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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. Freimann, A., "Shalshelet ha-yaḥas shel mishpaḥat ha-RaMBaM." In Alumah: me'asef ha-Agudah le-madaʿei ha-Yahadut bi-Yerushalayim, me'asef rishon. edited byLewin, Benjamin Menasseh.9-32, 157-158. Jerusalem: Reuven Mas, 1936.
Subjects: Individuals--David b. Joshua Maimonides
2. Freimann, A., "Mikhtav perīdāh shel R. Dāwīd ha-Nagīd ha-Ahharon mi-ze'ezaei ha-RaMBaM 'el qehal Miṣrayim." In Minhah li-Yehudah: mugash le-harav Yehudah Leb Zlotnik le-yovlo ha-shishim. Edited by Assaf, Simha//Even-Shemuel, Yehuda//Rabbi Binyamin. 175-178. Jerusalem: Be-siyuʿa Mosad ha-Rav Kuk, 1950.
Subjects: Individuals--David b. Joshua Maimonides
3. Fenton, Paul B.. "The Literary Legacy of David ben Joshua, Last of the Maimonidean Negīdim." The Jewish Quarterly Review 75, 1 (1984): 1-56.
Subjects: Individuals--David b. Joshua Maimonides
4. Fenton, Paul B.. "A Jewish Sufi on the Influence of Music." Yuval: Studies of the Jewish Music Research Centre 4, (1982): 124-130.
Subjects: Individuals--David b. Joshua Maimonides/Religion



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