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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. Hunt, Lucy-Anne. "Christian-Muslim Relations in Painting in Egypt of the Twelfth to Mid-Thirteenth Centuries: Sources of Wallpainting at Deir as-Suriani and the Illustrations of the New Testament MS Paris, Copte-Arabe 1/Cairo Bibl. 94." Cahiers archéologiques: Fin de l'antiquité et Moyen Âge 33, (1985): 111-155.
Subjects: Arts/Social relations
2. Hunt, Lucy-Anne. "Churches of Old Cairo and Mosques of al-Qāhira: A Case of Christian-Muslim Interchange." Medieval Encounters 2, 1 (1996): 43-66.
Subjects: Architecture/Religion/Social relations
3. Hunt, Lucy-Anne. "Manuscript Production by Christians in 13th-14th Century Greater Syria and Mesopotamia and Related Areas." ARAM 9-10, (1997-1998): 289-336.
Subjects: Arts
4. Hunt, Lucy-Anne. "The Illustration of a Thirteenth-Century New Testament Manuscript from Cairo (Paris, Institut catholique copte-arabe 1)." 2 vols.. Ph.D. diss., Courtauld Institute of Art, London University, 1981.
Subjects: Arts/Religion
5. Hunt, Lucy-Anne. "A Christian Arab Gospel Book: Cairo, Coptic Museum MS Bibl. 90 in its Mamluk Context." Mamlūk Studies Review 13, 2 (2009): 105-132.
Notes: Available online at
Subjects: Religion



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