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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. Hafid, Rachid, "al-Mafhūm al-Ṣūfī lil-Ḥubb ʿinda Ibn al-ʿArabī\La conception mystique de l'amour chez le grand maître Ib Arabi Al Hatimi (m. 1240)." In Ibn al-ʿArabī al-Ḥātimī, min al-dhātīyah al-ʿirfānīyah ilá al-ufuq al-insānī al-mushtarak. Edited by Aḥmad al-Farrāk and al-Bashīr Lisyūd. 281-294. Irbid: Rikāz lil-Nashr wa al-Tawzīʿ, 2021.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-ʿArabī/Religion--Sufism



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