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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. James, David, "A Mamlūk Qurʾan." In Art at Auction: The Year at Sotheby's 1981-82. 156-160. London: Sotheby Publications, 1982.
Subjects: Arts
2. James, David, "The Mamluks of Egypt and Syria." In The Master Scribes: Qurʾans of the 10th to 14th Centuries, A.D.. Edited by Raby, Julian. 150-193. New York: The Nour Foundation with Azimuth Editions and Oxford University Press, 1992.
Series: The Nasser D. Khalili Collection of Islamic Art,
Notes: Review see Barrucand.
Subjects: Arts
3. James, David. "Arab Painting, 358 A.H./969 A.D.-1112 A.H./1700 A.D.." Mārg: A Magazine of the Arts 29, 3 (June 1976): 11-50.
Subjects: Arts
4. James, David. "Mamluke Painting at the Time of the 'Lusignan Crusade,' 1365-70: A Study of the Chester Beatty Nihāyat al-Suʾl wa'l-Umniya . . . etc. MS of 1366." Humaniora Islamica 2, (1974): 73-87.
Subjects: Arts
5. James, David. "Some Observations on the Calligrapher and Illuminators of the Koran of Rukn al-Dīn Baybars al-Jāshnagīr." Muqarnas: An Annual on Islamic Art and Architecture 2, (1984): 147-157.
Subjects: Arts/Individuals--Baybars al-Jashnakir
6. James, David. "The Arabian Horse: At War." Aramco World Magazine 37, 2 (March-April 1986): 8-11.
Subjects: Military
7. James, David, Qurʾans and Bindings from the Chester Beatty Library: A Facsimile Exhibition. 144 pp.. London: World of Islam Festival Trust, 1980.
Notes: Review see Fehérvári.
Subjects: Arts/Religion
8. James, David, Qurʾāns of the Mamlūks. 270 pp.. New York: Thames and Hudson, 1988.
Notes: Review see Gray; Irwin; Lings; Qadiri.
Subjects: Arts/Religion
9. James, David, Manuscripts of the Holy Qurʾān from the Mamlūk Era. 279 pp.. Riyadh: King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies, 1999.
Notes: Second edition of the author's Qurʾāns of the Mamlūks.
Subjects: Arts/Religion
10. James, David. "The Development of Qurʾanic Calligraphy and Illumination under the Mamlukes, 1300-1376, and in Iraq and Iran in the Same Period." 2 vols.. Ph.D. diss., University of Durham, 1982.
Subjects: Arts/Religion
11. James, David. "More Qurʾāns of the Mamlūks." Manuscripta Orientalia : International Journal for Oriental Manuscript Research 13, 2 (2007): 3-16.
Subjects: Historiography



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