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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. von Folsach, Kjeld, "Power and Splendor: The Prince and Art before 1500." In Sultan, Shah, and Great Mughal: The History and Culture of the Islamic World. 168-185. Copenhagen: The National Museum, 1996.
Notes: Volume also in Danish: Sultan, Shah og Stormogul: Den Islamiske Verdens Historie og Kultur.
Subjects: Arts
2. von Folsach, Kjeld, "The Art of War." In Sultan, Shah, and Great Mughal: The History and Culture of the Islamic World. 186-203. Copenhagen: The National Museum, 1996.
Notes: Volume also in Danish: Sultan, Shah og Stormogul: Den Islamiske Verdens Historie og Kultur.
Subjects: Arts/Military
3. von Folsach, Kjeld. Review of Islamische Textilkunst des Mittelalters: Aktuelle Probleme. Halı 95, (1997): 113.
Subjects: Arts/Foreign relations



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