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1. Borsch, Stuart J.. "Nile Floods and the Irrigation System in Fifteenth-Century Egypt." Mamlūk Studies Review 4, (2000): 131-145.
Notes: Online at:
Subjects: Economics
2. Borsch, Stuart J.. Review of Housing the Stranger in the Mediterranean World: Lodging, Trade, and Travel in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, by Olivia Remie Constable. Mamlūk Studies Review 9, 2 (2005): 235-238.
Subjects: Economics/Foreign relations
3. Borsch, Stuart J.. "Environment and Population: The Collapse of Large Irrigation Systems Reconsidered." Comparative Studies in Society and History 46, 3 (2004): 451-468.
Subjects: Economics
4. Borsch, Stuart J., "Standards of Living in East and West: England and Egypt before and after the Black Death." In Views from the Edge: Essays in Honor of Richard W. Bulliet. Edited by Yavari, Neguin//Potter, Lawrence G.//Oppenheim, Jean-Marc Ran. 27-44. New York: Columbia University Press, 2004.
Subjects: Economics
5. Borsch, Stuart J., The Black Death in Egypt and England: A Comparative Study. xii, 195 pp.. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2005.
Notes: Review see Hattox.
Subjects: Economics
6. Borsch, Stuart J.. Review of al-Ḥayāh al-Iqtiṣādīyah fī Miṣr fī al-ʿAṣr al-Mamlūkī, by ʿĀmir Najīb Mūsá Nāṣir. Mamlūk Studies Review 11, 1 (2007): 216-217.
Subjects: Economics
7. Borsch, Stuart J.. "Thirty Years after Lopez, Miskimin, and Udovitch." Mamlūk Studies Review 8, 2 (2004): 191-201.
Subjects: Economics
8. Borsch, Stuart J.. "Subsisting or Succumbing? Falling Wages in the Era of Plague." ASK Working Papers 13, (May 2014): 46 pp..
Subjects: Economics
9. Borsch, Stuart J.. "Medieval Egyptian Economic Growth: The Maryūṭ Basin." ASK Working Paper 14, (May 2014): 32 pp..
Subjects: Economics



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