letter from Cyprus." In Syrian Christians under Islam: The First Thousand Years. edited byThomas, David.203-221. Leiden: Brill, 2001.
Notes: Review see Briquel-Chatonnet; Holmberg; Mouton; Norris; Stroumsa.
Subjects: Religion/Individuals--Ibn Taymiyah/Individuals--Dimashqi, Ibn Abi Talib
90. Gaube, Heinz, "Waqf in Aleppo." In Damaskus-Aleppo: 5000 Jahre Stadtentwicklung in Syrien. 316-319. Mainz am Rhein: Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 2000.
Series: Beiheft der Archäologischen Mitteilungen aus Nordwestdeutschland, 28
Notes: Review see Downey; Duistermaat.
Subjects: Places--Aleppo/Religion
91. Chodkiewicz, Michel, "Le voyage sans fin." In Le voyage initiatique en terre d'Islam: ascensions célestes et itinéraires spirituels. edited byAmir-Moezzi, Mohammad Ali.239-250. Louvain and Paris: Peeters, 1996.
Series: Bibliothèque de l'École des Hautes Études. Section des Sciences Religieuses, 103
Subjects: Religion/Individuals--Ibn al-Arabi
92. Gilliot, Claude, "Évolution ou sclérose de la tradition." In États, sociétés et cultures du monde musulman médiéval (Xe-XVe siècle). Tome 3: Problèmes et perspectives de recherche. By Garcin, Jean-Claude////. 183-194. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 2000.
Series: Nouvelle clio: l'histoire et ses problèmes,
Notes: Review see Buresi; Gayraud; Irwin; Martin; Scarcia Amoretti.
Subjects: Religion/Scholarship
93. Bellosta, Hélène//Gril, Denis//Lory, Pierre, "Destin de la pensée musulmane médiévale." In États, sociétés et cultures du monde musulman médiéval (Xe-XVe siècle). Tome 3: Problèmes et perspectives de recherche. By Garcin, Jean-Claude////. 195-208. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 2000.
Series: Nouvelle clio: l'histoire et ses problèmes,
Notes: Review see Buresi; Gayraud; Irwin; Martin; Scarcia Amoretti.
Subjects: Scholarship/Religion
94. Nicholson, R. A., "Mysticism." In The Legacy of Islam. edited byArnold, Thomas W.//Guillaume, Alfred.210-238. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1931.
Subjects: Religion
95. Nicholson, R. A., "Il misticismo." In L'eredità dell'Islam. Edited by Arnold, Thomas W.//Guillaume, Alfred. translated byMarzano, Raffaele//Marzoli, Ornella.221-250. Milano: Casa editrice Dottor Francesco Vallardi, 1962.
Notes: Translation of the author's "Mysticism," in The Legacy of Islam..
Subjects: Religion
96. Frenkel, Yehoshua, "Is there an Islamic Space? Urban and Social Issues, as Reflected in the Qadi (Cadi) Courts of Egypt and Syria (13th-16th Centuries)." In Towns and Material Culture in the Medieval Middle East. Edited by Lev, Yaacov. 103-117. Leiden: Brill, 2002.
Series: The Medieval Mediterranean: Peoples, Economies and Cultures, 400-1453, 39
Notes: Review see Lindsay.
Subjects: Religion/Economics/Social relations
97. Geoffroy, Éric, "Attitudes contrastées des mystiques musulmans face au miracle." In Miracle et karāma: Hagiographies médiévales comparées 2. edited byAigle, Denise.301-316. Turnhout: Brepols, 2000.
Series: Bibliothèque de l'École des Hautes Études, sciences religieuses, 109
Notes: Review see Ashtiany; Dorival; Melchert.
Subjects: Religion
98. Mayeur-Jaouen, Catherine, "Miracles des saints musulmans et règne animal." In Miracle et karāma: Hagiographies médiévales comparées 2. edited byAigle, Denise.577-606. Turnhout: Brepols, 2000.
Series: Bibliothèque de l'École des Hautes Études, sciences religieuses, 109
Notes: Review see Ashtiany; Dorival; Melchert.
Subjects: Religion
99. Mayeur-Jaouen, Catherine, "L'animal exemplaire dans les récits de miracles en Islam." In L'animal exemplaire au Moyen Âge (Ve-XVe siècle). edited byBerlioz, Jacques//Polo de Beaulieu, Marie Anne.81-95. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 1999.
Series: Collection "Histoire",
Subjects: Religion/Culture
100. Mancini, Ignazio, "Cenni storici sulla Custodia di Terra Santa." In La custodia di Terra Santa e l'Europa: i rapporti politici e l'attività culturale dei Francescani in Medio Oriente. edited byPiccirillo, Michele.15-26. Rome: Il Veltro editrice, 1983.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Religion/Places--Palestine



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