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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. Eddé, Anne-Marie, "Ḳaraṭāy (or Ḳirṭāy) al-ʿIzzī al-Khāzindārī." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam. 2d. 511. Leiden: Brill, 2003.
Subjects: Individuals--Qaratay
2. Cahen, Claude. "Une chronique de Ḳirṭāy et les Francs de Syrie." Journal of the American Oriental Society 229, (1937): 140-145.
Subjects: Historiography/Social relations/Individuals--Qaratay
3. Levi della Vida, Giorgio. "L'invasione dei Tartari in Siria nel 1260 nei ricordi di un testimone oculare." Orientalia (n.s.) 4, (1935): 353-376.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Individuals--Qaratay



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