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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. Bauden, Frédéric. "Maqriziana IX: Should al-Maqrīzī Be Thrown Out with the Bath Water? The Question of His Plagiarism of al-Awḥadī’s Khiṭaṭ and the Documentary Evidence." Mamlūk Studies Review 14 (2010): 159-232.
Subjects: Individuals--al-Maqrizi/Individuals--al-Awhadi/Historiography
2. Bauden, Frédéric. "Maqriziana IV: Le Carnet de notes d'al-Maqrīzī : l'apport de la codicologie à une meilleure compréhension de sa constitution." Manuscripta Orientalia 9, 4 (2003): 24-36.
Subjects: Individuals--al-Maqrizi
3. Bauden, Frédéric, "Maqriziana VIII: Quelques remarques sur l'orthographe d'al-Maqrīzī (m. 845/1442) à partir de son carnet de notes: peut-on parler de moyen arabe?." In Moyen arabe et variétés mixtes de l'arabe à travers l'histoire: Actes du Premier Colloque International. Edited by Jérôme Lentin and Jacques Grand'Henry. 21-38. Louvain-la-Neuve: Université Catholique de Louvain, Institut Orientaliste, 2008.
Subjects: Individuals--al-Maqrizi
4. Bauden, Frédéric. "Maqriziana XI. Al-Maqrīzī et al-Ṣafadī: Analyse de la (re)construction d'un récit biographique." Quaderni di Studi Arabi, nuova serie 4, (2009): 99-136.
Subjects: Historiography/Individuals--al-Maqrizi/Individuals--al-Safadi
5. Doumit, Antoine. "al-Tajdīd fī Manhaj Taqī al-Dīn Aḥmad al-Maqrīzī." In Towards a Cultural History of the Mamluk Era, Towards a Cultural History of Bilād al-Shām during the Mamluk Era: Prosperity or Decline, Tolerance or Preservation, Edited by Haddad, Mahmoud; Heinemann, Arnim; Meloy, John; Slim, Souad, 93-111 (Arabic section). University of Balamand, May 4-7, 2005. Beirut: Orient-Institut Beirut - Ergon Verlag Würzburg, 2010.
Series: Beiruter Texte and Studien, 118
Notes: Translated Title: "The Development of Historiography in the Mamluk Era--the Example of al-Maqrizi"
Subjects: Historiography/Individuals--al-Maqrizi
6. Bouderbala, Sobhi. "L’histoire topographique un genre littéraire spécifique aux lettrés égyptiens IIIᵉ/IXᵉ-IXᵉ/XVᵉ siècle." Annales Islamologiques 45, (2011): 167-188.
Subjects: Individuals--al-Maqrizi/Historiography/Places--Cairo
7. Shammarī, Mufliḥ ibn ʻAlī, Manhaj al-Maqrīzī fī taqrīr al-al-milal wa-al-niḥal : min khilāl kitābih al-Mawāʻiẓ wa-al-iʻtibār bi-dhikr al-Khiṭaṭ wa-al-āthār : ʻarḍ wa-dirāsah. Riyadh: Maktabat Dār al-Minhāj lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ, 2013.
Subjects: Individuals--al-Maqrīzī
8. Van Steenbergen, Jo, "Al-Maqrīzī’s History of the Ḥajj (al-Dhahab al-Masbūk) and Khaldūnian Narrative Construction: Towards a Macro-structural Textual Analysis of Form and Meaning." In Mamluk Historiography Revisited — Narratological Perspectives. Edited by Stephan Conermann and Bethany J. Walker. 193-210. Bonn: V&R UniPress, 2018.
Series: Mamluk Studies, 15
Subjects: Individuals--Al-Maqrīzī/Individuals--Ibn Khaldūn
9. Rabbat, Nasser. "The Historian and the City: Al-Maqrīzī's Kitāb al-Mawāʿiẓ wa-l-Iʿtibār bi-Dhikr al-Khiṭaṭ wa-l-Āthār." Annemarie Schimmel Kolleg: History and Society during the Mamluk Era (1250-1517) (June 2018): 19.
Notes: Online at:
Subjects: Individuals--al-Maqrīzī
10. Yosef, Koby. "Al-Maqrīzī’s Sulūk, Muqaffā, and Durar al-ʿUqūd: Trends of “Literarization” in the Historical Corpus of a 9th/15th-Century Egyptian Shāfiʿī Religious Scholar." In New Readings in Arabic Historiography from Late Medieval Egypt and Syria, Fifth Conference of the School of Mamluk Studies, Edited by Jo van Steenbergen and Maya Termonia, 33-111. Ghent University, July 5, 2018. Leiden: Brill, 2021.
Series: Islamic History and Civilization, 179
Notes: See online:
Subjects: Historiography/Individuals--Al-Maqrīzī
11. Bauden, Frédéric, "Al-Maqrīzī and His al-Tārīkh al-kabīr al-muqaffā li-Miṣr. Part 1: an Inquiry into the History of the Work." In Studies in Islamic Historiography: Essays in Honour of Professor Donald P. Little. Edited by Sami G. Massoud. HonoringDonald P. Little.66-124. Leiden ; Boston: Brill, 2020.
Series: Islamic History and Civilization, 166
Subjects: Individuals--Al-Maqrīzī
12. Ron-Gilboa, Guy. "Pre-Islamic Brigands in Mamluk Historiography: Taqī al-Dīn al-Maqrīzī’s Account of “The Brigands Among the Arabs”." Annales islamologiques 49, (2015): 7-32.
Notes: See online:
Subjects: Historiography/Individuals--Al-Maqrīzī
13. Ron-Gilboa, Guy. "Pre-Islamic Brigands in Mamluk Historiography: Taqī al-Dīn al-Maqrīzī’s Account of “The Brigands Among the Arabs”." Annales islamologiques 49, (2015): 7-32.
Notes: See online:
Subjects: Historiography/Individuals--Al-Maqrīzī
14. al-Jubūrī, Fahmī Hasan Ḥamad Khiḍr, al-Makāyīl wa-al-awzān fī al-duwal al-ʿArabīyah al-Islāmīyah: al-Maqrīzī (845H - 1441M) wa-arāʾuh. Pp. 284. Amman: Dār al-Rāyah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ, 2021.
Subjects: Economics/Historiography/Individuals--Al-Maqrizi/Religion--Fiqh
15. Ito, Takao. "Al-Maqrīzī's Biography of Tīmūr." Arabica 62, 2-3 (2015): 308-327.
Notes: See online:
Subjects: Historiography/Individuals--Al-Maqrizi/Individuals--Timur
16. Hämeen-Anttila, Jaakko, "al-Maqrīzī as a Reader of The Testament of Ardašīr." In Authors as Readers in the Mamlūk Period and Beyond. Edited by Élise Franssen. 267-275. Venice: Edizioni Ca’ Foscari, 2022.
Series: Filologie medievali e moderne, 26; Serie orientale, 5
Notes: See online:
Subjects: Individuals--al-Maqrizi/Scholarship
17. Van Steenbergen, Jo, "Al Maqrīzī's History of the Ḥajj(al-Dhahab al-Masbūk) and the Khaldūnian Narrative Construction: towards a macro-structural textual analysis of form and meaning." In Mamluk Historiography Revisted - Narratological Perspectives. Edited by Stephen Conermann. 193-210. Göttingen: V&R Unipress; Bonn University Press, 2018.
Series: Mamluk Studies, 15
Subjects: Historiography/Individuals--Al-Maqrizi



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