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51. al-Sayyid, Riḍwān, "Ṣirāʿ al-Fuqahāʾ ʿalá al-Sulṭah wa-al-Sulṭān fī al-ʿAṣr al-Mamlūkī min khilāl Kitāb Tuḥfat al-Turk lil-Ṭarsūsī." In Tuḥfat al-Turk fī-mā Yajibu an Yuʿmala fī al-Mulk. Edited by Riḍwān al-Sayyid. 5-50. Beirut: Dār al-Ṭalīʿah lil-Ṭibāʿah wa al-Nashr, 1992/1413.
Subjects: Historiography/Individuals--Tarsusi/Scholarship
52. Schäfer, Barbara, "Einleitung." In Šams ad-Dīn aš-Šuğāʿī: Tārīḫ al-Malik an-Nāṣir Muḥammad b. Qalāwūn aṣ-Ṣāliḥī wa-Aulādihī [sic]. Edited and translated by Schäfer, Barbara. 1-14. Wiesbaden: Verlag Franz Steiner, 1985.
Series: Deutches Archäologisches Institut Kairo Quellen zur Geschichte des islamichen Ägyptens, 2b
Notes: Review see Haarmann; Horst; Kellner-Heinkele.
Subjects: Historiography/Individuals--Shuja'i/Individuals--Muhammad b. Qalawun
53. Sublet, Jacqueline, "Un inedit d'Ibn Ḥağar al-ʿAsqalânî: la suite au Durar." In Cahiers d'onomastique arabe. 161-163. Paris: Éditions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique, 1979.
Subjects: Historiography/Individuals--Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani
54. Taeschner, Franz, "Einleitung." In Al-ʿUmarī's Bericht über Anatolien in seinem Werke Masālik al-abṣār fī mamālik al-amṣār. 1-11. Leipzig: Otto Harrasowitz, 1919.
Subjects: Historiography/Individuals--Ibn Fadl Allah al-Umari
55. Taeschner, Franz, "Eine Futuwwa-Urkunde des Mamluken-Sultans al-Aschraf Chalīl von 1292." In Aus der Geschichte des islamischen Orients. By Taeschner, Franz//Jäschke, Gotthard. 1-16. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1949.
Series: Philosophie und Geschichte, 69
Subjects: Historiography/Individuals--Khalil b. Qalawun
56. Tantum, Geoffrey, "Muslim Warfare: A Study of a Medieval Muslim Treatise on the Art of War." In Islamic Arms and Armour. Edited by Elgood, Robert. 187-201. London: Scolar Press, 1979.
Notes: Review see Bivar; Grabar.
Subjects: Historiography/Individuals--Aqsara'i/Military
57. Wansbrough, John, "A Mamlūk Commercial Treaty Concluded with the Republic of Florence, 894/1489." In Documents from Islamic Chanceries. Edited by Stern, S. M.. 39-79. Oxford: Bruno Cassirer, 1965.
Series: Oriental Studies (1st ser.), 3
Notes: Review see Bosworth; Itzkowitz; Kampman; Meredith-Owens.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Historiography
58. Zakī, ʿAbd al-Raḥmān, "Āthār Miṣr wa-al-Qāhirah fī al-Nujūm." In al-Muʾarrikh Ibn Taghrī Birdī: Jamāl al-Dīn Abū al-Maḥāsin Yūsuf, 813-874 H.. Prepared by Lajnat al-Tārīkh bi-al-Majlis al-Aʿlá li-Riʿāyat al-Funūn wa-al-Ādāb wa-al-ʿUlūm al-Ijtimāʿīyah. 155-180. Cairo: al-Hayʾah al-Miṣrīyah al-ʾĀmmah lil-Kitāb, 1974.
Subjects: Historiography/Places--Cairo/Individuals--Ibn Taghri Birdi
59. Zakī, ʿAbd al-Raḥmān, "al-Marājiʿ al-ʿArabīyah lil-Tārīkh al-Islamī fī Gharb Ifrīqīyā." In al-Muḥāḍarāt al-ʿĀmmah: al-Mawsim al-Thaqāfī, 1967/1968. 9-46. Cairo: al-Jamʿīyah al-Miṣrīyah lil-Dirāsāt al-Tārīkhīyah/al-Hayʾah al-ʿĀmmah lil-Kutub wa-al-Ajhizah al-ʿIlmīyah, n.d..
Subjects: Historiography
60. Zayadine, Fawzi, "Caravan Routes between Egypt and Nabataea and the Voyage of Sultan Baibars to Petra in 1276." In Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan. Edited by ʿAdnān Ḥadīdī. 159-174. Amman: Department of Antiquities, 1985.
Subjects: Economics/Historiography/Individuals--Baybars/Individuals--Nuwayri
61. Margoliouth, D. S., "Introduction." In An Account of the Ottoman Conquest of Egypt in the Year A.H. 922 (A.D. 1516). translated bySalmon, W. H..vii-xiii. London: The Royal Asiatic Society, 1921.
Series: Oriental Translation Fund, New Series, 25
Notes: Review see Ross.
Subjects: Historiography/Foreign relations
62. Amīn, Muḥammad Muḥammad, "al-Sakhāwī wa-Muʾarrikhū al-Qarn al-Tāsiʿ al-Hijrī maʿ Nashr wa-Dirāsat Maqāmat 'al-Kāwī fī Tārīkh al-Sakhāwī' lil-Suyūṭī." In Saʿīd ʿĀshūr ilayh fī ʿĪd Mīlādih al-Sabʿīn: Buḥūth wa-Dirāsāt fī Tārīkh al-ʿUṣūr al-Wusṭá bi-Aqlām Nukhbah min Talāmīdhih wa-Murīdīh. 47-90. Cairo: Markaz al-Nashr li-Jāmiʿat al-Qāhirah, 1992.
Notes: Review see Haarmann.
Subjects: Historiography/Individuals--Sakhawi/Individuals--Suyuti
63. al-Qāḍī, Wadād, "Biographical Dictionaries: Inner Structure and Cultural Significance." In The Book in the Islamic World: The Written Word and Communication in the Middle East. Edited by Atiyeh, George N.. 93-122. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1995.
Notes: Review see Dening; Humbert; Köhler.
Subjects: Historiography/Scholarship
64. Makdisi, George, "The Diary in Islamic Historiography." In Islamic and Middle Eastern Societies: A Festschrift in Honor of Wadie Jwaideh. Edited by Olson, Robert//al-Ani, Salman. 3-28. Brattleboro, Vermont: Amana Books, 1987.
Subjects: Historiography
65. Rosenthal, Franz, "On Medieval Authorial Biographies: Al-Yaʿqūbī and Ibn Ḥajar." In Literary Heritage of Classical Islam: Arabic and Islamic Studies in Honor of James A. Bellamy. Edited by Mir, Mustansir. 255-274. Princeton: Darwin Press, 1993.
Notes: Review see Sells.
Subjects: Historiography/Individuals--Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani
66. Little, Donald P., "Sidjill (A.), 2. In Mamlūk Usage." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam. 2d. 538-539. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1996.
Subjects: Administration/Historiography
67. Hirtenstein, Stephen, "Introduction." In Muhyiddin Ibn ʿArabi: A Commemorative Volume. Editors Hirtenstein, Stephen//Tiernan, Michael. 1-9. Shaftesbury, England: Element for the Muhyiddin Ibn ʿArabi Society, 1993.
Notes: Review see Algar; Lory.
Subjects: Historiography/Individuals--Ibn al-Arabi
68. Sayyid, Ayman Fuʾād, "Muqaddimah." In Musawwadat Kitāb al-Mawāʿiẓ wa-al-Iʿtibār fī Dhikr al-Khiṭaṭ wa-al-Āthār. Edited by Ayman Fuʾād Sayyid. 1*-106*. London: Muʾassasat al-Furqān lil-Turāth al-Islāmī, 1995/1416.
Notes: Additional title: Le manuscrit autographe d'al-Mawāʿiẓ wa-al-Iʿtibār fī Dhikr al-Khiṭaṭ wa-al-Āthār de Taqī al-Dīn Aḥmad b. ʿAlī b. ʿAbd al-Qādir al-Maqrīzī. Review see Bianquis; Guo; Norris; Smith.
Subjects: Historiography/Individuals--Maqrizi
69. Altamira, Rafael, "Notas sobre la doctrina histórica de Abenjaldún." In Homenaje á D. Francisco Codera en su jubilación del profesorado. Estudios de erudición oriental. 357-374. Zaragoza: Mariano Escar, 1904.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn Khaldun/Historiography
70. Holt, P. M., "Literary Offerings: A Genre of Courtly Literature." In The Mamluks in Egyptian Politics and Society. Edited by Philipp, Thomas//Haarmann, Ulrich. 3-16. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998.
Notes: Review see Clifford; Fernandes; Goldberg; Hämeen-Anttila; Martel-Thoumian; Masters; Meloy; Mouton; Öhrnberg; Petry; Taylor.
Subjects: Historiography
71. Guo, Li, "Introduction: The Dhayl Mirʾāt al-Zamān in Modern Scholarship." In Early Mamluk Syrian Historiography: Al-Yunīnī's Dhayl Mirʾāt al-Zamān. vol. 1, pp. 1-96. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1998.
Series: Islamic History and Civilization: Studies and Texts, 21
Notes: Review see Eddé; Little; Mouton; Nielsen; Petry.
Subjects: Historiography/Places--Syria/Scholarship/Individuals--Yunini, Qutb al-Din Musa
72. Guo, Li, "Description of the Manuscripts and the Edition." In Early Mamluk Syrian Historiography: Al-Yunīnī's Dhayl Mirʾāt al-Zamān. vol. 2, pp. vii-xv. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1998.
Series: Islamic History and Civilization: Studies and Texts, 21
Notes: Review see Eddé; Little; Mouton; Nielsen; Petry.
Subjects: Historiography/Individuals--Yunini, Qutb al-Din Musa/Places--Syria/Scholarship
73. al-Qaddūmī, Ghāda al-Ḥijjāwī, ed. and trans.. "Introduction." In Book of Gifts and Rarities (Kitāb al-Hadāyā wa-al-Tuḥaf): Selections Compiled in the Fifteenth Century from an Eleventh-Century Manuscript on Gifts and Treasures. 3-56. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1996.
Series: Harvard Middle Eastern Monographs, 29
Notes: Forewards by Oleg Grabar and Annemarie Schimmel.
Subjects: Historiography
74. Haarmann, Ulrich, "'Großer Vater Mund' und 'Schwarzer Löwenjunge' -- eine mongolisch-kiptschakische Ursprungssage in arabischer Überlieferung." In Die Mongolen in Asien und Europa. Edited by Conermann, Stephan//Kusber, Jan. 121-137. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1997.
Series: Kieler Werkstücke, Reihe F: Beiträge zur osteuropäischen Geschichte, 4
Subjects: Foreign relations/Historiography
75. Cahen, Claude, "History and Historians." In Cambridge History of Arabic Literature. Edited by Young, M. J. L.////. vol. 3, 188-233. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.
Subjects: Historiography/Scholarship
76. Amitai, Reuven, "Al-Nuwayrī as a Historian of the Mongols." In The Historiography of Islamic Egypt (c. 950-1800). Edited by Kennedy, Hugh. 23-36. Leiden: Brill, 2001.
Series: The Medieval Mediterranean: Peoples, Economies and Cultures, 400-1453, 31
Notes: Review see Broadbridge. REPRINTED--see Amitai, Reuven, "The Mongols in Islamic Lands: Studies in the History of the Ilkhanate."
Subjects: Individuals--Nuwayri/Historiography
77. Riant, Paul Edouard Didier, comte, "Inventaire des matériaux rassemblés par les Bénédictins au XVIIIe siècle pour la publication des Historiens des croisades (Collection dite de Dom Berthereau. Paris, Bibl. nat., fr. 9050-9080)." In Archives de l'Orient latin. 105-130. Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1884.
Subjects: Historiography
78. Riant, Paul Edouard Didier, comte, "Inventaire sommaire des manuscrits relatifs à l'histoire et à la géographie de l'Orient latin." In Archives de l'Orient latin. 131-204. Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1884.
Subjects: Historiography
79. Little, Donald P., "Historiography of the Ayyūbid and Mamlūk Epochs." In The Cambridge History of Egypt. Vol. 1: Islamic Egypt, 640-1517. Edited by Petry, Carl F.. 412-444. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998.
Notes: Review see Amitiai; Bosworth; Cook; Gayraud; Goldberg; Holt; Irwin; Levanoni; Lewicka; Monferrer; Pipes
Subjects: Historiography
80. Irwin, Robert, "What the Partridge Told the Eagle: A Neglected Arabic Source on Chinggis Khan and the Early History of the Mongols." In The Mongol Empire and Its Legacy. Edited by Amitai, Reuven//Morgan, David O.. 5-11. Leiden, Boston, and Köln: E. J. Brill, 1999.
Series: Islamic History and Civilization: Studies and Texts, 24
Notes: Reviews see Aigle; Christian; Di Cosmo; Drompp; Van Steenbergen.
Subjects: Historiography
81. Denoix, Sylvie//Tuchscherer, Michel, "Les sources documentaires pour les périodes mamelouke et ottomane." In Le Khan al-Khalili et ses environs: Un centre commercial et artisanal au Caire du XIIIe au XXe siècle. Edited by Denoix, Sylvie//Depaule, Jean-Charles//Tuchscherer, Michel. 9-12. Cairo: Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1999.
Series: Études urbaines, 4/1
Notes: Review see Garcin.
Subjects: Historiography/Places--Cairo
82. Denoix, Sylvie//Tuchscherer, Michel, "al-Maṣādir al-Wathāʾiqīyah lil-ʿAṣrayn al-Mamlūkī wa-al-ʿUthmānī." In Le Khan al-Khalili et ses environs: Un centre commercial et artisanal au Caire du XIIIe au XXe siècle. Edited by Denoix, Sylvie//Depaule, Jean-Charles//Tuchscherer, Michel. 7. Cairo: Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1999.
Series: Études urbaines, 4/1
Notes: Arabic section. Review see Garcin.
Subjects: Historiography/Places--Cairo
83. Fındıkoğlu, Ziyaeddin Fahri, "Türkiyede İbn Haldunizm." In 60. doğum yılı münasebetiyle Fuad Köprülü armağanı: Mélanges Fuad Köprülü. 153-163. Istanbul: [Ankara Üniversitesi] Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi and Osman Yalçin Matbaası, 1953.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn Khaldun/Historiography
84. Perho, Irmeli, "Al-Maqrīzī and Ibn Taghrī Birdī as Historians of Contemporary Events." In The Historiography of Islamic Egypt (c. 950-1800). edited byKennedy, Hugh.107-120. Leiden: Brill, 2001.
Series: The Medieval Mediterranean: Peoples, Economies and Cultures, 400-1453, 31
Notes: Review see Broadbridge.
Subjects: Individuals--Maqrizi/Individuals--Ibn Taghri Birdi/Historiography
85. Rabbat, Nasser O., "Al-Maqrizi's Khitat, an Egyptian Lieu de Mémoire." In The Cairo Heritage: Essays in Honor of Laila Ali Ibrahim. edited byBehrens-Abouseif, Doris.17-30. Cairo and New York: The American University in Cairo Press, 2000.
Notes: Review see Walker.
Subjects: Individuals--Maqrizi/Historiography
86. Jarrar, Sabri, "Al-Maqrizi's Reinvention of Egyptian Historiography through Architectural History." In The Cairo Heritage: Essays in Honor of Laila Ali Ibrahim. edited byBehrens-Abouseif, Doris.31-53. Cairo and New York: The American University in Cairo Press, 2000.
Notes: Review see Walker.
Subjects: Individuals--Maqrizi/Historiography/Architecture
87. Richards, D. S., "A Mamluk Amir's Mamluk History: Baybars al-Manṣūrī and the Zubdat al-Fikra." In The Historiography of Islamic Egypt (c. 950-1800). edited byKennedy, Hugh.37-44. Leiden: Brill, 2001.
Series: The Medieval Mediterranean: Peoples, Economies and Cultures, 400-1453, 31
Notes: Review see Broadbridge.
Subjects: Historiography/Individuals--Baybars al-Mansuri
88. Irwin, Robert, "ʿAlī al-Baghdādī and the Joy of Mamluk Sex." In The Historiography of Islamic Egypt (c. 950-1800). edited byKennedy, Hugh.45-57. Leiden: Brill, 2001.
Series: The Medieval Mediterranean: Peoples, Economies and Cultures, 400-1453, 31
Notes: Review see Broadbridge.
Subjects: Historiography/Individuals--Ali al-Baghdadi
89. Rabbat, Nasser O., "Representing the Mamluks in Mamluk Historical Writing." In The Historiography of Islamic Egypt (c. 950-1800). edited byKennedy, Hugh.59-75. Leiden: Brill, 2001.
Series: The Medieval Mediterranean: Peoples, Economies and Cultures, 400-1453, 31
Notes: Review see Broadbridge.
Subjects: Historiography
90. Sayyid, Ayman Fuʾād, "L'évolution de la composition du genre de Khiṭaṭ en Égypte musulmane." In The Historiography of Islamic Egypt (c. 950-1800). edited byKennedy, Hugh.77-92. Leiden: Brill, 2001.
Series: The Medieval Mediterranean: Peoples, Economies and Cultures, 400-1453, 31
Notes: Review see Broadbridge.
Subjects: Historiography
91. Levanoni, Amalia, "Al-Maqrīzī's Account of the Transition from Turkish to Circassian Mamluk Sultanate: History in the Service of Faith." In The Historiography of Islamic Egypt (c. 950-1800). edited byKennedy, Hugh.93-105. Leiden: Brill, 2001.
Series: The Medieval Mediterranean: Peoples, Economies and Cultures, 400-1453, 31
Notes: Review see Broadbridge.
Subjects: Historiography/Individuals--Maqrizi
92. Guo, Li, "Al-Biqāʾī's Chronicle: A Fifteenth Century Learned Man's Reflection on His Time and World." In The Historiography of Islamic Egypt (c. 950-1800). edited byKennedy, Hugh.121-148. Leiden: Brill, 2001.
Series: The Medieval Mediterranean: Peoples, Economies and Cultures, 400-1453, 31
Notes: Review see Broadbridge.
Subjects: Historiography/Individuals--Biqa'i
93. Haarmann, Ulrich, "Al-Maqrīzī, the Master, and Abū Ḥāmid al-Qudsī, the Disciple - Whose Historical Writing can Claim More Topicality and Modernity?." In The Historiography of Islamic Egypt (c. 950-1800). edited byKennedy, Hugh.149-165. Leiden: Brill, 2001.
Series: The Medieval Mediterranean: Peoples, Economies and Cultures, 400-1453, 31
Notes: Review see Broadbridge.
Subjects: Historiography/Individuals--Maqrizi/Individuals--Abu Hamid al-Maqdisi
94. Petry, Carl F., "Disruptive 'Others' as Depicted in Chronicles of the Late Mamlūk Period." In The Historiography of Islamic Egypt (c. 950-1800). edited byKennedy, Hugh.167-194. Leiden: Brill, 2001.
Series: The Medieval Mediterranean: Peoples, Economies and Cultures, 400-1453, 31
Notes: Review see Broadbridge.
Subjects: Historiography
95. Morray, David, "Egypt and Aleppo in Ibn al-ʿAdīm's Bughyat al-Ṭalab fī Taʾrīkh Ḥalab." In The Historiography of Islamic Egypt (c. 950-1800). edited byKennedy, Hugh.13-21. Leiden: Brill, 2001.
Series: The Medieval Mediterranean: Peoples, Economies and Cultures, 400-1453, 31
Notes: Review see Broadbridge.
Subjects: Historiography/Individuals--Ibn al-Adim
96. Ayad, Muhammad Kamil, "Die Anfänge der muslimischen Geschichtsforschung." In Geist und Gesellschaft: Kurt Breysig zu seinem sechzigsten Geburtstage. 35-48. Breslau: Verlag von M. & H. Marcus, [1927].
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn Khaldun/Historiography
97. Cahen, Claude, "Al-Makīn ibn al-ʿAmīd et l'historiographie musulmane: un cas d'interpénétration confessionnelle." In Orientalia Hispanica: sive studia F. M. Pareja octogenario dicata. edited byBarral, J. M..158-167. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1974.
Subjects: Historiography/Individuals--Makin b. al-Amid
98. Dietrich, Albert, "Zur Überlieferung einiger Ḥadīt-Handschriften der Ẓāhiriyya in Damascus." In Orientalia Hispanica: sive studia F. M. Pareja octogenario dicata. edited byBarral, J. M..226-244. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1974.
Subjects: Historiography/Religion/Scholarship
99. al-Ṣarrāf, Shihāb, "Furūsiyya Literature of the Mamlūk Period." In Furusiyya: The Horse in the Art of the Near East. edited byAlexander, David.118-135. al-Riyāḍ: King Abdulaziz Public Library, 1996.
Notes: Review see al-Shārikh.
Subjects: Military/Historiography/Scholarship
100. Contadini, Anna, "The Horse in Two Manuscripts of Ibn Bakhtīshūʿs Kitāb Manāfiʿ al-Ḥayawān." In Furusiyya: The Horse in the Art of the Near East. edited byAlexander, David.142-147. al-Riyāḍ: King Abdulaziz Public Library, 1996.
Notes: Review see al-Shārikh.
Subjects: Arts/Historiography/Individuals--Ibn Bakhtishu/Scholarship



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