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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. Melikian-Chirvani, Assadullah Souren. "Venise, entre l'Orient et l'Occident." Bulletin d'études orientales 27, (1974): 109-126.
Subjects: Arts/Foreign relations
2. Melikian-Chirvani, Assadullah Souren. "Cuivres inédits de l'époque de Qāʾitbāy." Kunst des Orients 6, 2 (1969): 99-133.
Subjects: Arts
3. Melikian-Chirvani, Assadullah Souren, Sulwān al-Muṭāʿ fī ʿUdwān al-Atbāʿ Vol. 3: A Rediscovered Masterpiece of Arab Literature and Painting. [al-Kuwayt]: TRI, Stamperia Valdonega, 1985.
Notes: Vol. 1: Facsimile of the ca. 1330-1340 A.D. manuscript in the collection of Jasim al-Homaizi, Kuwait. [Manuscript completed in Damascus?]
Subjects: Arts



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