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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. Abrahamov, Binyamin. "Ibn Taymiyya on the Agreement of Reason with Tradition." The Muslim World 82, 3-4 (1992): 256-273.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn Taymiyah
2. Abrahamov, Binyamin. "The Creation and Duration of Paradise and Hell in Islamic Theology." Der Islam 79, 1 (2002): 87-102.
Subjects: Religion
3. Abrahamov, Binyamin. "Some Notes on Extremism and Moderation in Islamic Theology." In Proceedings of the Arabic and Islamic Sections of the 35th International Congress of Asian and North African Studies (ICANAS), Pt. 2, Edited by Fodor, Alexander, 67-72. Budapest, 1-7 July 1997. Budapest: Eötvös Loránd University Chair for Arabic Studies and Csoma de Korös Society Section of Islamic Studies, 1999.
Series: The Arabist: Budapest Studies in Arabic, 21-22
Notes: Review see Goldberg.
Subjects: Religion
4. Abrahamov, Binyamin, Ibn al-ʿArabī and the Sufis. 1. 192 pp.. Oxford: Anqa Publishing, 2014.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn Arabi/Religion--Sufism



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