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1. Dols, Michael W., "The General Mortality of the Black Death in the Mamluk Empire." In The Islamic Middle East, 700-1900. Edited by Udovitch, Abraham L.. 397-428. Princeton: Darwin, 1981.
Notes: Review see Braude; Brett; Gran; Little; Shatzmiller.
Subjects: Economics
2. Dols, Michael W., "Ibn al-Wardī's Risālah al-Nabaʾ ʿan al-Wabaʾ, a Translation of a Major Source for the History of the Black Death in the Middle east." In Near Eastern Numismatics, Iconography, Epigraphy and History: Studies in Honor of George C. Miles. Edited by Kouymjian, Dickran K.. 443-455. Beirut: American University of Beirut, `1974.
Notes: Review see Ehrenkreutz.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Wardi, Zayn al-Din/Historiography/Economics/Social relations
3. Dols, Michael W.. "The Second Plague Pandemic and Its Recurrences in the Middle East: 1347-1894." Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 22, (1979): 162-189.
Subjects: Economics
4. Dols, Michael W.. "The Comparative Communal Responses to the Black Death in Muslim and Christian Societies." Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies 5, (1974): 269-287.
Subjects: Economics
5. Dols, Michael W.. "The Leper in Medieval Islamic Society." Speculum: A Journal of Medieval Studies 58, 4 (1983): 891-916.
Subjects: Scholarship/Social relations/Culture
6. Dols, Michael W., The Black Death in the Middle East. xvii, 390 pp.. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1977.
Notes: Review see Bosworth; Gallagher; Spuler; Wansbrough.
Subjects: Economics
7. Dols, Michael W., Majnūn: The Madman in Medieval Islamic Society. xvi, 543 pp.. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992.
Notes: Edited by Diana E. Immisch. Review see Conrad; Hajal; Jameelah; Janssens; Kruk; Lory; Marzolph; Meisami; Morgan; Nutton; Petry; Shoshan; Waines; Walker.
Subjects: Culture/Scholarship/Social relations
8. Dols, Michael W.. "Al-Manbiji's 'Report of the Plague': A Treatise on the Plague of 764-65/1362-64." In The Black Death: The Impact of the Fourteenth-Century Plague, Papers of the Eleventh Annual Conference on the Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies, Edited by Williman, Daniel, 65-75. Binghamton, New York, 21-23 October 1977. Binghamton, New York: Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies, 1982.
Series: Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, vol. 13
Subjects: Economics/Historiography
9. Dols, Michael W.. Review of The Middle East in the Middle Ages: The Early Mamluk Sultanate, 1250-1382, by Robert Irwin. The Middle East Journal 41, (1987): 111-112.
Subjects: General works/Politics
10. Dols, Michael W.. Review of Arab Historians of the Crusades, edited and translated by Francesco Gabrieli, translated from the Italian by E. J. Costello. International Journal of Middle East Studies 5, (1974): 365-366.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Historiography
11. Dols, Michael W.. Review of Slave Soldiers and Islam: The Genesis of a Military System, by Daniel Pipes. Journal of the American Oriental Society 103, (1983): 633-634.
Subjects: Military/Social relations



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