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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. Bulliet, Richard W.. "A Quantitative Approach to Medieval Muslim Biographical Dictionaries." Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 13, (1970): 195-211.
Subjects: Historiography
2. Bulliet, Richard W.. "The Shaikh al-Islām and the Evolution of Islamic Society." Studia Islamica 35, (1972): 53-67.
Subjects: Administration
3. Bulliet, Richard W.. Review of Le voile du nom: Essai sur le nom propre arabe, by Jacqueline Sublet. Journal of the American Oriental Society 113, 1 (1993): 125.
Subjects: Culture/Social relations
4. Bulliet, Richard W.. Review of The Islamic World from Classical to Modern Times: Essays in Honor of Bernard Lewis, by C. E. Bosworth et al.. Middle East Studies Association Bulletin 24, 1 (1990): 88-89.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Individuals--Qalawun/Social relations



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