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1. Naṣṣār, Ḥusayn, "al-Ibshīhī." In Mawsūʿat al-Ḥaḍārah al-Islāmīyah: Mawādd Mawsūʿīyah min Ḥarf al-Alif: Faṣlah Tajrībīyah Thānīyah. 102-103. Amman: al-Majmaʿ al-Malakī li-Buḥūth al-Ḥaḍārah al-Islāmīyah (Muʾassasat Āl al-Bayt), 1993.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibshihi
2. Vadet, Jean-Claude, "al-Ibshīhī, Bahāʾ al-Dīn Abu'l-Fatḥ Muḥammad b. Aḥmad b. Manṣūr." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam. 2d. 1005-1006. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1971.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibshihi/Literature
3. Irwin, Robert, "al-Ibshihī (790-c. 850/1388-c. 1446)." In Encyclopedia of Arabic Literature. Edited by Scott Meisami, Julie//Starkey, Paul. 387-388. London and New York: Routledge, 1998.
Notes: Review see Abu-Haidar; Homerin.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibshihi
4. Paajanen, Timo. "Scribal Treatment of the Literary and Vernacular Proverbs of al-Mustaṭraf in 15th-17th Century Manuscripts, with Special Reference to Diglossic Variation." Studia Orientalia: Societas Orientalis Fennica 77, (1995): 3-258.
Notes: Review see Contini.
Subjects: Culture/Individuals--Ibshihi/Scholarship
5. Houdas, Octave. "Al-Mostaṭraf." Journal asiatique (9th ser.) 15, (1900): 388-390.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibshihi
6. Marzolph, Ulrich. "Medieval Knowledge in Modern Reading: A Fifteenth-Century Arabic Encyclopaedia of omni re scibili." In Pre-Modern Encyclopaedic Texts, Proceedings of the Second COMERS Congress, Edited by Binkley, Peter, 407-419. Groningen, 1-4 July 1996. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1997.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibshihi/Scholarship
7. Contini, Riccardo. Review of "Scribal Treatment of the Literary and Vernacular Proverbs of al-Mustaṭraf in 15th-17th Century Manuscripts, with Special Reference to Diglossic Variation," by Timo Paajanen, in Studia Orientalia: Societas Orientalis Fennica 77 (1995). Quaderni di studi arabi 16, (1998): 203-204.
Subjects: Culture/Individuals--Ibshihi/Scholarship
8. Cassarino, Mirella. "Between Function and Fiction: The Representation of Women in al-Ibshīhī’s Mustaṭraf." Mamlūk Studies Review 21, (2018): 1-20.
Notes: See online:
Subjects: Individuals--Ibshihi/Social Relations
9. Tuttle, Kelly, "al-Ibshīhī (1388 - ca. 1446)." In Essays in Arabic Literary Biography II: 1350-1850. Edited by Joseph Lowry and Devin Stewart. 236-242. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2010.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibshihi/Literature



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