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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
Mamluk Bibliography Online
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1. Franz, Kurt, Kompilation in arabischen Chroniken: die Überlieferung vom Aufstand der Zanğ zwischen Geschichtlichkeit und Intertextualität vom 9. bis ins 15. Jahrhundert. xx, 344 pp.. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2004.
Series: Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des islamischen Orients, (n.s.) 15
Notes: Review see Heine; Hirschler.
Subjects: Historiography
2. Franz, Kurt. "The Ayyubid and Mamluk Revaluation of the Hinterland and Western Historical Cartography." Mamlūk Studies Review 12, 2 (2008): 133-158.
Subjects: General Works/Historiography
3. Franz, Kurt, "Bedouin and States: Framing the Mongol-Mamlūk Wars in Long-term History." In Nomad Military Power in Iran and Adjacent Areas in the Islamic Period. 1. Edited by Franz, Kurt; Holwarth, Wolfgang. 29–106. Wiesbaden: Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, 2015.
Subjects: Military/Historiography/Foreign relations
4. Franz, Kurt, "Handlist of Stations of the Ayyubid and Mamluk Communication Systems." In Egypt and Syria under Mamluk Rule: Political, Social and Cultural Aspects. Edited by Amalia Levanoni. 295–369. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2022.
Series: Islamic history and civilization, 181
Notes: See online:
Subjects: Administration



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