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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. Calder, Norman, "Tafsīr from Ṭabarī to Ibn Kathīr: Problems in the Description of a Genre, Illustrated with Reference to the Story of Abraham." In Approaches to the Qurʾān. Edited by Hawting, Gerald R.//Shareef, Abdul-Kader A.. 101-140. London and New York: Routledge, 1993.
Series: Routledge/SOAS Series on Contemporary Politics and Culture in the Middle East,
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn Kathir
2. Calder, Norman. "Al-Nawawī's Typology of Muftīs and Its Significance for a General Theory of Islamic Law." Islamic Law and Society 3, 2 (1996): 137-164.
Subjects: Administration/Individuals--Nawawi/Scholarship
3. Calder, Norman. Review of Unlawful Gain and Legitimate Profit in Islamic Law: Riba, Gharar, and Islamic Banking, by Nabil A. Saleh; and The Islamic Law on Land Tax and Rent: The Peasantsʾ Loss of Property Rights as Interpreted in the Hanafite Legal Literature of the Mamluk and Ottoman Periods, by Baber Johansen. Journal of Semitic Studies 35, (1990): 361-365.
Subjects: Administration/Scholarship/Social relations
4. Calder, Norman. Review of Imaginal Worlds, Ibn al-ʿArabī, and the Problem of Religious Diversity, by William C. Chittick. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 60, (1997): 549.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Arabi
5. Calder, Norman. Review of Une herméneutique de la tradition islamique: Le commentaire des Arbaʾūn al-Nawawīya de Muhyī al-Dīn Yaḥyā al-Nawawī (m. 676/1277), by L. Pouzet. Journal of Semitic Studies 30, 2 (1985): 320-321.
Subjects: Individuals--Nawawi/Scholarship



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