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51. Kelly, Kathleen Coyne, "Balsam Garden." In Trade, Travel, and Exploration in the Middle Ages: An Encyclopedia. edited byFriedman, John Block//Figg, Kristen Mossler.44. New York and London: Garland Publishing, Inc., 2000.
Series: Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, 1899
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Cairo/Religion
52. Karim, Chahinda Fahmi, "The Mosque of Amir Qawsun in Cairo (730/1330)." In Historians in Cairo: Essays in Honor of George Scanlon. edited byEdwards, Jill.29-48. Cairo and New York: The American University in Cairo Press, 2002.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Cairo/Individuals--Qawsun
53. Warner, Nicholas, "Taking the Plunge: The Development and Use of the Cairene Bathhouse." In Historians in Cairo: Essays in Honor of George Scanlon. edited byEdwards, Jill.49-79. Cairo and New York: The American University in Cairo Press, 2002.
Subjects: Architecture/Culture/Places--Cairo
54. Denoix, Sylvie, "Saʿīd al-Suʿadāʾ." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam. 2d. 861. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1995.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Cairo/Religion
55. Farouk-Alli, Aslam, "Cairo." In Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World. edited byMartin, Richard C..115-116. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 2004.
Subjects: Places--Cairo
56. Lapidus, Ira M., "Cairo." In Dictionary of the Middle Ages. edited byStrayer, Joseph R..13-15. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1983.
Subjects: Places--Cairo
57. Meloy, John L., "Celebrating the Maḥmal: The Rajab Festival in Fifteenth Century Cairo." In History and Historiography of Post-Mongol Central Asia and the Middle East: Studies in Honor of John E. Woods. Edited by Pfeiffer, Judith//Quinn, Sholeh A.. 404-427. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2006.
Subjects: Culture/Places--Cairo
58. Hasebe, Fumihiko, "Toshi no shinsei --zen-kindai Kairo no shokuryō bōdō-kenkyū no shiza kara--." In Bunmei toshite no Isurāmu. Edited by Goto, Akira. 109-137. Tokyo: Eiko Kyōiku Bunka Kenkyūjo, 1994.
Series: Chūtō Isurāmu sekai, 2
Notes: Translation of title: "Urban Spirits: From a Viewpoint of the Study of Bread Riots in Pre-Modern Cairo."
Subjects: Economics/Places--Cairo
59. Hasebe, Fumihiko, "Kairo no kokumotsu kakaku-hendō to Mamurūku-chō seihu no taiō." In Nettowāku no nakano Chichūkai. 144-171. Tokyo: Aoki Shoten, 1999.
Series: Chichūkai sekaishi, 3
Notes: Translation of title: "Fluctuations of Grain Price in Mamluk Cairo and the Countermeasures of the Government."
Subjects: Economics/Places--Cairo
60. Hasebe, Fumihiko, "Ōken to Isurāmu-toshi --Kairo no Mamurūku-chō surutān-tachi--." In Isurāmu-sekai no kakudai. 247-267. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1999.
Series: Iwanami Kōza sekai rekishi, 10
Notes: Translation of title: "Muslim Rulership and City: The Case of Mamluk Cairo."
Subjects: Places--Cairo/Politics
61. al-Ibrashy, May, "Cairo's Qarafa as Described in the Ziyara Literature." In Le développement du soufisme en Égypte à l'époque mamelouke. Edited by McGregor, Richard J. A.//Sabra, Adam Abdelhamid. 269-297. Cairo: Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 2006.
Series: Cahier des Annales islamologiques, 27
Notes: Additional titles: Taṭawwur al-Taṣawwuf fī Miṣr fī al-ʿAṣr al-Mamlūkī; The Development of Sufism in Mamluk Egypt.
Subjects: Religion/Places--Cairo
62. Ohtoshi, Tetsuya, "Tasawwuf as Reflected in Ziyâra Books and the Cairo Cemeteries." In Le développement du soufisme en Égypte à l'époque mamelouke. Edited by McGregor, Richard J. A.//Sabra, Adam Abdelhamid. 299-330. Cairo: Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 2006.
Series: Cahier des Annales islamologiques, 27
Notes: Additional titles: Taṭawwur al-Taṣawwuf fī Miṣr fī al-ʿAṣr al-Mamlūkī; The Development of Sufism in Mamluk Egypt.
Subjects: Religion/Places--Cairo
63. Abū al-ʿAmāyim, Muḥammad, "Minṭaqat Masjid Chāhīn al-Khalwatī Minṭaqat Taṣawwuf Qadīmah." In Le développement du soufisme en Égypte à l'époque mamelouke. Edited by McGregor, Richard J. A.//Sabra, Adam Abdelhamid. 1-31. Cairo: Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 2006.
Series: Cahier des Annales islamologiques, 27
Notes: Additional titles: Taṭawwur al-Taṣawwuf fī Miṣr fī al-ʿAṣr al-Mamlūkī; The Development of Sufism in Mamluk Egypt.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Cairo/Individuals--Shahin al-Khalwati
64. Coquin, Charalambia, "Church of Abū Sayfayn." In The Coptic Encyclopedia. 549-552. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1991.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Cairo/Religion
65. Coquin, Charalambia, "Church of al-Muʿallaqah." In The Coptic Encyclopedia. 557-560. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1991.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Cairo/Religion
66. ʿAbd al-Wahhāb, Ḥasan. "Takhṭīṭ al-Qāhirah wa-Tanẓīmuhā mundhu Nashātihā." Bulletin de l'Institut égyptien 37, 2 (1954-1955): 1-45.
Subjects: Social relations/Places--Cairo
67. Aḥmad, ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Ibrāhīm. "Taṭawwur Ashkāl al-Qubāb al-Qāhirah fī ʿAṣr al-Mamālīk." al-Tārīkh wa-al-Mustaqbal, Jāmiʿat al-Minyā 3, 2 (1989): 237-267.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Cairo
68. ʿAllām, ʿĀdil Sharīf. "Aʿmāl al-Sulṭān Qānṣūh Abū Saʿīd al-Miʿmārīyah bi-al-Qāhirah." Qaḍāyā Tārīkhīyah 5, (1994): 94-131.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Cairo
69. Behrens-Abouseif, Doris. "The Citadel of Cairo: Stage for Mamluk Ceremonial." Annales islamologiques/Ḥawlīyāt Islāmīyah 24, (1988): 25-79.
Subjects: Culture/Places--Cairo
70. Behrens-Abouseif, Doris. "Locations of Non-Muslim Quarters in Medieval Cairo." Annales islamologiques/Ḥawlīyāt Islāmīyah 22, (1986): 117-132.
Subjects: Places--Cairo/Social relations
71. Behrens-Abouseif, Doris. "The Lost Minaret of Shajarat ad-Durr at her Complex in the Cemetery of Sayyida Nafīsa." Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Abteilung Kairo 39, (1983): 1-16.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Cairo
72. Behrens-Abouseif, Doris. "The North-Eastern Extension of Cairo under the Mamluks." Annales islamologiques/Ḥawlīyāt Islāmīyah 17, (1981): 157-189.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Cairo
73. Behrens-Abouseif, Doris. "An Unlisted Monument of the Fifteenth Century: The Dome of Zāwiyat al-Damirdāš." Annales islamologiques/Ḥawlīyāt Islāmīyah 18, (1982): 105-115.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Cairo
74. Blanc, Bernard////. "À propos de la carte du Caire de Matheo Pagano (1549)." Annales islamologiques/Ḥawlīyāt Islāmīyah 17, (1981): 203-285.
Subjects: Places--Cairo
75. Briggs, Martin Shaw. "Air-Photographs from Cairo." Antiquity 3, (1929): 468-470.
Notes: 2 photographs
Subjects: Places--Cairo
76. Burri, Carla M.//Fanfoni, Giuseppe. "Notes on the Restoration of 'The Small Theatre of the Dancing Dervishes' at Share Helmeia in Cairo." Art and Archaeology Research Papers 14, (1978): 75-76.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Cairo
77. Bylinski, Janusz. "Darb Ibn al-Baba: A Quarter in Mamluk Cairo in the Light of Waqf Documents." Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 31, (1994): 203-222.
Subjects: Architecture/Historiography/Places--Cairo
78. Devonshire, Henriette C.. "Les maisons arabes du Caire." La semaine égyptienne 4, 9-10 (1930): 4-9.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Cairo
79. Dopp, Pierre-Herman. "Le Caire vu par les voyageurs occidentaux du Moyen Âge." Majallat al-Jamʿīyah al-Jughrāfīyah al-Miṣrīyah 23, 24, 26, (1950, 1951, 1953): 117-149; 115-162; 87-118.
Notes: Arabic translation: Dirāsāt Tārīkhīyah 15: 49-50 (1994): 63-80, translated by ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Ḥamīdah.
Subjects: Places--Cairo
80. Doriant, François. "L'Ezbékieh." La revue du Caire 13, 136 (January 1951): 138-144.
Subjects: Places--Cairo
81. Fanfoni, Giuseppe. "Il complesso architettonico dei Dervisci Mewlewi in Cairo." Rivista degli studi orientali 57, (1983): 77-92.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Cairo
82. Garcin, Jean-Claude. "Le Caire et la province: Constructions au Caire et à Qus sous les mamelouks bahrides." Annales islamologiques/Ḥawlīyāt Islāmīyah 8, (1969): 47-62.
Notes: Reprinted in his Espaces, pouvoirs et idéologies de l'Égypte médiévale.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Cairo/Places--Qus
83. Garcin, Jean-Claude. "Deux saints populaires du Caire au début du XVIe siècle." Bulletin d'études orientales 29, (1977): 131-143.
Notes: Additional title: Mélanges offerts á Henri Laoust, vol. 1. Reprinted in his Espaces, pouvoirs et idéologies de l'Égypte médiévale.
Subjects: Religion/Places--Cairo
84. Garcin, Jean-Claude. "Toponymie et topographie urbaines médiévales à Fusṭāṭ et au Caire." Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 27, (1984): 113-155.
Notes: Reprinted in his Espaces, pouvoirs et idéologies de l'Égypte médiévale.
Subjects: Social relations/Places--Fustat/Places--Cairo
85. Gayraud, Roland-Pierre. "Céramiques trouvées lors de la restauration de la madrasa Tatār al-Ḥiğāziyya (Le Caire)." Annales islamologiques/Ḥawlīyāt Islāmīyah 22, (1986): 35-49, pls. XVI-XXV.
Subjects: Arts/Excavations/Places--Cairo
86. Guest, Arthur Rhuvon. "Cairene Topography: El Qarafa According to Ibn Ez Zaiyat." Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (1926): 57-61.
Subjects: Places--Cairo/Individuals--Ibn al-Zayyat
87. Guest, Arthur Rhuvon//Richmond, Ernest T.. "Miṣr in the Fifteenth Century." Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (1903): 791-816.
Notes: Reprinted in Studies on Taqīyaddīn al-Maqrīzī (d. 1442) Collected and Reprinted, edited by Fuat Sezgin.
Subjects: Social relations/Places--Cairo
88. al-Ḥajjī, Ḥayāt Nāṣir. "al-Bīmāristān al-Manṣūrī mundhu Taʾsīsihi wa-ḥattá Nihāyat al-Qarn al-Thāmin al-Hijrī/al-Rābiʿ ʿAshar al-Mīlādī." al-Majallah al-ʿArabīyah lil-ʿUlūm al-Insānīyah 8, 29 (1988): 6-35.
Notes: English summary, p. 395
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Cairo
89. Haswell, C. J. R.. "Cairo: Origin and Development; Some Notes on the Influence of the River Nile and Its Changes." Bulletin de la Societe royale de géographie d'Égypte 11, (1922): 171-176.
Subjects: Places--Cairo
90. Ibrahim, Leila. "Dragons on a Cairene Mosque." Art and Archaeology Research Papers 10, (1976): 11-19.
Subjects: Places--Cairo/Architecture
91. Ibrahim, Leila. "Four Cairene Mihrabs and Their Dating." Kunst des Orients 7, (1970-71): 30-39.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Cairo
92. Ibrahim, Leila. "Mamluk Monuments of Cairo." Quaderni dell'Istituto Italiano di Cultura per la R.A.E. (n.s.) no. 7, (1976): 9-29.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Cairo
93. Ibrahim, Leila. "Middle-Class Living Units in Mamluk Cairo: Architecture and Terminology." Art and Archaeology Research Papers 14, (1978): 24-30.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Cairo
94. Ibrahim, Leila. "Residential Architecture in Mamluk Cairo." Muqarnas: An Annual on Islamic Art and Architecture 2, (1984): 47-60.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Cairo
95. Ibrahim, Leila. "The Transitional Zones of Domes in Cairene Architecture." Kunst des Orients 10, (1975): 5-23.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Cairo
96. Ibrahim, Leila. "Up-to-date Concepts of the Traditional Cairene Living Units." Ekistics 48, 287 (1981): 96-100.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Cairo
97. Ibrahim, Leila. "The Zawiya of Šaiḥ Zain ad-Dīn Yūsuf in Cairo." Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Abteilung Kairo 34, (1978): 79-110.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Cairo
98. al-ʿImarī, Āmāl Aḥmad. "Dirāsah li-Zakhārif ʿalá Lawḥ min al-Rukhām ʿUthira ʿalayhi fī Madrasat Ṣarghatmish." Majallat Kullīyat al-Āthār, Jāmiʿat al-Qāhirah 1, (1975): 143-176.
Subjects: Architecture/Arts/Individuals--Sarghatmish al-Nasiri/Places--Cairo
99. Kay, H. C.. "Al Ḳāhirah and Its Gates." Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 14, (1882): 229-245.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Cairo
100. Māhir, Suʿād. "Majrá Miyāh Fam al-Khalīj." al-Majallah al-Tārīkhīyah al-Miṣrīyah 7, (1958): 134-157.
Subjects: Places--Cairo



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