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1. ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz, Nabīl Muḥammad, "Riyāḍat al-Muṣāraʿah fī ʿAṣr Salāṭīn al-Mamālīk." In Saʿīd ʿĀshūr ilayh fī ʿĪd Mīlādih al-Sabʿīn: Buḥūth wa-Dirāsāt fī Tārīkh al-ʿUṣūr al-Wusṭá bi-Aqlām Nukhbah min Talāmīdhih wa-Murīdīh. 113-124. Cairo: Markaz al-Nashr li-Jāmiʿat al-Qāhirah, 1992.
Notes: Review see Haarmann.
Subjects: Culture
2. Abdel Nour, Antoine, "Types architecturaux et vocabulaire de l'habitat en Syrie aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles." In L'espace social de la ville arabe. Edited by Chevallier, Dominique////. 59-91 (Chap. 3). Paris: G.-P. Maissonneuve et Larose, 1979.
Series: Publications du Département d'islamologie de l'Université de Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV),
Subjects: Architecture/ Culture
3. Badawī, Muḥammad Muṣṭafá, "Medieval Arabic Drama: Ibn Dāniyāl." In Three Shadow Plays by Muḥammad Ibn Dāniyāl. Edited by Kahle, Paul. 6-30. Cambridge: Trustees of the E. J. W. Gibb Memorial, 1992.
Series: E. J. W. Gibb Memorial, New Series, 32
Notes: Review see Booth; Cheikh-Moussa; Corrao; Irwin; Moreh; Nagel; Rowson; Tamis.
Subjects: Culture/Literature/Individuals--Ibn Daniyal
4. Becker, Carl Heinrich, "Le 'ghâshiya' comme emblême de la royauté." In Centenario della nascita di Michele Amari. 148-151. Palermo: Stabilimento Tipografico Virzì, 1910.
Subjects: Culture
5. Bodrogligeti, Andras, "A Grammar of Mameluke-Kipchak." In Studia Turcica. Edited by Ligeti, L.. 89-102. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1971.
Series: Bibliotheca Orientalis Hungarica, XVII
Subjects: Culture/Literature
6. Boratov, P. N., "Ḳaragöz." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam. 2d. 601-603. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1978.
Subjects: Culture/Literature
7. Danner, Victor, "The Life and Works of Ibn ʿAṭāʾillāh." In Ibn ʿAṭāʾillāh's Ṣūfī Aphorisms (Kitāb al-Ḥikam). 1-14. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1973.
Notes: Review see Norris.
Subjects: Culture/Individuals--Ibn Ata Allah/Religion
8. Ettinghausen, Richard, "Further Comments on Mamluk Playing Cards." In Gatherings in Honor of Dorothy E. Miner. Edited by McCracken, Ursula E.////. 51-78. Baltimore: The Walters Art Gallery, [1974].
Notes: Reprinted in his Islamic Art and Archaeology: Collected Papers.
Subjects: Arts/Culture
9. Flemming, Barbara, "Literary Activities in Mamluk Halls and Barracks." In Studies in Memory of Gaston Wiet. Edited by Rosen-Ayalon, Myriam. 249-260. Jerusalem: Institute of Asian and African Studies, 1977.
Notes: Review see Biesterfeldt; Gaube; Holt; Humphreys; Little; Wickens.
Subjects: Literature/Culture/Military
10. Fuchs, H.//De Jong, Frederick, "Mawlid, or Mawlūd." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam. 2d. 895-897. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1990.
Subjects: Culture
11. Haarmann, Ulrich, "Regicide and 'The Law of the Turks'." In Intellectual Studies on Islam: Essays Written in Honor of Martin B. Dickson. Edited by Mazzaoui, Michel M.//Moreen, Vera B.. 127-135. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1990.
Subjects: Culture/Politics
12. Haarmann, Ulrich, "Der Schatz im Haupte des Götzen." In Die islamische Welt zwischen Mittelalter und Neuzeit: Festschrift für Hans Robert Roemer zum 65. Geburtstag. Edited by Haarmann, Ulrich//Bachmann, Peter. 198-229. Beirut and Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner, 1979.
Subjects: Culture/Religion/Individuals--Ibn al-Dawadari
13. Haldane, Duncan, "Scenes of Daily Life from Mamluk Miniatures." In The Eastern Mediterranean Lands in the Period of the Crusades. Edited by Holt, P. M.. 78-89. Warminster: Aris and Phillips, 1977.
Notes: Review see Ehrenkreutz; Gillingham; Spuler.
Subjects: Arts/Culture
14. Homès-Fredericq, D.//Franken, H. J., editors. "The Islamic Period." In Pottery and Potters--Past and Present. 228-248. Tübingen: Attempto Verlag, 1986.
Series: Ausstellungskataloge der Universität Tübingen, 20
Notes: Review see Kamlah.
Subjects: Culture/Excavations
15. Jomier, Jacques, "Aspects politiques et religieux du pèlerinage de la Mekke." In Livre du Centenaire, 1880-1980. 391-401. Cairo: Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1980.
Subjects: Culture/Politics/Religion
16. Kurz, O., "Mamluk Heraldry and Interpretatio Christiana." In Studies in Memory of Gaston Wiet. Edited by Rosen-Ayalon, Myriam. 297-307. Jerusalem: Institute of Asian and African Studies, 1977.
Notes: Review see Biesterfeldt; Gaube; Holt; Humphreys; Little; Wickens.
Subjects: Culture
17. Lutfi, Huda, "Manners and Customs of Fourteenth-Century Cairene Women: Female Anarchy versus Male Sharʿi Order in Muslim Prescriptive Treatises." In Women in Middle Eastern History. Edited by Keddie, Nikki R.//Baron, Beth. 99-121. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1991.
Notes: Review see Çelik; Lindisfarne-Tapper.
Subjects: Culture/Social relations/Places--Cairo
18. Marín, Manuela//Waines, David, "Introduction." In Kanz al-Fawāʾid fī Tanwīʿ al-Mawāʾid (Medieval Arab/Islamic Culinary Art). 1-17. Beirut/Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1993.
Series: Bibliotheca Islamica, 40
Notes: Review see Öhrnberg.
Subjects: Culture
19. Mayer, L. A., "Huit objets inédits à blasons mamluks en Grèce et en Turquie." In Mélanges Maspero. 97-104. Cairo: Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1940.
Series: Mémoires de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 68
Subjects: Arts/Culture
20. Mayer, L. A., "Talboshet ha-Yehudim bi-Tekufat ha-Mamlukim." In Sefer ha-Zikaron le-ʾAsher Golaḳ ule-Shemuʾel Ḳlain z. l.. 115-118. Jerusalem: Institute of Jewish Studies, [1942].
Subjects: Culture/Religion/Social relations
21. Meyer, Carol, "Glass from the North Theater Byzantine Church, and Soundings at Jerash, Jordan, 1982-1983." In Preliminary Reports of ASOR-Sponsored Excavations, 1982-85. Edited by Rast, Walter E.. 175-222. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988.
Series: Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research Supplement, 25
Subjects: Arts/Culture/Excavations/Places--Jordan
22. Meyer, Carol, "Glass from the 1986 Season." In The Southern Ghors and Northeast ʿArabah Archaeological Survey. By MacDonald, Burton////. 127-133 (Chap. 12). Sheffield: J. R. Collis Publications/University of Sheffield, 1992.
Subjects: Culture/Excavations/Places--Jordan
23. Moreh, Shmuel, "Live Theatre in Medieval Islam." In Studies in Islamic History and Civilization in Honour of Professor David Ayalon. Edited by Sharon, Moshe. 565-611. Jerusalem: Cana/Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1986.
Subjects: Literature/Culture
24. Parker, S. Thomas, "The Pottery." In The Roman Frontier in Central Jordan: Interim Report on the Limes Arabicus Project, 1980-1985. Edited by Parker, S. Thomas. 525-619. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports, 1987.
Series: BAR, International Series, 340 (ii)
Subjects: Culture/Excavations/Places--Jordan
25. Pritsak, Omeljan, "Das Kiptschakische." In Philologiae Turcicae Fundamenta. Edited by Deny, Jean////. 74-87. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner, 1959.
Subjects: Culture
26. Rabbat, Nasser O., "Rank." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam. 2d. 431-433. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1994.
Subjects: Administration/Culture
27. Schimmel, Annemarie, "Sufismus und Heiligenverehrung im Spätmittelalterlichen Ägypten." In Festschrift Werner Caskel zum siebzigsten Geburtstag 5. März 1966 gewidmet von Freunden und Schülern. Edited by Gräf, Erwin. 274-289. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1968.
Subjects: Culture/Religion
28. de Somogyi, Joseph, "Chess and Backgammon in Ad-Damīrī's Ḥayāt al-Ḥayawān." In Études orientales à la mémoire de Paul Hirschler. Edited by Komlós, Ottó. 101-110. Budapest: Államosított Kertész-nyomda, Karcag, 1950.
Notes: Reprinted in Kamāladdīn Muḥammad ibn Mūsā ad-Damīrī (d. 808/1405) and His Kitāb Ḥayāt al-Ḥayawān: Texts and Studies.
Subjects: Culture/Individuals--Damiri
29. Stillman, Norman A., "Ḳumāsh." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam. 2d. 373-374. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1986.
Subjects: Culture/Military
30. Stillman, Yedida K., "Libās, i. In the Central and Eastern Arab Lands." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam. 2d. 732-742. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1986.
Subjects: Culture
31. Vajda, Georges, "Sur quelques éléments juifs et pseudo-juifs dans l'encyclopédie magique de Bûnî." In Ignace Goldziher Memorial Volume. Edited by Löwinger, Samuel//de Somogyi, Joseph. 387-392. Budapest: Globus Nyomdai Müintézet, 1948.
Subjects: Culture
32. Zajaczkowski, Ananiasz, "Introduction." In Vocabulaire arabe-kiptchak de l'époque de l'État mamelouk: "Bulġat al-Muštāq fī Luġat at-Turk wa-l-Qifzāq". vii-xxiii. Warsaw: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1958.
Series: Polska Akademia Nauk: Komitet Orientalistyczny,
Notes: Additional title: Słownik Arabsko-Kipczacki z Okresu Państwa Mameluckiego. Review see Banguoğlu; Gabain; Pritsak.
Subjects: Culture/Literature
33. Pellat, Charles, "Introduction." In Cinq calendriers égyptiens. i-xxviii. Cairo: Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1986.
Series: Textes arabes et études islamiques, 26
Notes: Review see Lory.
Subjects: Administration/Culture/Economics
34. Lutfi, Huda, "Coptic Festivals of the Nile: Aberrations of the Past?." In The Mamluks in Egyptian Politics and Society. Edited by Philipp, Thomas//Haarmann, Ulrich. 254-282. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998.
Notes: Review see Clifford; Fernandes; Goldberg; Hämeen-Anttila; Martel-Thoumian; Masters; Meloy; Mouton; Öhrnberg; Petry; Taylor.
Subjects: Culture/Religion
35. Irwin, Robert, "The Image of the Byzantine and the Frank in Arab Popular Literature of the Late Middle Ages." In Latins and Greeks in the Eastern Mediterranean after 1204. Edited by Arbel, Benjamin//Hamilton, Bernard//Jacoby, David. 226-242. London: Frank Cass and Company Limited, 1989.
Notes: Reprinted from Mediterranean Historical Review, vol. 4, no. 1 (1989): 226-242.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Culture
36. Berkey, Jonathan P., "Culture and Society during the Late Middle Ages." In The Cambridge History of Egypt. Vol. 1: Islamic Egypt, 640-1517. Edited by Petry, Carl F.. 375-411. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998.
Notes: Review see Amitiai; Bosworth; Cook; Gayraud; Goldberg; Holt; Irwin; Levanoni; Lewicka; Monferrer; Pipes
Subjects: Culture/Social relations
37. Haarmann, Ulrich, "Krokodile aus Holz und Krokodile aus Marmor: Altägyptisches in einem marokkanischen Pilgerbericht des vierzehnten Jahrhunderts." In Meilenstein: Festgabe für Herbert Donner zum 16. Februar 1995. Edited by Weippert, Manfred//Timm, Stefan. 60-72. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 1995.
Series: Ägypten und Altes Testament, 30
Subjects: Culture/Places--Egypt
38. Haarmann, Ulrich, "Manf." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam. 2d. 410-414. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1988.
Subjects: Places--Manf/Culture
39. Haarmann, Ulrich, "Das Pharaonische Ägypten bei Islamischen Autoren des Mittelalters." In Zum Bild Ägyptens im Mittelalter und in der Renaissance/Comment se représente-t-on l'Égypte au moyen âge et à la renaissance?. Edited by Hornung, Erik. 29-58. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, and Freiburg Schweiz: Universitätsverlag, 1990.
Series: Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis, 95
Subjects: Culture
40. Graefe, Erhart, "A Propos der Pyramidenbeschreibung des Wilhelm von Boldensele aus dem Jahre 1335 (II)." In Zum Bild Ägyptens im Mittelalter und in der Renaissance/Comment se représente-t-on l'Égypte au moyen âge et à la renaissance?. Edited by Hornung, Erik. 9-28. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, and Freiburg Schweiz: Universitätsverlag, 1990.
Series: Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis, 95
Subjects: Culture/Foreign relations
41. Qāsim, ʿAbduh Qāsim, "al-Takwīn al-Ḥaḍārī lil-Miṣrīyīn min al-Fatḥ al-Islāmī ḥattá al-Ghazw al-ʿUthmānī." In Athar al-Islām fī Miṣr wa-Athar Miṣr fī al-Ḥaḍārah al-ʿArabīyah al-Islāmīyah (Dirāsāt li-Nukhbah min al-Bāḥithīn). Edited by Qāsim, ʿAbduh Qāsim. 167-225. Cairo: al-Hayʾah al-ʿĀmmah li-Quṣūr al-Thaqāfah, 1999.
Series: Maṭbūʿāt al-Hayʾah al-ʿĀmmah li-Quṣūr al-Thaqāfah, 36
Subjects: Social relations/Culture
42. Sellheim, Rudolf, "Eine späte zusammenfassende Sprichwörtersammlung aus der zweiten Hälfte des 7./13. Jahrhunderts." In Studies in Honour of Clifford Edmund Bosworth. Volume I. Hunter of the East: Arabic and Semitic Studies. Edited by Netton, Ian Richard. 95-112. Leiden: Brill, 2000.
Notes: Review see Arkoun; Conrad.
Subjects: Literature/Culture
43. Drory, Joseph, "Meʿalilot sheiḥ Hider "Aluf ha-yishmaʿʾelim"." In Meḥarim be-ʿaravit ʾuvtarbut ha-ʾislam. Edited by Avrahamov, Binyamin. 37-49. Bar-Ilan: Bar-Ilan University, 2000-2001.
Subjects: Religion/Individuals--Khadir al-Mihrani/Culture
44. Aubaile-Sallenave, Françoise, "Bân, un parfum et une image de la souplesse: l'histoire d'un arbre dans le monde arabo-musulman." In Parfums d'Orient. Edited by Gyselen, Rika. 9-27. Bures-sur-Yvette: Groupe pour l'Étude de la Civilisation du Moyen-Orient, 1998.
Series: Res Orientales, 11
Notes: Review see Quiviger.
Subjects: Culture
45. Marín, Manuela, "The Perfumed Kitchen: Arab Cookbooks from the Islamic East." In Parfums d'Orient. Edited by Gyselen, Rika. 159-166. Bures-sur-Yvette: Groupe pour l'Étude de la Civilisation du Moyen-Orient, 1998.
Series: Res Orientales, 11
Notes: Review see Quiviger.
Subjects: Culture
46. Sanagustin, Floréal, "Parfums et pharmacologie en Orient médiéval: savoirs et représentations." In Parfums d'Orient. Edited by Gyselen, Rika. 189-202. Bures-sur-Yvette: Groupe pour l'Étude de la Civilisation du Moyen-Orient, 1998.
Series: Res Orientales, 11
Notes: Review see Quiviger.
Subjects: Culture
47. Irwin, Robert, "Eating Horses and Drinking Mare's Milk." In Furusiyya: The Horse in the Art of the Near East. edited byAlexander, David.148-151. al-Riyāḍ: King Abdulaziz Public Library, 1996.
Notes: Review see al-Shārikh.
Subjects: Culture
48. Irwin, Robert, "Akl Laḥm al-Khuyūl wa-Shurb Laban al-Afrās fī al-ʿAṣr al-Mamlūkī." In al-Furūsīyah: Funūn al-Furūsīyah fī Tārīkh al-Mashriq wa-al-Maghrib. translated byal-Ṣarrāf, Shihāb.152-155. al-Riyāḍ: Maktabat al-Malik ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz al-ʿĀmmah, 2000.
Notes: Review see Anonymous.
Subjects: Culture
49. Mayeur-Jaouen, Catherine, "L'animal exemplaire dans les récits de miracles en Islam." In L'animal exemplaire au Moyen Âge (Ve-XVe siècle). edited byBerlioz, Jacques//Polo de Beaulieu, Marie Anne.81-95. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 1999.
Series: Collection "Histoire",
Subjects: Religion/Culture
50. Leder, Stefan, "Postklassisch und vormodern: Beobachtungen zum Kulturwandel in der Mamlūkenzeit." In Die Mamlūken: Studien zu ihrer Geschichte und Kultur. Zum Gedenken an Ulrich Haarmann (1942-1999). Edited by Conermann, Stephan//Pistor-Hatam, Anja. 289-312. Hamburg: EB-Verlag, 2003.
Series: Asien und Afrika. Beiträge des Zentrums für Asiatische und Afrikanische Studien (ZAAS) der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, 7
Notes: Review see Heine; Little.
Subjects: Culture/Scholarship



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