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101. Rogers, J. M.. "Mediaeval Pottery at Apamaea in the 1976 and 1977 Seasons." In Apamée de Syrie: Bilan des recherches archéologiques, 1973-1979: Aspects de l'architecture domestique d'Apamée, Actes du Colloque Apamée de Syrie, Edited by Balty, Janine, 261-287. Brussels, 29-31 May 1980. Brussels: Centre belge de recherches archéologiques à Apamée de Syrie/Belgisch Centrum voor Archeologische Opzoekingen te Apamea in Syrië, 1984.
Series: Fouilles d'Apamée de Syrie, Miscellanea, fasc. 13
Subjects: Excavations/Places--Syria
102. Rogers, J. M.. "Apamaea, The Mediaeval Pottery: Preliminary Report." In Apamée de Syrie: Bilan des recherches archéologiques, 1969-1971, Actes du Colloque Apamée de Syrie, Edited by Balty, Janine//Balty, Jean Ch., 253-272. Brussels, 15-18 April 1972. Brussels: Centre belge de recherches archéologiques a Apamée de Syrie/Belgisch Centrum voor Archeologische Opzoekingen te Apamea in Syrië, 1972.
Series: Fouilles d'Apamée de Syrie, Miscellanea, fasc. 7
Subjects: Excavations/Places--Syria
103. Björkman, Walther. Review of La Syrie à l'époque des Mamelouks d'après les auteurs arabes. Der Islam 15, (1926): 100-102.
Subjects: General Works/Places--Syria
104. al-Ḥajjī, Ḥayāt Nāṣir. Review of Baldat Jablah ʿalá al-Sāḥil al-Sūrī: Tārīkhuhā wa-Waṣfuhā fī al-Waqt al-Ḥāḍir, by Tsugitaka Sato. al-Majallah al-ʿArabīyah lil-ʿUlūm al-Insānīyah 9, no. 33 (1989): 252-259.
Subjects: Places--Syria
105. Kalus, Ludvik. Review of Arabische Inschriften aus Syrien, by Heinz Gaube. Der Islam 59, (1982): 143-144.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Places--Syria
106. Swartz, Merlin L.. Review of The Islamic City: A Colloquium, edited by Albert H. Hourani and S. M. Stern. Journal of the American Oriental Society 93, (1973): 237-238.
Subjects: Social relations/Places--Syria
107. Bosworth, Clifford Edmund. Review of Arabische Inschriften aus Syrien, by Heinz Gaube. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 44, (1981): 369-370.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Places--Syria
108. Chevedden, Paul E.. Review of Arabische Inschriften aus Syrien, by Heinz Gaube. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 45, (1986): 161-164.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Places--Syria
109. Voigt, Rainer M.. Review of Arabische Inschriften aus Syrien, by Heinz Gaube. Die Welt des Orients 14, (1983): 286.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Places--Syria
110. Cahen, Claude. Review of Arabische Inschriften aus Syrien, by Heinz Gaube. Arabica 27, (1980): 338.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Places--Syria
111. Guest, Arthur Rhuvon. Review of La Syrie à l'époque des mameloukes d'après les auteurs arabes, by Maurice Gaudefroy-Demombynes. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (1925): 160-161.
Subjects: General works/Places--Syria/Individuals--Qalqashandi
112. Hunter, Erica C. D.. Review of Monuments of Syria: An Historical Guide, by Ross Burns. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 24, 2 (1997): 316-317.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Syria
113. Macdonald, M. C. A.. Review of Monuments of Syria: An Historical Guide, by Ross Burns. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 57, 2 (1994): 375-376.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Syria
114. Anonymous. Review of Monuments of Syria: An Historical Guide, by Ross Burns. Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 6, 2 (1995): 299-300.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Syria
115. Donner, Fred M.. Review of Monuments of Syria: An Historical Guide, by Ross Burns. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 54, 3 (1995): 231-232.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Syria
116. Hillenbrand, Carole. Review of Monuments of Syria: An Historical Guide, by Ross Burns. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (3rd ser.) 6, 1 (1996): 95-96.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Syria
117. Sebold, Mary N.. Review of Monuments of Syria: An Historical Guide, by Ross Burns. The Middle East Journal 48, 2 (1994): 365-366.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Syria
118. Tabbaa, Yasser. Review of Monuments of Syria: An Historical Guide, by Ross Burns. Middle East Studies Association Bulletin 28, 1 (1994): 125-126.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Syria
119. Kirwan, Paul. Review of Monuments of Syria: An Historical Guide, by Ross Burns. Reference Reviews 9, 4 (1995): 46.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Syria
120. Beckingham, C. F.. Review of Urban Life in Syria under the Early Mamluks, by N. A. Ziadeh. Journal of Semitic Studies 1, 3 (1956): 299-300.
Subjects: Social relations/Places--Syria
121. Little, Donald P.. Review of Early Mamluk Syrian Historiography: Al-Yunīnī's Dhayl Mirʾāt al-Zamān, edited and translated by Li Guo. Mamlūk Studies Review 4, (2000): 247-250.
Subjects: Historiography/Individuals--Yunini, Qutb al-Din Musa/Places--Syria/Scholarship
122. Cahen, Claude. Review of The Islamic City: A Colloquium, edited by A. H. Hourani and S. M. Stern. Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 14, 1 (1971): 78-80.
Subjects: Social relations/Places--Syria
123. Winter, Stefan H.. Review of Tārīkh ʿArab al-Shām fī al-ʿAṣr al-Mamlūkī, by Maḥmūd al-Sayyid. Mamlūk Studies Review 3, (1999): 240-242.
Subjects: Social relations/Places--Syria
124. Nielsen, Jørgen S.. Review of Early Mamluk Syrian Historiography: Al-Yunīnī's Dhayl Mirʾāt al-Zamān, edited and translated by Li Guo. Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 9, 3 (1998): 376.
Subjects: Historiography/Places--Syria/Scholarship/Individuals--Yunini, Qutb al-Din Musa
125. Mouton, Jean-Michel. Review of Early Mamluk Syrian Historiography: Al-Yunīnī's Dhayl Mirʾāt al-Zamān, edited and translated by Li Guo. Studia Islamica 90, (2000): 208-210.
Subjects: Historiography/Places--Syria/Scholarship/Individuals--Yunini, Qutb al-Din Musa
126. Watson, Andrew M.. Review of Peuplement rural et aménagements hydroagricoles dans la moyenne vallée de l'Euphrate, fin VIIe-XIXe siècle, edited by Sophie Berthier. Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 46, 4 (2003): 543-546.
Subjects: Economics/Places--Syria/Excavations
127. Eddé, Anne-Marie. Review of Early Mamluk Syrian Historiography: Al-Yunīnī's Dhayl Mirʾāt al-Zamān, edited and translated by Li Guo. Bulletin critique des Annales islamologiques 17, (2001): 187-189.
Subjects: Historiography/Places--Syria/Scholarship/Individuals--Yunini, Qutb al-Din Musa
128. Hardy-Guilbert, Claire. Review of Peuplement rural et aménagements hydroagricoles dans la moyenne vallée de l'Euphrate, fin VIIe-XIXe siècle, edited by Sophie Berthier. Bulletin critique des Annales islamologiques 19, (2003): 107-109.
Subjects: Economics/Places--Syria/Excavations
129. Petry, Carl F.. Review of Early Mamluk Syrian Historiography: Al-Yunīnī's Dhayl Mirʾāt al-Zamān, edited and translated by Li Guo. Journal of the American Oriental Society 120, 1 (2000): 117-118.
Subjects: Historiography/Places--Syria/Scholarship/Individuals--Yunini, Qutb al-Din Musa
130. ʿAshrī, ʿUthmān ʿAbd al-Ḥamīd Muḥammad. "al-Ismāʿīlīyūn fī Bilād al-Shām ʿalá ʿAṣr al-Ḥurūb al-Ṣalībīyah." Ph.D. diss., Cairo University, 1975.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Syria
131. Guo, Li. "The Middle Baḥrī Mamlūks in Medieval Syrian Historiography: The Years 1297-1302 in the Dhayl Mirʾāt al-Zamān Attributed to Quṭb al-Dīn Mūsá al-Yūnīnī." Ph.D. diss., Yale University, 1994.
Subjects: Historiography/Places--Syria/Individuals--Yunini, Qutb al-Din Musa
132. Ḥasanayn, Muzammil Muḥammad. "Niyābāt al-Shām fī ʿAhd Dawlat al-Mamālīk al-Ūlá." Master's thesis, Cairo University, 1953.
Subjects: Politics/Places--Syria
133. al-Ḥuwayrī, Maḥmūd Muḥammad ʿAlī. "al-Awḍāʿ al-Ḥaḍārīyah fī Bilād al-Shām fī al-Qarnayn al-Thānī ʿAshar wa-al-Thālith ʿAshar." Ph.D. diss., Cairo University, 1978.
Subjects: Culture/Places--Syria
134. Guérin, Alexandrine. "Terroirs, territoire et peuplement en Syrie méridionale à la période islamique (VIIe siècle-XVIe siècle). Étude de cas: le village de Msayké et la région du Lağā." 3 vols.. Université Lumière Lyon 2, 1998.
Subjects: Excavations/Economics/Places--Syria
135. Vigouroux, Élodie. "Occupation mamelouke d'un château croisé: le front sud du Crac des Chevaliers." Master's thesis, Université de Rennes 2, 2002.
Subjects: Architecture/Military/Places--Syria
136. Antrim, Zayde G. "Place and Belonging in Medieval Syria, 6th/12th to 8th/14th Centuries." vi, 381 pp.. Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard University, 2005.
Subjects: Scholarship/Places--Syria
137. Tonghini, Cristina. "Recent Excavation at Qalʿat Jaʿbar: New Data for Classifying Syrian Fritware." In Continuity and Change in Northern Mesopotamia from the Hellenistic to the Early Islamic Period, Proceedings of a Colloquium Held at the Seminar für Vorderasiatische Altertumskunde, Freie Universität Berlin, Edited by Bartl, Karin//Hauser, Stefan R., 287-300. Berlin, 6-9 April 1994. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag, 1996.
Series: Berliner Beiträge zum Vorderen Orient, 17
Subjects: Excavations/Places--Syria
138. Genequand, Denis. "From 'Desert Castle' to Medieval Town: Qasr al-Hayr al-Sharqi (Syria)." Antiquity 79, 304 (2005): 350-361.
Subjects: Excavations/Places--Syria
139. Meri, Josef W.. Review of Tārīkh Bilād al-Shām fī ʿAṣr al-Mamālīk 648-923 H/1250-1517 M, by Iḥsān ʿAbbās. Mamlūk Studies Review 8, 2 (2004): 211-213.
Subjects: General works/Places--Syria
140. Amitai, Reuven. Review of Muslim Military Architecture in Greater Syria: From the Coming of Islam to the Ottoman Period, edited by Hugh Kennedy. Mamlūk Studies Review 12, 1 (2008): 220-227.
Subjects: Architecture/Military/Excavations/Places--Syria
141. Hanisch, Hanspeter, "Traditionen und Entwicklungen im Wehrbau in „Bilād al-Shām“ im 11., 12. und 13. Jahrhundert." In Continuity and Change in the Realms of Islam: Studies in Honour of Professor Urbain Vermeulen. Edited by D'Hulster, Kristof//Van Steenbergen, Jo. 311-346. Leuven: Uitgeverij Peeters en Departement Oosterse Studies, 2008.
Series: Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 171
Subjects: Architecture/Military/Places--Syria
142. Maḥāmīd, Ḥātim. "Mosques as Higher Educational Institutions in Mamluk Syria." Journal of Islamic Studies 20, 2 (2009): 188-212.
Notes: See online:
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Syria/Social relations
143. Raphael, Kate, Muslim fortresses in the Levant: between Crusaders and Mongols. 265 pp. London: Routledge, 2011.
Subjects: Archeology/Excavations/Places--Syria/Places--Palestine
144. Mukahalah, Noha Muhammad Hussein. "al-Zirāʿah fī Bilād al-Shām fī al-ʿAṣr al-Mamlūkī." 1992.
Notes: Unpublished M.A. thesis, Yarmouk University
Subjects: Places--Syria
145. Cytryn-Silverman, Katia, The Road Inns (khāns) in Bilād al-Shām. 1. 290 p.. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2010.
Series: BAR international series, 2130
Subjects: Excavations/Architecture/Places--Syria
146. Constable, Olivia Remie. Review of "The Road Inns (Khāns) in Bilād al-Shām" by Katia Cytryn-Silverman. Mamlūk Studies Review 16, (2012): 165-167.
Notes: Online at:
Subjects: Architecture/Excavations/Places--Syria
147. Talmon-Heller, Daniella. "Graves, Relics, and Sanctuaries: The Evolution of Syrian Sacred Topography (5-11th-7/13th centuries)." ARAM 19, (2007): 601-620.
Subjects: Places--Syria/Architecture/Historiography/Religion
148. Mulder, Stephennie, The shrines of the ʿAlids in medieval Syria : Sunnis, Shiʿis and the architecture of coexistence. 1. 297 pp.. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2014.
Series: Edinburgh Studies in Islamic Art,
Notes: Review see Antrim
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Syria
149. Garcin, Jean-Claude. Review of Le Bilād al–Šām face aux mondes extérieurs. La perception de l’Autre et la représentation du souverain edited by Denise Aigle. Bulletin critique des annales islamologiques 28, (2013): 52-54.
Subjects: Historiography/Places--Syria
150. Amitai, Reuven, "The Early Mamlūks and the End of the Crusader Presence in Syria (1250-1291)." In The Crusader World. 1. Edited by Boas, Adrian. 324–345. New York: Routledge, 2016.
Series: The Routledge Worlds,
Subjects: Places--Syria/General works/Politics



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