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1. al-Ṣafadī, Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn Khalīl ibn Aybak (ca.1297-1363). "Notice sur Khalîl, fils de Caïcaldy, extraite du dictionnaire biographique d'Assafady intitulé al-Wāfī bi-al-Wafayāt. " Journal asiatique (5th ser.) 10, (1857): 227-250.
Notes: Arabic text and French translation of the biography of the jurist Khalīl ibn Kaykaldī (d.1359). Edited and translated by B. R. Sanguinetti.
Uniform Title: al-Wāfī bil-Wafayāt
Subjects: Biographical Dictionaries/Individuals--Khalil b. Kaykaldi



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