The University of Chicago Library
Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
Mamluk Bibliography Online
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1. Mitchell, Piers D.. "Pathology in the Crusader Period: Human Skeletal Remains from Tel Jezreel." Levant 26, (1994): 67-71.
Subjects: Excavations/Places--Levant, Southern
2. Mitchell, Piers D.. "Pre-Columbian Treponemal Disease from 14th Century Safed, Israel, and Implications for the Medieval Eastern Mediterranean." American Journal of Physical Anthropology 121, 2 (2003): 117-125.
Subjects: Excavations/Places--Safed
3. Mitchell, Piers D.. "The palaeopathology of skulls recovered from a medieval cave cemetery near Safed, Israel (13th to 17th c.)." Levant (The Journal of the Council for British Research in the Levant (2004): 243-250.
Subjects: Excavations



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