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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. Bahgat, Aly. "Les fouilles de Foustât: Découverte d'un four de potier arabe datant du XIVe siècle." Bulletin de l'Institut égyptien (5th ser.) 8, (1914): 233-242.
Subjects: Arts/Excavations/Places--Fustat
2. Bahgat, Aly. "Qus." Bulletin du Comité du conservation des monuments de l'art arabe 32, (1922): 271-274, 610-611.
Subjects: Excavations/Places--Qus
3. Bahgat, Aly. "Les fouilles d'Al Foustat." Syria 4, (1923): 59-65, pls. XVII-XIX.
Subjects: Excavations/Places--Fustat
4. Bahgat, Aly. "Un decret du Sultan Khochqadam." Bulletin de l'Institut égyptien (5th ser.) 5, (1911): 30-35.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Places--Asyut/Individuals--Khushqadam
5. Bahgat, Aly. "Note sur deux bronzes du Musée arabe: une lampe à deux becs et le plumier du grand philosophe al-Ghazali." Bulletin de l'Institut égyptien (4th ser.) 7, (1906): 57-63, pl. I.
Notes: The lamp is dated to the 15th century.
Subjects: Arts



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