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1. Sauvaget, Jean. "Mosquée et forteresse d'époque arabe. " Cantineau, Jean. In Inventaire des inscriptions de Palmyre. Fascicule IX: Le sanctuaire de Bêl. 50-70. Beirut: Imprimerie catholique, 1933.
Series: Publications du Musée national syrien de Damas, 1
Notes: Inscriptions nos. 59-60 on pp. 66-70 are dated 1300-1301 and 1463 respectively.
Subjects: Inscriptions--Tadmur
2. al-Bunnī, ʿAdnān. "al-Kitābāt al-ʿArabīyah al-Islāmīyah fī Maʿbad fī Tadmur. " al-ʿUṣūr 4, 1 (1989): 115-129.
Notes: Inscription dated 868 H [1463 AD] on pp.120-122. Translation of two articles by Jean Sauvaget.
Subjects: Inscriptions--Tadmur



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