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1. Chodkiewicz, Michel, "The Esoteric Foundations of Political Legitimacy in Ibn ʿArabi." In Muhyiddin Ibn ʿArabi: A Commemorative Volume. Edited by Hirtenstein, Stephen//Tiernan, Michael. 190-198. Shaftesbury, England: Element for the Muhyiddin Ibn ʿArabi Society, 1993.
Notes: Review see Lory.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Arabi
2. Chodkiewicz, Michel, "Le proces posthume d'Ibn ʿArabī." In Islamic Mysticism Contested: Thirteen Centuries of Controversies and Polemics. Edited by De Jong, Frederick//Radtke, Bernd. 93-123. Leiden, Boston, Köln: Brill, 1999.
Series: Islamic History and Civilization. Studies and Texts, 29
Notes: Review see Berger; Geoffroy; Hofmann; Knysh; Kropáček; Lory; Morris; Netton; Safi; Zarcone
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Arabi/Religion
3. Chodkiewicz, Michel, "Les malâmiyya dans la doctrine d'Ibn Arabî." In Melâmis-Bayrâmis. Études sur trois mouvements mystiques musulmans. edited byClayer, Nathalie//Popovic, Alexandre//Zarcone, Thierry.15-25. Istanbul: Les Éditions Isis, 1998.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Arabi
4. Chodkiewicz, Michel, "Le voyage sans fin." In Le voyage initiatique en terre d'Islam: ascensions célestes et itinéraires spirituels. edited byAmir-Moezzi, Mohammad Ali.239-250. Louvain and Paris: Peeters, 1996.
Series: Bibliothèque de l'École des Hautes Études. Section des Sciences Religieuses, 103
Subjects: Religion/Individuals--Ibn al-Arabi
5. Chodkiewicz, Michel. "The Banner of Praise." Journal of the Muhyiddin Ibn ʿArabi Society 21, (1997): 45-58.
Notes: Translated by Cecilia Twinch. Special issue title: Praise, edited by Stephen Hirtenstein.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Arabi
6. Chodkiewicz, Michel. "al-Usus al-Bāṭinīyah lil-Sharʿīyah al-Siyāsīyah ladá Ibn ʿArabī." Abḥāth: Majallat al-ʿUlūm al-Ijtimāʿīyah (al-Ribāṭ) 10, 28-29 (1992):
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Arabi
7. Chodkiewicz, Michel. "The Endless Voyage." Journal of the Muhyiddin ibn ʿArabi Society 19, (1996): 71-84.
Notes: Volume title: "The Journey of the Heart." Edited by John Mercer.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Arabi
8. Chodkiewicz, Michel. "The Vision of God according to Ibn ʿArabi." Journal of the Muhyiddin Ibn ʿArabi Society 14, (1993): 53-67.
Notes: Translated by Cecilia Twinch. Volume title: "Prayer and Contemplation." Edited by Stephen Hirtenstein.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Arabi
9. Chodkiewicz, Michel. "Le modèle prophétique de la sainteté en Islam." Al-Masāq 7, (1994): 201-226.
Subjects: Religion
10. Chodkiewicz, Michel, Le sceau des saints: Prophétie et sainteté dans la doctrine d'Ibn Arabî. 223 pp.. Paris: Éditions Gallimard, 1986.
Notes: Review see Landolt; Morris.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Arabi
11. Chodkiewicz, Michel, An Ocean Without Shore: Ibn Arabi, the Book, and the Law. Translated by Streight, David. 184 pp.. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1993.
Notes: Review see Mayer; Morris; Netton; Norris; Schimmel; Winkel
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Arabi
12. Chodkiewicz, Michel, Un océan sans rivage: Ibn Arabî, le Livre et la Loi. 219 pp.. Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 1992.
Series: La librairie du XXe siècle,
Notes: Review see Austin; Lory.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Arabi
13. Chodkiewicz, Michel, Seal of the Saints: Prophethood and Sainthood in the Doctrine of Ibn ʿArabī. Translated by Sherrard, Liadain. vii, 192 pp.. Cambridge: The Islamic Texts Society, 1993.
Series: Golden Palm Series,
Notes: Translation of the Le sceau des saints. Review see al-Faruque; Graham; Lahood; McGregor.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Arabi
14. Chodkiewicz, Michel. "El Coran en la obra de Ibn ʿArabī." In Los dos Horizontes (Textos sobre Ibn Al ʿArabí), Trabajos presentados al Primer Congreso Internacional sobre Ibn al-ʿArabī, Edited by Gonzalez, Alfonso Carmona, 131-147. Murcia, 12-14 November 1990. Murcia: Editora Regional de Murcia, 1992.
Series: Coleccion Ibn Al ʿArabi,
Notes: Review see Notcutt.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Arabi
15. Chodkiewicz, Michel. "Le Coran dans l'oeuvre d'Ibn ʿArabī." In Los dos Horizontes (Textos sobre Ibn Al ʿArabí), Trabajos presentados al Primer Congreso Internacional sobre Ibn al-ʿArabī, Edited by Gonzalez, Alfonso Carmona, 149-162. Murcia, 12-14 November 1990. Murcia: Editora Regional de Murcia, 1992.
Series: Coleccion Ibn Al ʿArabi,
Notes: Review see Notcutt.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Arabi
16. Chodkiewicz, Michel. "Ibn ʿArabî, la lettre et la loi." In Actes du colloque: Mystique, culture et société, Edited by Meslin, Michel, 27-40. Paris, 22-23 April 1983. Paris: Université de Paris-Sorbonne, 1983.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Arabi
17. Chodkiewicz, Michel. Review of Ibn Khaldun and Islamic Ideology, edited by Bruce B. Lawrence; and Ibn Khaldūn: An Essay in Reinterpretation, by Aziz al-Azmeh. Studia Islamica 62, (1985): 173-175.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn Khaldun
18. Chodkiewicz, Michel. Review of Ibn Khaldūn in Modern Scholarship: A Study in Orientalism, by Aziz al-Azmeh. Studia Islamica 61, (1985): 199-201.
Subjects: Historiography/Individuals--Ibn Khaldun
19. Chodkiewicz, Michel. Review of La vie merveilleuse de Dhu'l-Nûn l'Égyptien, edited and translated by Roger Deladrière. Studia Islamica 71, (1990): 179-181.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Arabi
20. Chodkiewicz, Michel. Review of Poetry and Mysticism in Islam, the Heritage of Rūmī, edited by A. Banani, R. Hovannisian, and G. Sabagh; Imaginal Worlds, Ibn al-ʿArabī, and the Problem of Religious Diversity, by William C. Chittick; and Las Contemplaciones de los Misterios, by Ibn al-ʿArabī. Studia Islamica 82, (1995): 166-169.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Arabi
21. Chodkiewicz, Michel. Review of From Arab Poet to Muslim Saint: Ibn al-Fāriḍ, His Verse, and His Shrine, by Th. Emil Homerin. Bulletin critique des Annales islamologiques 12, (1996): 85-88.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Farid/Literature/Religion
22. Chodkiewicz, Michel. Review of Ibn ʿArabi in the Later Islamic Tradition: The Making of a Polemical Image in Medieval Islam, by Alexander D. Knysh. Studia Islamica 90, (2000): 179-182.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Arabi
23. Chodkiewicz, Michel. Review of Essays on Islamic Piety and Mysticism, by Fritz Meier. Studia Islamica 91, (2000): 208-210.
Subjects: Religion/Individuals--Ibn Taymiyah/Individuals--Suyuti
24. Chodkiewicz, Michel. Review of Islamic Sainthood in the Fullness of Time: Ibn al-ʿArabī's Book of the Fabulous Gryphon, by Gerald T. Elmore. Journal of the Muhyiddin ibn ʿArabi Society 26, (1999): 123-128.
Notes: Translated by Cecilia Twinch.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Arabi
25. Chodkiewicz, Michel. Review of al-Muʿjam al-Ṣūfī: al-Ḥikmah fī Ḥudūd al-Kalimah, by Suʿād al-Ḥakīm. Bulletin critique des Annales islamologiques 1, (1984): 339-342.
Subjects: Religion/Individuals--Ibn al-Arabi
26. Chodkiewicz, Michel. Review of The Sufi Path of Knowledge: Ibn al-ʿArabi's Metaphysics of Imagination, by William C. Chittick. Bulletin critique des Annales islamologiques 7, (1990): 49-51.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Arabi
27. Chodkiewicz, Michel. "Ibn ʿArabī dans l'œuvre de Henry Corbin." In Henry Corbin: philosophies et sagesses des religions du livre, Actes du colloque "Henry Corbin", Edited by Amir-Moezzi, Mohammad Ali//Jambet, Christian//Lory, Pierre, 81-91. Paris, 6-8 November 2003. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005.
Series: Bibliothèque de l'École des hautes études: sciences religieuses, 126
Notes: Série Histoire et prosopographie de la section des sciences religieuses, no. 1.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Arabi
28. Chodkiewicz, Michel, "La vision de Dieu selon Ibn ʿArabī." In Autour du regard: mélanges Gimaret. Edited by Chaumont, Éric////. 159-172. Leuven: Peeters, 2003.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Arabi



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