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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. Muṣṭafá, Muṣṭafá Wajīh, al-Ghidhāʼ fī Miṣr ʻaṣr salāṭīn al-Mamālīk : dirāsah fī al-tārīkh al-ijtimāʻī, 648-923 H/ 1250-1517 M. 403. Giza: ʻAyn lil-Dirāsāt wa-al-Buḥūth al-Insānīyah wa-al-Ijtimāʻīyah, 2016.
Subjects: Culture--Food
2. Abu Hussein, Tarek, "Social Dining, Banqueting, and the Cultivation of a Coherent Social Identity: The Case of Damascene 'Ulama' in the Late Mamluk and Early Ottoman Period." In Insatiable Appetite: Food as Cultural Signifier in the Middle East and Beyond. Edited by Kirill Dmitriev, Julia Hauser, and Bilal Orfali. 11-26. Leiden: Brill, 2020.
Series: Islamic History and Civilization,
Subjects: Culture--food
3. Marino, Danilo, "Hashish and Food: Arabic and European Medieval Dreams of Edible Paradises." In Insatiable Appetite: Food as Cultural Signifier in the Middle East and Beyond. Edited by Kirill Dmitriev, Julia Hauser, and Bilal Orfali. 190-213. Leiden: Brill, 2020.
Series: Islamic History and Civilization, 163
Subjects: culture--food
4. Dmitriev, Kirill, Julia Hauser, and Bilal Orfali, Edited by. Insatiable Appetite: Food as Cultural Signifier in the Middle East and Beyond. Leiden: Brill, 2020.
Series: Islamic History and Civilization`, 163
Notes: See online version Review see Rouhi
Subjects: Culture--Food
5. Rouhi, Leyla. Review of Insatiable Appetite: Food as Cultural Signifier in the Middle East and Beyond edited by Kirill Dmitriev, Julia Hauser and Bilal Orfali. Al-Masāq, Journal of the Medieval Mediterranean 32, 3 (2020): 377-378.
Notes: See online:
Subjects: Culture--Food
6. Besrour, Rachida, "Noms et surnoms ayant trait à l'alimentation en Egypte mamlouke." In Dirāsāt fī Tārīkh Miṣr al-Ijtimāʿī Khilāl al-ʿAhd al-Mamlūkī/Etudes en Histoire Sociale Egyptienne sous les Mamelouks. Pp. 3-14. Tunis: [s.n.], 2006.
Subjects: Culture--Food/Historiography
7. Besrour, Rachida, "Organisation et comportement de l'égyptien face au repas: Cadre et limite de la vie quotidienne en fin du Moyen-âge." In Dirāsāt fī Tārīkh Miṣr al-Ijtimāʿī Khilāl al-ʿAhd al-Mamlūkī/Etudes en Histoire Sociale Egyptienne sous les Mamelouks. Pp. 15-150. Tunis: [s.n.], 2006.
Subjects: Culture--Food/Social Relations
8. Besrour, Rachida, "Le temps des repas en Egypte mamelouke." In Dirāsāt fī Tārīkh Miṣr al-Ijtimāʿī Khilāl al-ʿAhd al-Mamlūkī/Etudes en Histoire Sociale Egyptienne sous les Mamelouks. Pp. 151-157. Tunis: [s.n.], 2006.
Subjects: Culture--Food/Social Relations
9. Besrour, Rachida, "Les lieux de convivialité en Egypte mamelouke." In Dirāsāt fī Tārīkh Miṣr al-Ijtimāʿī Khilāl al-ʿAhd al-Mamlūkī/Etudes en Histoire Sociale Egyptienne sous les Mamelouks. Pp. 158-170. Tunis: [s.n.], 2006.
Subjects: Culture--Food/Social Relations
10. Besrour, Rachida, "Les serviteurs, les fonctionnaires et les artisans: Acteurs inhérents à l'alimentation en Egypte mamelouke." In Dirāsāt fī Tārīkh Miṣr al-Ijtimāʿī Khilāl al-ʿAhd al-Mamlūkī/Etudes en Histoire Sociale Egyptienne sous les Mamelouks. Pp. 171-391. Tunis: [s.n.], 2006.
Subjects: Culture--Food/Social Relations
11. Öhrnberg, Kaj. Review of Treasure Trove of Benefits and Variety at the Table: A Fourteenth-Century Egyptian Cookbook , translated by Nawal Nasrallah. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 82, 3 (2019): 542-544.
Notes: See online:
Subjects: Culture--Food
12. Armanios, Febe. Review of Treasure Trove of Benefits and Variety at the Table: A Fourteenth-Century Egyptian Cookbook. Journal of the American Oriental Society 141, 1 (January-March 2021): 222-224.
Notes: See online:
Subjects: Culture--Food
13. Yungman, Limor. Review of Treasure Trove of Benefits and Variety at the Table: A Fourteenth-Century Egyptian Cookbook. Studia Islamica 115, 2-3 (Dec. 2020): 283–288.
Notes: See online:
Subjects: Culture--Food
14. Yungman, Limor. Review of Scents and Flavors: A Syrian Cookbook. Studia Islamica 115, 2-3 (Dec 2020): 295–297.
Notes: See online:
Subjects: Culture--Food
15. Yungman, Limor. Review of Food and Foodways of Medieval Cairenes: Aspects of Life in an Islamic Metropolis of the Eastern Mediterranean by Paulina B. Lewicka. Studia Islamica 110, 1 (2015): 122-125.
Notes: See online:
Subjects: Culture--Food/Economics



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