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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. Lev, Efraim // Chipman, Leigh // Niessen, Friedrich. "A Hospital Handbook for the Community: Evidence for the Extensive use of Ibn Abī 'l-Bayān's Al-Dustūr al-Bīmāristānī by the Jewish practitioners of medieval Cairo." Journal of Semitic Studies 53, 1 (2008): 103-118.
Subjects: Culture/Scholarship--Medicine
2. Northrup, Linda. "Al-Bīmāristān al-Manṣūrī Explorations: The Interface Between Medicine, Politics and Culture in Early Mamluk Egypt." ASK Working Papers 12, (September 2013): 37 p..
Notes: Online at:
Subjects: Politics/Culture/Scholarship--Medicine
3. Chipman, Leigh; Lev, Efraim. "Syrups from the apothecary's shop: a Genizah fragment containing one of the earliest manuscripts of "Minhāj al-dukkān"." Journal of Semitic Studies 51, 1 (2006): 137-168.
Notes: Minhaj al-dukkan is a manual for pharmacists composed in 1260CE
Subjects: Scholarship--Medicine/Literature
4. Lewicka, Paulina, "Medicine for Muslims? Islamic Theologians, Non-Muslim Physicians and the Medical Culture of the Mamluk Near East." In History and Society during the Mamluk Period (1250-1517). 1. Edited by Conermann, Stephan. 83-106. Bonn: Bonn University Press, 2014.
Series: Mamluk Studies, 5
Subjects: Culture/Scholarship--Medicine
5. Leiser, Gary L. "Medical Education in Islamic Lands from the Seventh to the Fourteenth Centuries." Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Scienes 38, (1983): 48-75.
Subjects: Scholarship--Medicine
6. Isoldi, Angela. "Unveiling al-Isfār ʿan ḥukm al-asfār: Structural Analysis of a Fifteenth-Century Medical Manual for Travellers." al-Masāq 34, 1: Approaching Early Medieval Iberian Economy from the ground up (April 2022): 53-73.
Notes: See online:
Subjects: Scholarship--Medicine
7. Fancy, Nahyan. "Post-Avicennan Physics in the Medical Commentaries of the Mamluk Period." Intellectual History of the Islamicate World 6, 1-2 (2018): 55–81.
Notes: See online:
Subjects: Scholarship--Medicine



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