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1. Anonymous. Treasure Trove of Benefits and Variety at the Table: A Fourteenth-Century Egyptian Cookbook. Translator Nasrallah, Nawal. 704. Leiden: Brill, 2018.
Series: Islamic history and civilization. Studies and texts, 0929-2403, 148
Notes: Review see Armanios; Öhrnberg; Yungman
Uniform Title: Kanz al-Fawāʾid fī Tanwīʿ al-Mawāʾid
Subjects: Culture--Food
2. Anonymous. Scents and Flavors: A Syrian Cookbook. Translated and edited by Charles Perry. Pp. vii + 352. New York: New York University Press, 2017.
Notes: Review see Yungman
Uniform Title: Kitāb al-wuṣlah ilá al-ḥabīb fī waṣf al-ṭayyibāt wa-al-ṭīb
Subjects: Culture--Food



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