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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. Antrim, Zayde G. Review of Tīmūr Lank fī Dimashq, by Sulaymān al-Madanī. Mamlūk Studies Review 7, (2003): 264-267.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Damascus/Military
2. Antrim, Zayde G. Review of Poverty and Charity in Medieval Islam: Mamluk Egypt, 1250-1517, by Adam Abdelhamid Sabra. Bulletin of the Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies 3, 2 (2001): 256-259.
Subjects: Culture/Religion/Social relations
3. Antrim, Zayde G. "Making Syria Mamluk: Ibn Shaddād's Al-Aʿlāq al-Khaṭīrah." Mamlūk Studies Review 11, 1 (2007): 1-18.
Subjects: Historiography/Individuals--Ibn Shaddad
4. Antrim, Zayde G. "Place and Belonging in Medieval Syria, 6th/12th to 8th/14th Centuries." vi, 381 pp.. Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard University, 2005.
Subjects: Scholarship/Places--Syria
5. Antrim, Zayde G. "Waṭan before Waṭaniyya: loyalty to land in Ayyūbid and Mamlūk Syria." Al-Masāq 22, 2 (2010): 173-190.
Subjects: Administration/Culture



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