The University of Chicago Library
Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
Mamluk Bibliography Online
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1. Morton, Nicholas. "Review of Syria in Crusader Times: Conflict and Co-Existence, edited by Carole Hillenbrand." Al-Masāq 32, 1 (2020): 116-117.
Notes: Taylor & Francis Online:
Subjects: Historiography--Crusades
2. al-Fattāḥ, Shikīb Rāshid Bashīr, Sibṭ ibn al-Jawzī muʾarrikhan lil-ḥurūb al-Ṣalībīyah: dirāsah fī sīratuhu wa-manhajuhu al-tārīkhī. Pp. 490. Amman: Dār Ghaydāʾ lil-Nashr wa al-Tawzīʿ, 2021.
Subjects: Historiography--Crusades/Individuals--Sibt ibn al-Jawzi



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