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1. Lapidus, Ira M., "Muslim Urban Society in Mamlūk Syria." In The Islamic City: A Colloquium. Edited by Hourani, Albert H.//Stern, S. M.. 195-205. Oxford: Bruno Cassirer, 1970.
Notes: Review see Cahen; Swartz.
Subjects: Social relations/Places--Syria
2. Lapidus, Ira M., "Cairo." In Dictionary of the Middle Ages. edited byStrayer, Joseph R..13-15. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1983.
Subjects: Places--Cairo
3. Lapidus, Ira M.. "The Grain Economy of Mamluk Egypt." Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 12, (1969): 1-15.
Subjects: Economics
4. Lapidus, Ira M.. "Mamluk Patronage and the Arts in Egypt: Concluding Remarks." Muqarnas: An Annual on Islamic Art and Architecture 2, (1984): 173-181.
Subjects: Arts/Architecture/Social relations
5. Lapidus, Ira M.. "State and Religion in Islamic Societies." Past and Present no. 151, (1996): 3-27.
Subjects: General works
6. Lapidus, Ira M., Mudun al-Shām fī al-ʿAṣr al-Mamlūki. Translated by Suhayl Zakkār. 456 pp.. Damascus: Dār Ḥassān, 1985.
Subjects: General works/Social relations
7. Lapidus, Ira M., Muslim Cities in the Later Middle Ages. xiv, 307 pp.. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1967.
Notes: Published without notes and bibliography: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984. Review see Cahen; Cook; Grabar; Latham; Little; Motzki; Spuler.
Subjects: General works/Social relations
8. Lapidus, Ira M.. "Ayyubid Religious Policy and the Development of Schools of Law in Cairo." In Colloque international sur l'histoire du Caire/al-Nadwah al-Duwalīyah li-Tārīkh al-Qāhirah, Edited by Raymond, André////, 279-286. Cairo, 27 March-5 April 1969. Cairo: Wizārat al-Thaqāfah, n.d..
Subjects: Religion/Scholarship
9. Lapidus, Ira M.. Review of Le Caire, by André Raymond. Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 37, (1994): 191-193.
Subjects: Places--Cairo
10. Lapidus, Ira M.. Review of Itinéraires d'Orient: Hommages à Claude Cahen, edited by Raoul Curiel and Rika Gyselen. Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 39, 2 (1996): 189-190.
Subjects: Economics/Numismatics/Foreign relations/Historiography/Social relations
11. Lapidus, Ira M.. Review of Islamic History: A Framework for Inquiry, by R. Stephen Humphreys. Middle East Studies Association Bulletin 23, 2 (1989): 265-266.
Subjects: Administration/Economics
12. Lapidus, Ira M.. Review of États, sociétés et cultures du monde musulman médiéval, Xe-XVe siècle. Tome 1: L'évolution politique et sociale, by Jean-Claude Garcin et al.. Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 41, 2 (1998): 225-226.
Subjects: General works
13. Lapidus, Ira M.. "The Muslim City in Mamluk Times." 2 vols.. Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard University, 1964.
Subjects: Social relations
14. Lapidus, Ira M., Mudun Islāmīyah fī ʿAhd al-Mamālīk. Translated by Māḍī, ʿAlī. 317 pp.. Beirut: al-Ahlīyah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʿ, 1987.
Notes: Translation of Muslim Cities in the Later Middle Ages.



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