The University of Chicago Library
Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. Burke, Katherine Strange. "A Note on Archaeological Evidence for Sugar Production in the Middle Islamic Periods in Bilād al-Shām." Mamlūk Studies Review 8, 2 (2004): 109-118.
Subjects: Excavations/Economics
2. Burke, Katherine Strange. "Archaeological Texts and Contexts on the Red Sea: The Sheikh's House at Quseir al-Qadim (Egypt)." 2 vols; 550 p. PhD Dissertation, University of Chicago, 2007.
Notes: See online:
Subjects: Places--Qusayr al-Qadīm/Excavations/Scholarship
3. Burke, Katherine Strange. "New Research on Jaffa in the Islamic and Crusader Periods." Al-ʿUṣūr al-Wusṭā: The Bulletin of Middle East Medievalists 19, 2 (2007): 21-26.
Notes: See online
Subjects: Places--Jaffa/Places--Palestine



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