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51. al-Rīḥāwī, ʿAbd al-Qādir. "Jāmiʿ Yalbughā fī Dimashq." al-Ḥawlīyāt al-Atharīyah al-ʿArabīyah al-Sūrīyah/Les Annales archéologiques arabes syriennes 24, (1974): 125-150.
Subjects: Architecture/Individuals--Yalbugha/Places--Damascus
52. al-Rīḥāwī, ʿAbd al-Qādir. "Khānāt Madīnat Dimashq." al-Ḥawlīyāt al-Atharīyah al-ʿArabīyah al-Sūrīyah/Les Annales archéologiques arabes syriennes 25, (1975): 47-82.
Notes: On the Mamlūk period, see pp. 52-58.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Damascus
53. al-Rīḥāwī, ʿAbd al-Qādir. "Madīnat Dimashq, 2: Tārīkh Dimashq al-Sīyāsī." al-Ḥawlīyāt al-Atharīyah al-ʿArabīyah al-Sūrīyah/Les Annales archéologiques arabes syriennes 18, (1968): 5-32.
Notes: On the Mamlūk period, see pp. 19-22.
Subjects: Places--Damascus/Politics
54. al-Rīḥāwī, ʿAbd al-Qādir. "Quṣūr al-Ḥukkām bi-Dimashq." al-Ḥawlīyāt al-Atharīyah al-ʿArabīyah al-Sūrīyah/Les Annales archéologiques arabes syriennes 22, (1972): 31-71.
Notes: On the Mamlūk period, see pp. 45-70.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Damascus
55. Sack, Dorothée. "Damaskus: Die Entwicklung der historischen Stadt." Architectura 13, (1983): 113-135.
Subjects: Places--Damascus
56. Sauvaget, Jean. "Une ancienne représentation de Damas au Musée du Louvre." Bulletin d'études orientales 11, (1945-46): 5-12.
Subjects: Architecture/Culture/Places--Damascus/Individuals--Qansuh al-Ghawri
57. Sauvaget, Jean. "La Citadelle de Damas." Syria 11, (1930): 57-90, 216-241.
Notes: Reprinted in Studies by Jean Sauvaget on the Historical Geography and Topography of Syria.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Damascus
58. Sauvaget, Jean. "Esquisse d'une histoire de la ville de Damas." Revue des études islamiques 8, (1934): 421-480.
Notes: Reprinted in Studies by Jean Sauvaget on the Historical Geography and Topography of Syria.
Subjects: Places--Damascus
59. Scharabi, Mohamed. "Der Sūq von Damaskus und zwei traditonelle Handelsanlagen: Ḫān Ğaqmaq und Ḫān Sulaimān Pāšā." Damaszener Mitteilungen 1, (1983): 285-305, pls. 62-65.
Notes: 15 plans, 4 fold-outs
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Damascus
60. Shihāb, Maẓhar. "Manāzil Taymūrlank fī Dimashq." al-Ḥawlīyāt al-Atharīyah al-ʿArabīyah al-Sūrīyah/Les Annales archéologiques arabes syriennes 35, (1985): 433-440.
Subjects: Architecture/Individuals--Timur/Places--Damascus
61. Sobernheim, Moritz. "Die Inschriften der Zitadelle von Damaskus." Der Islam 12, (1922): 1-28.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Places--Damascus
62. Sublet, Jacqueline. "Le séquestre sur les jardins de la Ghouta (Damas 666/1267)." Studia Islamica 43, (1976): 81-86.
Subjects: Places--Damascus
63. al-Ṭawīl, ʿAbd ʿAlī. "al-Muʾarrikhūn al-Dimashqīyūn ʿalá ʿAhd al-Nāṣir Muḥammad ibn Qalāwūn." al-Fikr al-ʿArabī 4, 28 (1982): 61-76.
Subjects: Places--Damascus
64. Wiet, Gaston. "Notes d'épigraphie syro-musulmane, pt. III: Inscriptions de la Citadelle de Damas." Syria 7, (1926): 46-66, 152-177.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Places--Damascus
65. Yūsuf, ʿAbd al-Wadūd. "Jawānib Ijtimāʿīyah min Tārīkh Dimashq fī al-Qarn al-Khāmis ʿAshar min Makhṭūṭat Tilmīdh ʿAbd al-Qādir al-Nuʿaymī -- Yawmīyāt Dimashqīyah -- (al-Maẓālim - Munaẓẓamāt al-Zuʿr wa-al-Shuṭṭār - al-Aʿyād wa-al-Iḥtifālāt)." al-Ḥawlīyāt al-Atharīyah al-ʿArabīyah al-Sūrīyah/Les Annales archéologiques arabes syriennes 23, (1973): 181-199.
Subjects: Places--Damascus/Social relations/Historiography/Individuals--Nu'aymi
66. Zayyāt, Ḥabīb. "Nuzhat al-Rifāq ʿan Sharḥ Ḥāl al-Aswāq." al-Mashriq 37, (1939): 18-28.
Subjects: Economics/Places--Damascus
67. Hanisch, Hanspeter. "Die Maschikulis der Zitadelle von Damaskus." Damaszener Mitteilungen 9, (1996): 227-262.
Subjects: Architecture/Military/Places--Damascus
68. de Maussion de Favières, Jacques Ghislain. "Note sur les bains de Damas." Bulletin d'études orientales 17, (1961-1962): 121-131.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Damascus
69. Sourdel-Thomine, Janine. "Les anciens lieux de pèlerinage damascains d'après les sources arabes." Bulletin d'études orientales 14, (1952-1954): 65-85.
Subjects: Culture/Historiography/Places--Damascus/Religion
70. Ceccato, Rosella Dorigo. "Il teatro d'ombre a Damasco." Quaderni di Studi Arabi 2, (1984): 127-154.
Subjects: Literature/Places--Damascus
71. al-Bakhīt, Muḥammad ʿAdnān. "Dawr Usrat Āl al-Ḥanash wa-al-Mahāmm allatī Ūkilat ilayhā fī Rīf Dimashq al-Shām 790 H/1388 M-976 H/1568 M: "Dirāsah Wathāʾiqīyah"." Dirāsāt Tārīkhīyah 13-14, (1983): 88-137.
Subjects: Social relations/Places--Damascus
72. Muʿādh, ʿAbd al-Razzāq. "Muʾarrikhūn al-ʿUmrān wa-al-Awābid bi-Dimashq ḥattá Nihāyat al-ʿAhd al-ʿUthmānī." al-Turāth al-ʿArabī 5, 20 (1985): 196-211.
Subjects: Architecture/Historiography/Places--Damascus
73. Heidemann, Stefan. "Tīmūr's Campmint during the Siege of Damascus in 803/1401." Cahiers de Studia Iranica 21, (1999): 179-206.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Damascus/Numismatics
74. Pouzet, Louis. "Maghrébins a Damas au VIIe/XIIIe siècle." Bulletin d'études orientales 28, (1975): 167-199.
Subjects: Places--Damascus/Social relations
75. Duhmān, Muḥammad Aḥmad. "al-Madrasah al-Ẓāhirīyah." Majallat al-Majmaʿ al-ʿIlmī al-ʿArabī (Dimashq) 23, 4 (1948): 573-586.
Subjects: Scholarship/Places--Damascus
76. Duhmān, Muḥammad Aḥmad. "Madāris Dimashq wa-Ḥammāmātuhā." Majallat al-Majmaʿ al-ʿIlmī al-ʿArabī (Dimashq) 22, 5-6, 7-8 (1947): 232-246, 320-333.
Subjects: Places--Damascus/Historiography/Individuals--Ibn Qadi Shuhbah/Individuals--Irbili, Ibn Zafar
77. Zayyāt, Ḥabīb. "Adyār Dimashq wa-Barruhā fī al-Islām." al-Mashriq 43, (1949): 80-97, 399-462.
Subjects: Places--Damascus/Religion
78. Ḥuṭayṭ, Aḥmad. "al-Taʿlīm bi-Dimashq fī Zaman al-Mamālīk." al-Mashriq 75, 2 (2001): 341-374.
Subjects: Scholarship/Places--Damascus
79. Van Steenbergen, Jo. "Ḥājib al-Hujjāb: A Case Study of a Military Office in the Administration of Mamlūk Damascus (741-784/1341-1382)." Al-Masāq 13, (2001): 97-111.
Subjects: Administration/Military/Places--Damascus
80. Wiederhold, Lutz. "Legal-Religious Elite, Temporal Authority, and the Caliphate in Mamluk Society: Conclusions Drawn from the Examination of a "Zahiri Revolt" in Damascus in 1386." International Journal of Middle East Studies 31, 2 (1999): 203-235.
Subjects: Administration/Religion/Places--Damascus/Politics
81. Martel-Thoumian, Bernadette. "Voleurs et assassins à Damas et au Caire (fin IXe/XVe - début Xe/XVIe siècle)." Annales islamologiques/Ḥawlīyāt Islāmīyah 35, 1 (2001): 193-240.
Subjects: Social relations/Places--Cairo/Places--Damascus
82. Leder, Stefan. "Charismatic Scripturalism: The Ḥanbalī Maqdisīs of Damascus." Der Islam 74, 2 (1997): 279-304.
Subjects: Scholarship/Places--Damascus
83. Zayyāt, Ḥabīb. "Khānāt Dimashq al-Qadīmah." al-Mashriq 36, (1938): 66-70.
Subjects: Economics/Places--Damascus
84. Sadan, Joseph. "Le tombeau de Moïse à Jéricho et à Damas: Une compétition entre deux lieux saints principalement à l'époque ottomane." Revue des études islamiques 49, 1 (1981): 59-99.
Notes: Includes information on the Mamluk period.
Subjects: Religion/Places--Damascus/Places--Jericho
85. Bahnassī, ʿAfīf. "al-Qāshānī al-Dimashqī." al-Ḥawlīyāt al-Atharīyah al-ʿArabīyah al-Sūrīyah / Les Annales archéologiques arabes syriennes 35, (1985): 9-65.
Subjects: Arts/Places--Damascus
86. Meinecke, Michael. "Natāʾij al-Masḥ al-Atharī li-Ḥayy al-Ṣāliḥīyah bi-Dimashq." al-Ḥawlīyāt al-Atharīyah al-ʿArabīyah al-Sūrīyah / Les Annales archéologiques arabes syriennes 35, (1985): 175-209.
Notes: Translated by Regina Meinecke and Intiṣār Turkāwī.
Subjects: Places--Salihiyah/Places--Damascus/Architecture
87. al-Ḥimṣī, Aḥmad Fāʾiz. "Mabānī al-Ṣāliḥīyah al-Ūlá." al-Ḥawlīyāt al-Atharīyah al-ʿArabīyah al-Sūrīyah / Les Annales archéologiques arabes syriennes 35, (1985): 245-284.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Salihiyah/Places--Damascus
88. al-Ḥimṣī, Aḥmad Fāʾiz. "al-ʿUẓamāʾ alladhīn Dufinū fī Dimashq aw Mātū fīhā." al-Ḥawlīyāt al-Atharīyah al-ʿArabīyah al-Sūrīyah / Les Annales archéologiques arabes syriennes 35, (1985): 285-388.
Subjects: Places--Damascus/Historiography
89. Labeyrie, Iréne. "Mulāḥaẓāt ḥawl Bināʾ Hudim Muʾakhkharan fī Sūq Sārūjah." al-Ḥawlīyāt al-Atharīyah al-ʿArabīyah al-Sūrīyah / Les Annales archéologiques arabes syriennes 35, (1985): 413-416.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Damascus
90. Labeyrie, Iréne. "Quelques observations au suget d'un monument rjecemment [sic] disparu á Sûq Sârûa [sic]." al-Ḥawlīyāt al-Atharīyah al-ʿArabīyah al-Sūrīyah / Les Annales archéologiques arabes syriennes 35, (1985): 69-74.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Damascus
91. Migeon, Gaston. "Nouvelles découvertes sur la céramique de Damas." La revue de l'art ancien et moderne 44, 251 (1923): 383-386.
Subjects: Arts/Places--Damascus
92. Herzfeld, Ernst. "Damascus: Studies in Architecture--II." Ars Islamica 10, (1943): 13-70, figs. 30-86.
Notes: Review see al-Ḥasanī.
Subjects: Architecture/Epigraphy/Places--Damascus
93. Herzfeld, Ernst. "Damascus: Studies in Architecture--III." Ars Islamica 11-12, (1946): 1-71, figs. 88-149.
Subjects: Architecture/Epigraphy/Places--Damascus
94. Goldziher, Ignaz. "Ibn Hûd, the Mohammedan Mystic, and the Jews of Damascus." Jewish Quarterly Review 6, (1894): 218-220.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn Hud/Places--Damascus
95. Grehan, James. "Street Violence and Social Imagination in Late-Mamluk and Ottoman Damascus (ca. 1500-1800)." International Journal of Middle East Studies 35, 2 (2003): 215-236.
Subjects: Social relations/Places--Damascus
96. Leder, Stefan. "Damaskus: Entwicklungen in der zivilen Gesellschaft einer islamischen Metropole (12.-14. Jh.)." Orientwissenschaftliche Hefte 6, (2003): 9-34.
Notes: Volume title: "Städte und Monumente."
Subjects: Places--Damascus/Social relations
97. Braune, Michael. "Die Stadtmauer von Damaskus." Damaszener Mitteilungen 11, (1999): 67-85, pls. 13-14.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Damascus
98. Pascual, Jean-Paul. "Café et cafés à Damas: contribution à la chronologie de leur diffusion au XVIème siècle." Berytus 42, (1995-1996): 141-156.
Subjects: Culture/Places--Damascus
99. Ṭuwayr, Qāsim. "Die Segensmacht (baraka) Gottes, seiner Propheten und Freunde als Motivation städtebaulicher Entwicklung, am Beispiel von Damaskus." Damaszener Mitteilungen 11, (1999): 411-419.
Subjects: Places--Damascus/Religion/Architecture
100. al-Munajjid, Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn. "al-Muʾarrikhūn al-Dimashqīyūn wa-Āthāruhum al-Makhṭūṭah min al-Qarn al-Thālith al-Hijrī ilá Nihāyat al-Qarn al-ʿĀshir." Majallat Maʿhad al-Makhṭūṭāt al-ʿArabīyah 2, 1 (1956): 63-145.
Subjects: Historiography/Places--Damascus



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