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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. Avissar, Miriam, "Sherd Count of Medieval Pottery from Strata IV-II." In Yoqneʿam I: The Late Periods. By Avissar, Miriam//Ben-Tor, Amnon//Portugali, Y.. 173-187. Jerusalem: The Institute of Archaeology-The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1996.
Series: Qedem Reports, 3
Subjects: Excavations/Places--Palestine
2. Avissar, Miriam, "The Medieval Pottery." In Yoqneʿam I: The Late Periods. By Avissar, Miriam//Ben-Tor, Amnon//Portugali, Y.. 75-172. Jerusalem: The Institute of Archaeology-The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1996.
Series: Qedem Reports, 3
Subjects: Excavations/Places--Palestine
3. Avissar, Miriam, "The Oil Lamps." In Yoqneʿam I: The Late Periods. By Avissar, Miriam//Ben-Tor, Amnon//Portugali, Y.. 188-197. Jerusalem: The Institute of Archaeology-The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1996.
Series: Qedem Reports, 3
Subjects: Excavations/Places--Palestine
4. Avissar, Miriam, Tel Yoqneʿam: Excavations on the Acropolis. viii, 132 pp. Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities Authority, 2005.
Series: Israel Antiquities Authority Reports, 25
Subjects: Excavations/Places--Levant



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