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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. Kawatoko, Mutsuo, "Archaeological Finds from Egypt and East Africa Relating to International Trade." In Cultural and Economic Relations between East and West: Sea Routes. Edited by Mikasa, Prince Takahito. 45-61. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrasowitz, 1988.
Series: Bulletin of the Middle Eastern Culture Center in Japan, 2
Subjects: Economics/Excavations/Foreign relations
2. Kawatoko, Mutsuo. "On the Use of Coptic Numerals in Egypt in the 16th Century." Orient: Report of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan 28, (1992): 58-74.
Subjects: Historiography/Places--Tur
3. Kawatoko, Mutsuo. "On the Use of Coptic Numerals in Egypt in the 16th Century: Addenda et Corrigenda." Orient: Report of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan 29, (1993): 147-157.
Subjects: Historiography/Places--Tur
4. Kawatoko, Mutsuo, Al-Ṭūr, a Port City Site on the Sinai Peninsula: The 11th Expedition in 1994 (A Summary Report). 78 pp., 43 pls.. Tokyo: The Middle Eastern Culture Center in Japan, 1995.
Subjects: Excavations/Places--Tur



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