The University of Chicago Library
Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. Marrar, Khaled Mohammad, Maqam An-Nabi Musa - The Shrine of Prophet Moses: A Historical and Archaeological Study. Prepared and translated by Nimr, Abbas//Sami Musallam. 83 pp.. Jericho: The Committee for the Promotion of Tourism in the Governorate of Jericho, 1998.
Subjects: Architecture/Religion/Individuals--Baybars/Places--Palestine
2. Marrar, Khaled Mohammad, Maqām al-Nabī Mūsá: Dirāsah Tārīkhīyah wa-Atharīyah wa-Miʿmārīyah. 142 pp.. Nāblus: Manshūrāt Dār al-Fārūq lil-Thaqāfah wa-al-Nashr, 1999.
Series: al-Maqāmāt wa-al-Aḍriḥah fī Filasṭīn, 1
Subjects: Architecture/Religion/Individuals--Baybars/Places--Palestine



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