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101. Abū al-Dahab, Rāndā. "Filasṭīn fī al-ʿAṣr al-Mamlūkī." Ṣāmid al-Iqtiṣādī 25, 133-134 (2003): 118-138.
Subjects: General works/Places--Palestine
102. Grabois, Aryeh. "Min 'hage'ografiyah ha-ḳedoshah' le-'ketivat Erets-Yisra'el': Temurot be-te'oryah shel Erets-Yisra'el ʿal-yaday tsalyanim be-me'ah ha-yod-gimel." Cathedra / Ḳatedrah 31, (1984): 43-66.
Notes: Additional title: "From 'Holy Geography' to 'Palestinography': Changes in the Descriptions of Thirteenth Century Pilgrims."
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Palestine
103. Frenkel, Yehoshua. "ʿInyane Erets-Yisra'el be-sefer masaʿ magrebi, al-Rikhlah al-magrebiyah shel al-ʿAbdari." Cathedra / Ḳatedrah 31, (1984): 67-74.
Notes: Additional title: "References to Palestine in al-Maghrabiya, by al-Abdery."
Subjects: Individuals--Abdari/Places--Palestine
104. Grabois, Aryeh. "Ziḳah ve-zarot be-yaḥasam shel ha-tsalyanim le-Erets-Yisra'el be-teḳufot masʿe-ha-tselav." Cathedra / Ḳatedrah 41, (1986): 38-54.
Notes: Additional title: "Attachment and Alienation of the Pilgrims to the Holy Land during the Period of the Crusades."
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Palestine
105. Friedman, Yvonne. "Tsalyanim be-tsilam shel tsalvanim -- ha-im khol mifneh be-te'ory Erets-Yisra'el beyn ha-me'ah ha-yod-vav ve-ha-yod-gimel." Cathedra / Ḳatedrah 41, (1986): 55-64.
Notes: Additional title: "Pilgrims and Crusaders: Was There a Change in the Genre of Itineraria in the 13th Century?"
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Palestine
106. Prawer, Jehoshua. "Te'ory masʿe ʿIvrim be-Erets-Yisra'el be-teḳufah ha-tsalvanit be. ha-me'ah ha-yod-gimel." Cathedra / Ḳatedrah 41, (1986): 65-90.
Notes: Additional title: "The Hebrew Itineraries of the Crusader Period."
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Palestine
107. Petzholdt, Julius. "Verzeichniss einer Sammlung von Reisen in's Heilige Land." Neuer Anzeiger für Bibliographie und Bibliothekwissenschaft (1861): 273-292, 337-342.
Notes: Aus der Prinzl. Secundogenitur-Bibliothek zu Dresden.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Palestine
108. Lemcke, Paul. "Graf Heinrich des Aeltern zu Stolberg Meerfahrt nach Jerusalem und in's gelobte Land. 1461." Zeitschrift des Harz-Vereins für Geschichte und Alterthumskunde 13, (1880): 484-488.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Palestine
109. Tobler, Titus. "Zu Graf Heinrichs Meerfahrt." Zeitschrift des Harz-Vereins für Geschichte und Alterthumskunde 2, 1 (1869): 161-162.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Palestine
110. Becker, Emil. "Die Pilgerfahrt des Grafen Johann V. von Nassau-Dillenburg nach dem heiligen Lande 1484/5." Hessisches Jahrbuch für Landesgeschichte 2, (1952): 58-78.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Palestine/Individuals--Johann V. von Nassau-Dillenburg
111. Hacker, J.. "Immigration des juifs d'Espagne en Palestine et leurs rapports avec la Palestine de 1391-1492 [in Hebrew]." Shalem 1, (1974): 105-156.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Palestine
112. Dinur, B.. "Tenuʿot ʿaliyah me-Sefarad le-Erets Yisra'el aḥare gezirot ḳof nun alef." Tsiyon / Zion 32, 2 (1967): 161-174.
Notes: Additional title: "The Emigration from Spain to Eretz Yisrael after the Disorders of 1391." English summary on pp. ii-iii.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Palestine
113. Kedar, Benjamin Z.. "Le-toldot ha-yishuv ha-Yehudi be-Erets-Yisra'el bi-Yeme-ha-benayim." Tarbiz 42, (1972-1973): 401-418.
Notes: Additional title: "Notes on the History of the Jews of Palestine in the Middle Ages." English summary on pp. viii-ix.
Subjects: Places--Palestine/Social relations/Foreign relations
114. Lattes, M.. "Di un divieto fatto dalla Republica Veneta ai pellegrini ebrei di Palestina." Archivio veneto 5, 1 (1873): 98-100.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Palestine
115. Graetz, H.. "Verbot der Auswanderung der Juden aus Europa nach Palästina." Monatsschrift für Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judenthums 22, (1873): 282-284.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Palestine
116. Braslawski, Joseph. "Le-ʿaliyah ha-Ashkenazit be-E-Y be-me'ah ha-ṭet-vav." Tsiyon / Zion 2, (1937): 56-69.
Notes: Additional title: "On the Immigration of German Jews to Palestine in the 15th Century."
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Palestine
117. Schulwass, M.//Levin, L.. "Le-ʿaliyah ha-Ashkenazit be-E-Y be-me'ah ha-ṭet-vav." Tsiyon / Zion 3, 1 (1938): 86-88.
Notes: Additional title: "On the Immigration of German Jews to Palestine in the 15th Century." English summary on p. vi. Two comments on an article with same title by Joseph Braslawski which appeared in Tsiyon / Zion 2 (1937).
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Palestine
118. Borsook, Eve. "The Travels of Bernardo Michelozzi and Bonsignore Bonsignori in the Levant (1497-98)." Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 36, (1973): 145-197.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Palestine/Individuals--Bernardo Michelozzi/Individuals--Bonsignore Bonsignori
119. Golubovich, Girolamo. "Note bio-bibliografiche su fr. Antonio di Atri, poeta abruzzese e missionario francescano in Terra Santa 1500-1504." Studi francescani 19 (n.s. 8), 1 (1922): 3-17.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Palestine/Individuals--Antonio di Atri
120. Figliuolo, Bruno. "New Evidence Relating to the Condition of Christians in the Holy Land towards the Middle of the Fifteenth Century." Mediterranean Historical Review 5, 1 (1990): 62-71.
Notes: Translated by Alex Borg.
Subjects: Historiography/Places--Palestine/Foreign relations
121. Röhricht, Reinhold. "Syria sacra." Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palaestina-Vereins 10, (1887): 1-48.
Subjects: Religion/Foreign relations/Places--Syria/Places--Palestine
122. Matthews, Charles D.. "A Muslim Iconoclast (Ibn Taymīyyeh) on the ʿMeritsʾ of Jerusalem and Palestine." Journal of the American Oriental Society 56, (1936): 1-21.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn Taymiyah/Places--Jerusalem/Places--Palestine
123. Menn, Walter. "Die Pilgerreise des Philipp von Bicken zum Heiligen Lande im Jahre 1483." Siegerland: Blätter des Vereins für Heimatkunde und Heimatschutz im Siegerlande samt Nachbargebieten 8, 4 (1926): 19-20.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Palestine/Individuals--Philipp von Bicken
124. Herrmann, F.. "[Die Palästinafahrt des Mainzer Marschalls Hutten-Stolzenberg (1515)]." Quartalblätter (Historischer Verein für Hessen) (n.s.) 5, (1915): 244 ff..
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Palestine
125. Otto, Fr.. "Die Pilger nach dem heiligen Lande und die Kreuzfahrer aus dem Gebiete des späteren Herzogtums Nassau." Mitteilungen des Vereins für nassauische Altertumskunde (1902): 22-25.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Palestine
126. Marsy, Alexandre-Charles-Arthur de, comte. "Discours de M. le comte de Marsy." Bulletin de la Société des antiquaires de Normandie 17, (1893-1895): 251-286.
Notes: Published separately as "Les pélerins normands en Palestine (XVe-XVIIe siècles): lecture faite à la séance publique de la Société des antiquaires de Normandie, 13 déc. 1894", at Caen in 1897.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Palestine
127. Sharon, Moshe. "W. Diem's Review of Corpus Inscriptionum Arabicarum Palaestinae." Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 28, (2003): 305-327.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Places--Palestine
128. Diem, Werner. "Corpus Inscriptionum Arabicarum Palaestinae (CIAP) II." Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 28, (2003): 328-376.
Notes: Review of Corpus Inscriptionum Arabicarum Palaestinae, vol. 2, by Moshe Sharon.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Places--Palestine
129. Diem, Werner. "Corpus Inscriptionum Arabicarum Palaestinae (CIAP)." Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 23, (1999): 294-333.
Notes: Review of Corpus Inscriptionum Arabicarum Palaestinae, vol. 1, by Moshe Sharon.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Places--Palestine
130. Dar, Shimon//Mintzker, Johanan. "Qāqūn, Turris Rubea and Montdidier: Three Crusader Sites in ʿEmeq Ḥefer." Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 103, (1987): 192-213, pls. 47-52.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Palestine
131. al-ʿAsalī, Kāmil Jamīl//Mukhliṣ, ʿAbd Allāh. "Sabʿah wa-ʿIshrūn Naqshan min Filasṭīn." Dirāsāt: al-ʿUlūm al-Insānīyah (al-Jāmiʿah al-Urdunīyah) 13, 1 (1986): 165-185.
Notes: English abstract on p. 165. Includes 19 inscriptions from the Mamluk period.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Places--Palestine
132. Davies, J. G.. "A Fourteenth Century Processional for Pilgrims in the Holy Land." Hispania Sacra 41, (1989): 421-429.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Palestine
133. Le Strange, Guy, Bilād-i Filasṭīn o Shām (ʿAhd-i Ḥukūmat-i Islāmī). Translated by Hāshimī Farīdābādī. 5, 738, 60, 12 pp.. Hyderabad: Dār al-Ṭabʿ Jāmiʿah-i ʿUthmānīyah, 1932.
Series: Silsilah-'i Niṣāb-i Taʿlīm-i Jāmiʿah-'i ʿUthmānīyah,
Notes: Translation into Urdu of the author's Palestine under the Moslems: A Description of Syria and the Holy Land from A.D. 650 to 1500.
Subjects: Places--Palestine/Places--Syria
134. Röhricht, Reinhold, Bibliotheca Geographica Palaestinae: Chronologisches Verzeichniss der auf die Geographie des Heiligen Landes bezüglichen Literatur von 333 bis 1878 und Versuch einer Cartographie. xx, 744 pp.. Berlin: H. Reuther's Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1890.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Palestine
135. Dow, Martin, The Islamic Baths of Palestine. xi, 128 pp.. Oxford: The British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem and Oxford University Press, 1996.
Notes: Review see Barrucand; Clark; de Vries; Meloy; Procházka; Simon; Whitcomb.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Palestine
136. Wolf-Crome, Editha, Pilger und Forscher im Heiligen Land: Reiseberichte aus Palästina, Syrien und Mesopotamien vom 11. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert in Briefen und Tagebüchern. xliii, 584 pp.. Giessen: Wilhelm Schmitz Verlag, [1977?].
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Palestine/Places--Syria
137. Marrar, Khaled Mohammad, Maqam An-Nabi Musa - The Shrine of Prophet Moses: A Historical and Archaeological Study. Prepared and translated by Nimr, Abbas//Sami Musallam. 83 pp.. Jericho: The Committee for the Promotion of Tourism in the Governorate of Jericho, 1998.
Subjects: Architecture/Religion/Individuals--Baybars/Places--Palestine
138. Le Strange, Guy, Palestine under the Moslems: A Description of Syria and the Holy Land from A.D. 650 to 1500. xxii, 604 pp.. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1890.
Notes: Reprinted by Khayats, Beirut, in 1965 (Khayats Oriental Reprints 14). Also reprinted by AMS Press, New York, in 1975.
Subjects: Places--Palestine/Places--Syria
139. Sharon, Moshe, Corpus Inscriptionum Arabicarum Palaestinae. 4 vols.. Leiden: Brill, 1997-2007.
Series: Handbuch der Orientalistik. Erste Abteilung, Der Nahe und Mittlere Osten, 30
Notes: Vols. 1-3 plus Addendum. Review see Diem; Malik.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Places--Palestine
140. Guerrini, Edgardo, Venezia e la Palestina. 93 pp.. Venice: A cura del comune di Venezia, 1928.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Palestine
141. Calzolari, Silvio////, Viaggiatori e pellegrini italiani in Terrasanta fra Trecento e Quattrocento. 2 vols.. Florence: Università degli Studi, Facoltà di Magistero, Istituto di Storia, 1974-1975.
Series: Atti del Seminario di storia medievale (Materie letterarie - II),
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Palestine
142. Auletta, Gennaro, Pellegrini e viaggiatori in Terrasanta. 244 pp.. [Bologna]: Cappelli, 1963.
Series: Universale Cappelli. Serie lettere e arti, 82
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Palestine
143. Ilisch, Lutz, Sylloge Numorum Arabicorum. Tübingen. Palästina IVa Bilād aš-Šām I. 51 pp.. Tübingen: Ernst Wasmuth Verlag, 1993.
Notes: Review see Van Laere.
Subjects: Numismatics/Places--Palestine
144. Röhricht, Reinhold, Deutsche Pilgerreisen nach dem heiligen Lande. v, 360 pp.. Innsbruck: Verlag der Wagner'schen Universitäts-Buchhandlung, 1900.
Notes: New edition. Reprinted in Aalen by Scientia-Verlag, 1967.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Palestine
145. Röhricht, Reinhold, Bibliotheca Geographica Palaestinae: Chronologisches Verzeichnis der von 333 bis 1878 verfassten Literatur über das Heilige Lande mit dem Versuch einer Kartographie. Edited by Amiran, David H. K.. xvi, 816 pp.. Jerusalem: The Universitas Booksellers of Jerusalem, 1963.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Palestine
146. Spargel, Johann, 1900 Jahre Pilgerfahrten zum Heiligen Land. Köln: 1931.
Series: Palästina-Hefte des deutschen Vereins vom Heiligen Lande, 2
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Palestine
147. Wasser, Ben, Nederlandse pelgrims naar het heilige land. 168 pp.. Zutphen: Uitgeverij Terra, 1983.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Palestine
148. Gradenwitz, Peter, Das Heilige Land in Augenzeugenberichten: Aus Reiseberichten deutscher Pilger, Kaufleute und Abenteurer vom 10. bis zum 19. Jahrhundert. 265 pp.. München: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1984.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Palestine
149. Petersen, Andrew D., A Gazetteer of Buildings in Muslim Palestine (Part 1). 340 pp.. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.
Series: British Academy Monographs in Archaeology, 12
Notes: Review see Elshayyal; Northedge.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Palestine
150. Eiján, Samuel, El real patronato de los santos lugares en la historia de Tierra Santa. 2 vols.. Madrid: Las Juntas de Relaciones Culturales y del Patronato de la Obra Pía de los Santos Lugares, 1945-1946.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Palestine



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