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51. Rice, D. S.. "Une inscription mamlouke sur un dessin italien du quinzième siècle." Bulletin de l'Institut égyptien 22, (1939-1940): 123-131.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Foreign relations
52. al-Rīḥāwī, ʿAbd al-Qādir. "Découverte de deux inscriptions arabes." al-Ḥawlīyāt al-Atharīyah al-Sūrīyah/Les Annales archéologiques de Syrie 11-12, (1961-1962): 207-211.
Notes: Partially reprinted in Ibn al-Shāṭir: Falakī ʿArabī min al-Qarn al-Thāmin al-Hijrī/al-Rābiʿ ʿAshar Milādī, edited by Edward S. Kennedy and ʿImād Ghānim.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Individuals--Ibn al-Shatir/Scholarship
53. Sauvaget, Jean. "Caravansérails syriens du Moyen-Âge, II: Caravansérails mamelouks." Ars Islamica 7, 1 (1940): 1-19.
Notes: Reprinted in Studies by Jean Sauvaget on the Historical Geography and Topography of Syria.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Syria/Epigraphy
54. Sauvaget, Jean. "Décrets mamelouks de Syrie." Bulletin d'études orientales 2; 3; 12, (1932; 1933; 1947-1948): 1-52; 1-29; 5-60.
Notes: Partially reprinted in Mémorial Jean Sauvaget, vol. 1, 93-99, (Damascus: Institut français de Damas, 1954).
Subjects: Epigraphy/Places--Syria
55. Sauvaget, Jean. "Notes sur quelques inscriptions arabes de Baalbekk et de Tripoli." Bulletin du Musée de Beyrouth 7, (1944-1945): 7-11.
Subjects: Epigraphy
56. Shboul, Ahmad M. H.. "On the Later Inscription in Qasr Burquʿ." Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 20, (1975): 95-98.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Places--Levant, Southern
57. Sobernheim, Moritz. "Die arabischen Inschriften von Aleppo." Der Islam 15, (1926): 161-210.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Places--Aleppo
58. Sobernheim, Moritz. "Die Inschriften der Zitadelle von Damaskus." Der Islam 12, (1922): 1-28.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Places--Damascus
59. Sourdel-Thomine, Janine. "Deux décrets mamelouks de Marqab." Bulletin d'études orientales 14, (1952-1954): 61-64.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Places--Marqab
60. Sourdel-Thomine, Janine. "Inscriptions arabes de Karak Nuḥ." Bulletin d'études orientales 13, (1949-1951): 71-84.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Places--Lebanon
61. Sourdel-Thomine, Janine//Sourdel, Dominique. "Notes d'épigraphie et de topographie sur la Syrie du Nord." al-Ḥawlīyāt al-Atharīyah al-Sūrīyah/Les annales archéologiques de Syrie 3, (1953): 81-105.
Subjects: Epigraphy
62. Tamari, Shemuel. "[in Hebrew]." Shenaton - Muzeʾon ha-arets / Yearbook - Museum Haaretz (Tel Aviv) 15-16, (1972-1973 [published in 1974]): 67-71.
Notes: Additional title: "Darb al-Hadjdj in Sinai: The Inscription from Ras el-Naqb." English summary on p. 99.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Places--Sinai/Religion/Individuals--Hasan b. Muhammad
63. Tamari, Shemuel. "An Inscription of Qānṣūḥ al-Gūrī from ʿAqabat al-ʿUrqūb." Rendiconti della Reale Accademia dei Lincei: Classe di scienze morali, storiche e filologiche (5th ser.) 26, (1971): 173-187.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Places--Sinai/Individuals--Qansuh al-Ghawri
64. Wiet, Gaston. "Décrets mamlouks d'Égypte." Eretz-Israel 7, (1964): 128-143, pls. XLIV-XLVIII.
Notes: Volume title: L. A. Mayer Memorial Volume, edited by M. Avi-Yonah, et al.
Subjects: Administration/Historiography/Epigraphy
65. Wiet, Gaston. "Une inscription de Malik Ẓāhir Gāzī à Latakieh." Bulletin de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale 30, (1931): 273-292.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Places--Syria
66. Wiet, Gaston. "Une inscription du Sultan Djaḳmaḳ." Bulletin de l'Institut d'Égypte 21, (1939): 79-88.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Individuals--Jaqmaq
67. Wiet, Gaston. "Inscriptions mobilières de l'Égypte musulmane." Journal asiatique 246, (1958): 237-285.
Subjects: Arts/Epigraphy
68. Wiet, Gaston. "Notes d'épigraphie syro-musulmane, pt. I: Inscriptions du Ḥaram d'Hébron." Syria 5, (1924): 216-253.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Places--Hebron
69. Wiet, Gaston. "Notes d'épigraphie syro-musulmane, pt. II: Les inscriptions de Balbek." Syria 6, (1925): 150-173.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Places--Ba'labakk
70. Wiet, Gaston. "Notes d'épigraphie syro-musulmane, pt. III: Inscriptions de la Citadelle de Damas." Syria 7, (1926): 46-66, 152-177.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Places--Damascus
71. Tritton, A. S.. "Three Inscriptions from Jerusalem." Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 20, (1957): 537-539.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Places--Jerusalem
72. Kareem, Jumʿa Mahmoud H.. "A Newly Discovered Tombstone from North Shuneh, Jordan." Palestine Exploration Quarterly 128, (1996): 125-130.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Places--Jordan
73. Haggagi, Ibrahim Mohamed. "Graffites arabes de Bagawât." Annales islamologiques/Ḥawlīyāt Islāmīyah 14, (1978): 271-287.
Subjects: Epigraphy
74. Sourdel-Thomine, Janine. "Clefs et serrures de la Kaʿba: Notes d'épigraphie arabe." Revue des études islamiques 39, (1971): 29-86.
Subjects: Arts/Epigraphy
75. Muḥammad, Ḥajjājī Ibrāhīm. "Naqsh Ḥajarī li-Ḥazmān al-Abūbakrī." al-Tārīkh wa-al-Mustaqbal, Jāmiʿat Qanāt al-Suways (n.s.) 1, (1990): 243-257.
Notes: English summary, p.253-254; Italian summary, p.255-257.
Subjects: Epigraphy
76. Kay, Henry C.. "Arabic Inscriptions in Egypt." Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (1896): 137-148.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Places--Cairo
77. al-Maʿānī, Sulṭān//Karīm, Jumʿah Maḥmūd. "Aḍwāʾ ʿalá Ḥukm al-Sulṭān al-Nāṣir Muḥammad wa-Nāʾibih Bahādur al-Badrī fī Niyābat al-Karak wa-al-Shawbak (Dirāsah Taḥlīlīyah Naṣṣīyah li-Aḥad al-Nuqūsh al-ʿArabīyah al-Islāmīyah)." Abḥāth al-Yarmūk: Silsilat al-ʿUlūm al-Insānīyah wa-al-Ijtimāʿīyah 18, 2A (2002): 341-360.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Individuals--Muhammad b. Qalawun
78. Clermont-Ganneau, Charles. "Notes d'épigraphie et d'histoire arabes." Journal of the American Oriental Society (8th ser.) 10; 12, (1887; 1888): 496-527; 305-310.
Notes: At pp. 509-527 and 305-310, an inscription by Baybars.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Individuals--Baybars
79. Giron, Noël. "Notes épigraphiques." Journal of the American Oriental Society (11th ser.) 19, (January-March 1922): 63-93.
Notes: Inscription 10.D by Baybars in Qārā on the road to Ḥimṣ. 10.E is on a mosque in a village near Damascus.
Subjects: Epigraphy
80. Amitai, Reuven. "An Arabic Inscription at al-Ṣubayba (Qalʿat Namrūd) from the Reign of Sultan Baybars." ʿAtiqot ():
Subjects: Individuals--Baybars/Epigraphy
81. Amitai, Reuven. "Namrud Fortress -- Arabic Inscription of the Mamluk Period." Excavations and Surveys in Israel 16, (1997): 3-5.
Subjects: Epigraphy
82. Amitai, Reuven. "Mivtsar Namrud -- ketovet ʿArvit meha-teḳufah ha-Mamlukit." Ḥadashot Arkheologiyot 104, (1995): 3-4.
Subjects: Epigraphy
83. Tamari, Shemuel. "L'iscrizione di ʿAqabat al-ʿUrqūb nel Sinai e Naʿūm Shuqeir." Annali dell'Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli 35 (n.s. 25), 2 (1975): 274-276.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Places--Sinai/Individuals--Qansuh al-Ghawri
84. al-Bunnī, ʿAdnān. "al-Kitābāt al-ʿArabīyah al-Islāmīyah fī Maʿbad fī Tadmur." al-ʿUṣūr 4, 1 (1989): 115-129.
Notes: Inscription dated 868 H [1463 AD] on pp. 120-122. Translation of two articles by Jean Sauvaget.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Places--Tadmur
85. Mayer, L. A.. "Two Arabic Inscriptions from Ramla." ʿAtiqot 2, (1959): 116-117, pl. XVI.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Places--Ramlah
86. Herzfeld, Ernst. "Damascus: Studies in Architecture--II." Ars Islamica 10, (1943): 13-70, figs. 30-86.
Notes: Review see al-Ḥasanī.
Subjects: Architecture/Epigraphy/Places--Damascus
87. Herzfeld, Ernst. "Damascus: Studies in Architecture--III." Ars Islamica 11-12, (1946): 1-71, figs. 88-149.
Subjects: Architecture/Epigraphy/Places--Damascus
88. Rabino, Hyacinth Louis. "Le Monastère de Sainte-Catherine (Mont-Sinaï). Souvenirs épigraphiques des anciens pèlerins." Bulletin de la Société royale de géographie d'Égypte 19, (1937): 21-126.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Foreign relations/Places--St. Catherine's
89. Moritz, Bernhard. "Sur les antiquités arabes du Sinaï." Bulletin de l'Institut égyptien (5th ser.) 4, (1910): 87-101.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Individuals--Qansuh al-Ghawri/Places--Ajrud
90. Bahgat, Aly. "Un decret du Sultan Khochqadam." Bulletin de l'Institut égyptien (5th ser.) 5, (1911): 30-35.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Places--Asyut/Individuals--Khushqadam
91. Ory, Solange. "L'épigraphie arabe aujourd'hui." Quaderni di studi arabi 16, (1998): 5-22.
Subjects: Epigraphy
92. Kalus, Ludvik//Soudan, Frédérique. "Aperçu d'épigraphie islamique du Moyen Âge: présentation du projet Thesaurus d'épigraphie islamique." Quaderni di studi arabi 16, (1998): 23-44.
Subjects: Epigraphy
93. Imbert, Frédéric. "Inscriptions et graffiti arabes de Jordanie: quelques réflexions sur l'établissement d'un récent corpus." Quaderni di studi arabi 16, (1998): 45-58.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Places--Jordan
94. Ibrāhīm, Jamāl ʿAbd al-Raḥīm. "Namādij [sic] min al-Kitābāt al-Atharīyah Tulqī al-Ḍawʾ ʿalá Mujtamaʿ Miṣr al-Islāmīyah ḥattá Nihāyat al-ʿAṣr al-Mamlūkī." Majallat Kullīyat al-Āthār, Jāmiʿat al-Qāhirah 9, (1998): 427-461.
Subjects: Arts/Epigraphy
95. Coquin, René-Georges. "Les inscriptions pariétales des monastères d'Esna: Dayr al-Šuhadāʾ - Dayr al-Faḫūrī." Bulletin de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale 75, (1975): 241-284, pls. XL-L.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Religion
96. Meinardus, Otto. "The Mediaeval Graffiti in the Monasteries of SS. Antony and Paul." Studia orientalia christiana. Collectanea 11, (1966): 513-527, pl. XXXI-XXXVI.
Subjects: Epigraphy
97. Ronzevalle, S.. "Qirāʾat baʿḍ al-Kitābāt al-Sharqīyah wa-Tafsīruhā." al-Mashriq 3, 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 16, 18 (1900): 32-39, 157-165, 258-267, 323-324, 419-423, 514-522, 737-742, 828-832.
Notes: Author name given as S. Ranzivāl. Inscriptions on pp. 34-38 and 520-522 are from the Mamluk period.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Arts
98. Sauvaget, Jean. "Glanes épigraphiques." Revue des études islamiques 14, (1941-1946): 17-29.
Subjects: Epigraphy
99. Barāmkī, Dīmitrī. "al-Nuqūsh al-ʿArabīyah fī al-Bādiyah al-Sūrīyah." al-Abḥāth 17, 3 (1964): 317-346.
Notes: Inscriptions no. 77-105 are dated or datable to the 14th century AD.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Places--Syria
100. Ory, Solange. "Les graffiti umayyades de ʿAyn al-Ğarr." Bulletin du Musée de Beyrouth 20, (1967): 97-148, x pls..
Notes: Inscription no. 57, p. 141 is a stone fragment with the date 850 AH.
Subjects: Epigraphy



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