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151. Eckmann, János. "Die mamluk-kiptschakische Literatur." Philologiae Turcicae Fundamenta 2, (1964): 296-304.
Subjects: Literature
152. al-Ghawaby, Ahmad. "Al-Maqrizi as a Poet." Minbar al-Islam 2, 4 (1962/1382): 28-30.
Subjects: Individuals--Maqrizi/Literature
153. Graefe, Erich////. "Der Qarrād." Der Islam 5, (1914): 93-106.
Subjects: Culture/Literature
154. Grube, Ernst J.. "Prolegomena for a Corpus Publication of Illustrated Kalīlah wa Dimnah Manuscripts." Islamic Art 4, (1990-1991): 301-481.
Subjects: Arts/Literature
155. Ashqar, Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Qādir. "al-Taḥāmuq fī al-Shiʿr al-Mamlūkī." al-Turāth al-ʿArabī 21, 83-84 (2001): 55-87.
Subjects: Literature
156. Haldane, Duncan. "Three Mamluk Manuscripts of al-Haririʾs Maqamat." Orientations 16, 1 (January 1985): 44-50.
Subjects: Arts/Literature
157. Homerin, Th. Emil. "A Bird Ascends the Night: Elegy and Immortality in Islam." Journal of the American Academy of Religion 58, 4 (1991): 247-280.
Subjects: Literature/Religion
158. L'Hopital, Jean-Yves. "'Ô toi qui conduis les palanquins, qui sans cesse parcours les steppes': Un poème de ʿUmar b. al-Fāriḍ." Bulletin d'études orientales 46, (1994): 165-195.
Notes: Abstracts in Arabic, English, and French, pp. 240-241.
Subjects: Literature/Individuals--Ibn al-Farid
159. Horovitz, Josef. "Ibn al-Fāriḍ über das Schattenspiel." Der Islam 8, (1918): 298-299.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Farid/Literature
160. Ḥusayn, Muḥammad Kāmil. "Bayna al-Tashayyuʿ wa-Adab al-Ṣūfīyah bi-Miṣr fī ʿAṣr al-Ayyūbīyīn wa-al-Mamālīk." Majallat Kullīyat al-Ādāb, Jāmiʿat al-Qāhirah 16, 2 (1954): 45-72.
Subjects: Literature/Religion
161. Ḥusayn, Muḥammad Kāmil. "al-Tashayyuʿ fī al-Shiʿr al-Miṣrī fī ʿAṣr al-Ayyūbīyīn wa-al-Mamālīk." Majallat Kullīyat al-Ādāb, Jāmiʿat al-Qāhirah 15, 1 (1953): 57-87.
Subjects: Literature/Culture
162. Jacob, Georg. "ʿAjîb ed-dîn al-wâʿiẓ bei Ibn Dânijâl." Der Islam 4, (1913): 67-71.
Notes: See Reckendorf.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn Daniyal/Literature
163. Jacob, Georg. "Der Nâtû und sein Lied bei Ibn Dânijâl." Der Islam 1, (1910): 178-182.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn Daniyal/Literature
164. Kahle, Paul. "The Arabic Shadow Play in Egypt." Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (1940): 21-34.
Notes: Reprinted in his Opera Minora.
Subjects: Culture/Individuals--Ibn Daniyal/Literature
165. Kahle, Paul. "Islamische Schattenspielfiguren aus Egypten." Der Islam 1; 2, (1910; 1911): 264-299; 143-195.
Subjects: Culture/Literature
166. Molan, Peter D.. "Charivari in a Medieval Egyptian Shadow Play." Al-Masāq 1, (1988): 5-24.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn Daniyal/Literature
167. al-Najjār, Muḥammad Rajab. "al-Shiʿr al-Shaʿbī al-Sākhir fī ʿUṣūr al-Mamālīk." ʿĀlam al-Fikr 13, no. 3; 14, 1 (1982; 1983): 63-146775-858; 193-276193-276.
Subjects: Culture/Literature
168. Netton, Ian Richard. "Myth, Miracle, and Magic in the Riḥla of Ibn Baṭṭūṭa." Journal of Semitic Studies 29, (1984): 131-140.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn Battutah/Literature
169. Radtke, Bernd. "Zur 'Literarisierten Volkschronik' der Mamlukenzeit." Saeculum: Jahrbuch für Universalgeschichte 41, (1990): 44-52.
Subjects: Culture/Literature
170. Reckendorf, H.. "Zur Ḫuṭbe ʿAjīb addīns." Der Islam 4, (1913): 324-325.
Notes: See Jacob.
Subjects: Literature/Individuals--Ibn Daniyal
171. Rescher, O.. "Studien über den Inhalt von 1001 Nacht." Der Islam 9, (1919): 1-94.
Notes: See Nöldeke.
Subjects: Literature
172. Rosenthal, Franz. "'Blurbs' (taqrīz) from Fourteenth-Century Egypt." Oriens 27-28, (1981): 177-196.
Notes: Reprinted in his Muslim Intellectual and Social History: A Collection of Essays.
Subjects: Literature/Scholarship
173. Shoshan, Boaz. "On Popular Literature in Medieval Cairo." Poetics Today 14, 2 (1993): 349-365.
Subjects: Culture/Literature
174. de Somogyi, Joseph. "A Qaṣīda on the Destruction of Baghdād by the Mongols." Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 7, (1933-1935): 41-48.
Notes: Reprinted in Muslims, Mongols and Crusaders: An Anthology of Articles Published in the Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, edited by G. R. Hawting.
Subjects: Literature
175. Winkler, Hans Alexander. "Eine Zusammenstellung christlicher Geschichten im Artikel über das Schwein in Damīrī's Tierbuch." Der Islam 18, (1929): 285-293.
Notes: Reprinted in Kamāladdīn Muḥammad ibn Mūsā ad-Damīrī (d. 808/1405) and His Kitāb Ḥayāt al-Ḥayawān: Texts and Studies.
Subjects: Individuals--Damiri/Literature
176. Zajaczkowski, Ananiasz. "'Historia Isfandiara podlug tureckiej wersji 'Sāh-nāme' z Egiptu Mameluckiego." Rocznik orientalistyczny 28, 1 (1964): 49-90.
Subjects: Arts/Literature
177. Zajaczkowski, Ananiasz. "Poezje stroficzne muvaššaḥ mameluckiego sultana Qānṣūh (Qansav) Gavrī." Rocznik orientalistyczny 27, 2 (1964): 63-89.
Subjects: Literature/Individuals--Qansuh al-Ghawri
178. Sefi, A.. "Khamriyyah (the Wine Song) of Shaykh ʿUmar ibn al-Fāriḍ (577-632 A.H.)." Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 2, (1921-1923): 235-246.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Farid/Literature
179. Homerin, Th. Emil. "Reflections on Arabic Poetry in the Mamluk Age." Mamlūk Studies Review 1, (1997): 63-85.
Notes: Online at:
Subjects: Literature
180. Moreh, Shmuel. "The Background of Mediaeval Arabic Theatre: Hellenistic-Roman and Persian Influences." Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 13, (1990): 294-329.
Subjects: Literature
181. L'Hopital, Jean-Yves. "Deux poèmes de ʿUmar b. al-Fāriḍ: 'Ses paupières dardent en mon cœur un glaive qui tient son tranchant de leur langueur' et 'Porté par la brise du levant, mon cœur incline vers ceux qu'il aime'." Bulletin d'études orientales 45, (1993): 47-87.
Notes: Abstracts in Arabic, English, and French, pp. 281-282.
Subjects: Literature/Individuals--Ibn al-Farid
182. Brustad, Kristen. "Imposing Order: Reading the Conventions of Representation in al-Suyūṭī's Autobiography." Edebiyât (n.s.) 7, 2 (1997): 327-344.
Subjects: Individuals--Suyuti/Literature
183. Sublet, Jacqueline. "Nom écrit, nom dit: Les Personnages du théâtre d'ombres d'Ibn Dāniyāl." Arabica 44, 4 (1997): 545-552.
Subjects: Literature/Individuals--Ibn Daniyal
184. van Gelder, Geert Jan. "Arabic Poetics and Stylistics According to the Introduction of al-Durr al-Farīd by Muḥammad Ibn Aydamir (d. 710/1310)." Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 146, 2 (1996): 381-414.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn Aydamir/Literature
185. Rofail Farag, F.. "The Arabian Nights: A Mirror of Islamic Culture in the Middle Ages." Arabica 23, (1976): 197-211.
Subjects: Culture/Literature
186. Blau, Joshua. "The State of Research in the Field of the Linguistic Study of Middle Arabic." Arabica 28, (1981): 187-203.
Subjects: Literature
187. Nöldeke, Th.. "Zu den ägyptischen Märchen." Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 42, (1888): 68-72.
Subjects: Culture/Literature
188. Seybold, C. F.. "Zum arabischen Schattenspiel." Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 56, (1902): 413-414.
Subjects: Culture/Literature
189. Mihannā, Muḥammad Naṣr. "Ādāb al-Mulūk: Katabahu al-Mamlūk Bardi Bak min Ṭabaqat al-Mustajaddah al-Malikī al-Ashrafī." Annales islamologiques/Ḥawlīyāt Islāmīyah 22, (1986): 1-9.
Subjects: Literature/Scholarship
190. Walther, Wiebke. "Das Bild der Frau in Tausendundeiner Nacht." Hallesche Beiträge zur Orientwissenschaft 4, (1982): 69-91.
Subjects: Literature
191. Marlow, Louise. "Kings, Prophets and the ʿUlamāʾ in Mediaeval Islamic Advice Literature." Studia Islamica 81, (1995): 101-120.
Subjects: Literature/Social relations
192. Guillaume, Jean-Patrick. "Les Ismaéliens dans le Roman de Baybarṣ: Genèse d'un type littéraire." Studia Islamica 84, (1996): 145-179.
Subjects: Literature/Religion
193. Sellheim, Rudolf. "Eine fünfte Miszelle zur arabischen Sprichwörterkunde." Oriens 32, (1990): 463-475.
Notes: Corrections to his article "Mathal" in EI2.
Subjects: Literature/Culture
194. Stern, S. M.. "Two Anthologies of Muwaššaḥ Poetry: Ibn al-Ḫaṭīb's Ğayš al-Tawšīḥ and al-Ṣafadī's Tawšīʿ al-Tawšīḥ." Arabica 2, (1955): 150-192.
Subjects: Literature
195. Popper, W.. "Data for Dating a Tale in the Nights." Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (1926): 1-14.
Subjects: Literature
196. Di Matteo, Ignazio. "Sulla mia interpretazione del poema mistico d'Ibn al-Fāriḍ." Rivista degli studi orientali 8, (1919-1920): 479-500.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Farid/Literature
197. Moreh, Shmuel. "The Shadow Play (Khayāl al-Ẓill) in the Light of Arabic Literature." Journal of Arabic Literature 18, (1987): 46-61.
Subjects: Literature
198. Kahle, Paul. "The Arabic Shadow Play in Medieval Egypt (Old Texts and Old Figures)." Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society 2, 2 (1954): 85-115.
Subjects: Literature/Individuals--Ibn Daniyal
199. Ceccato, Rosella Dorigo. "Il teatro d'ombre a Damasco." Quaderni di Studi Arabi 2, (1984): 127-154.
Subjects: Literature/Places--Damascus
200. ʿAnānī, Muḥammad Zakarīyā. "Ḥawl "Khayāl al-Ẓill" fī Miṣr maʿ Naṣṣ Yunshar li-Awwal Marrah." al-Kātib (Cairo) 18, 202, 203 (1978): 20-40, 6-18.
Subjects: Literature



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