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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. Geries, Ibrahim Khalil, A Literary and Gastronomical Conceit: Mufākharat al-Ruzz wa 'l-Ḥabb Rummān: The Boasting Debate between Rice and Pomegranate Seeds or al-Maḳāma al-Simāṭiyya (The Tablecloth Maḳāma). 40, 153 pp.. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2002.
Series: Codices arabici antiqui, 7
Notes: Added title: Mufākharah Adabīyah Ghidhāʾīyah: Mufākharat al-Ruzz wa-al-Ḥabb Rummān aw al-Maqāmah al-Simāṭīyah: Dirāsah wa-Taḥqīq. Review see Hämeen-Anttila; van Gelder.
Subjects: Literature/Culture/Individuals--Ibn Arabshah, Abd al-Wahhab



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