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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. Lawson, Todd. Review of al-Maqasid: Imam Nawawī's Manual of Islam, translated and edited by Noah Ha Mim Keller. Journal of the American Oriental Society 115, 3 (1995): 485-486.
Subjects: Historiography/Individuals--Nawawi
2. Lawson, Todd. Review of From Arab Poet to Muslim Saint: Ibn al-Fāriḍ, His Verse, and His Shrine, by Th. Emil Homerin. International Journal of Middle East Studies 27, 4 (1995): 532-533.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Farid/Literature/Religion
3. Lawson, Todd. Review of Essays on Islamic Piety and Mysticism, by Fritz Meier. International Journal of Middle East Studies 35, 1 (2003): 147-150.
Subjects: Religion/Individuals--Ibn Taymiyah/Individuals--Suyuti



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