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101. Le Strange, Guy. "Description of the Noble Sanctuary at Jerusalem in 1470A.D., by Kamâl (or Shams) ad Dîn as Suyûtî." Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (n.s.) 19, (1887): 247-305.
Subjects: Architecture/Individuals--Shams al-Din al-Suyuti/Places--Jerusalem
102. Little, Donald P.. "Communal Strife in Late Mamlūk Jerusalem." Islamic Law and Society 6, 1 (1999): 69-96.
Subjects: Places--Jerusalem/Social relations/Politics
103. Zaydān, Yusrá Aḥmad ʿAbd Allāh. "al-Quds fī Kitābāt Raḥḥālah wa-Jughrāfīyī al-Qarn al-Sābiʿ wa-al-Thāmin al-Hijrīyayn." al-Muʾarrikh al-Miṣrī 21, (1999): 337-384.
Subjects: Places--Jerusalem
104. Behrens-Abouseif, Doris. "Qāytbāy's Madrasahs in the Holy Cities and the Evolution of Ḥaram Architecture." Mamlūk Studies Review 3, (1999): 129-147.
Notes: Online at:
Subjects: Individuals--Qaytbay/Places--Mecca/Places--Medina/Places--Jerusalem/Architecture
105. Nori, Gabriele. "La Qubbat al-Sakhrā di Gerusalemme. Una testimonianza inedita del 1486." Rivista storica italiana 93, 1 (1981): 55-70.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Jerusalem
106. Mukhliṣ, ʿAbd Allāh. "al-Maktabah al-Khālidīyah wa-Nafāʾisuhā fī al-Quds al-Sharīf." al-Quds al-Sharīf 30, (1987): 73-82.
Subjects: Places--Jerusalem/Scholarship
107. al-ʿAsalī, Kāmil Jamīl. "al-Madrasah al-Ashrafīyah." al-Quds al-Sharīf 25, (1987): 66-81.
Subjects: Places--Jerusalem/Architecture
108. al-ʿAsalī, Kāmil Jamīl. "Kashf al-Mazīd min al-Munshaʾāt al-Islāmīyah fī al-Madīnah al-Khālidah: Dār ʿAjāʾiz fī al-Qarn al-Thāmin al-Hijrī!." al-Quds al-Sharīf 18, (1986): 25-29.
Subjects: Places--Jerusalem/Architecture
109. al-ʿAsalī, Kāmil Jamīl. "Aʿyān Ākharūn Thawaw fī Thará Bayt al-Maqdis." al-Quds al-Sharīf 11, (1986): 74-81.
Subjects: Places--Jerusalem/Politics
110. al-ʿAsalī, Kāmil Jamīl. "Ziyārah ilá al-Turāth fī Bayt al-Maqdis ffī Khams Ḥalaqāt." al-Quds al-Sharīf 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6, (1985): 58-69; 49-60; 61-71; 65-81; 71-81; 75-85.
Notes: Part four in vol.4 is reprinted in vol.5.
Subjects: Places--Jerusalem/Architecture
111. al-ʿAsalī, Kāmil Jamīl. "Ṣafḥah min Tārīkh al-Quds: Mulāhaẓāt Ḥawl Sūr al-Quds." al-Quds al-Sharīf 5, (1985): 44-49.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Jerusalem
112. al-ʿAsalī, Kāmil Jamīl. "al-Ṭābiʿ al-Islāmī al-Dawlī lil-ʿUlamāʾ alladhīn Ammū al-Quds wa-ʿĀshū fīhā." al-Quds al-Sharīf 8, (1985): 40-50.
Subjects: Places--Jerusalem/Scholarship/Religion
113. al-ʿAsalī, Kāmil Jamīl. "Min Maʿālim al-Quds al-Atharīyah .. al-Khānāt wa-al-Ḥammāmāt wa-al-Asbilah." al-Quds al-Sharīf 9, (1985): 75-85.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Jerusalem
114. al-Khaṭīb, Rawḥī. "al-Mamālīk fī al-Quds: Ḥimāyatuhum wa-riʿāyatuhum lahā wa-Ḥaḍāratuhum fīhā." al-Quds al-Sharīf 8, (1985): 65-82.
Subjects: Places--Jerusalem/Culture/Architecture/Religion
115. al-ʿAsalī, Kāmil Jamīl. "Āthār al-Quds wa-Makhṭūṭātuhā." Shuʾūn ʿArabīyah 15, (1982): 304-309.
Subjects: Places--Jerusalem/Architecture
116. Salāmah, Khiḍr Ibrāhīm. "al-Maṣāḥif fī al-Ḥaram al-Sharīf." Journal of Palestinian Archaeology/Majallat al-Āthār al-Filasṭīnīyah 1, 2 (2000): 50-54.
Subjects: Arts/Religion/Places--Jerusalem
117. Tena Tena, Pedro. "La peregrinación a Jerusalem a finales del siglo XV." Sefarad (Madrid) 60, 2 (2000): 369-395.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Jerusalem/Individuals--Breydenbach
118. Aḥmad, ʿAlī. "al-Quds fī Naẓar al-Andalusīyīn wa-al-Maghāribah khilāl al-ʿUṣūr al-Wusṭá." Dirāsāt Andalusīyah / Revue des Études Andalouses 24, (2000): 56-72.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Jerusalem
119. Massignon, Louis. "Documents sur certains waqfs des Lieux saints de l'Islam principalement sur le waqf Tamimi à Hébron et sur le waqf tlemcénien Abû Madyan à Jérusalem." Revue des études islamiques 19, (1951): 73-120.
Subjects: Religion/Places--Jerusalem
120. Luz, Nimrod. "Aspects of Islamization of Space and Society in Mamluk Jerusalem and its Hinterland." Mamlūk Studies Review 6, (2002): 133-154.
Subjects: Religion/Places--Jerusalem
121. Müller, Christian. "Constats d'héritages dans la Jérusalem mamelouke: les témoins du cadi dans un document inédit du Ḥaram al-Šarīf." Annales islamologiques/Ḥawlīyāt Islāmīyah 35, 1 (2001): 291-319.
Subjects: Social relations/Religion/Places--Jerusalem
122. Schick, Robert. "Arabic Studies of Mamluk Jerusalem: A Review Article." Mamlūk Studies Review 5, (2001): 159-168.
Subjects: Places--Jerusalem/Historiography
123. Deluz, Christiane. "Pèlerins à Jérusalem à la fin du Moyen-Age." Social Compass 36, 2 (1989): 159-173.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Jerusalem
124. Lahrkamp, Helmut. "Mittelalterliche Jerusalemfahrten und Orientreisen westfälischer Pilger und Kreuzritter." Westfälische Zeitschrift: Zeitschrift für vaterländische Geschichte und Altertumskunde 106, (1956): 269-346.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Jerusalem
125. Lampen, Willibrord. "Hollandsche Jerusalemvaarders in vroeger eeuwen." Bijdragen voor de geschiedenis van het Bisdom van Haarlem 45, (1928): 265-293.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Jerusalem
126. Kamann, Johann. "Die Pilgerfahrten Nürnberger Bürger nach Jerusalem im 15. Jahrhundert, namentlich die Reiseberichte des Dr. med. Hans Lochner und des Jörg Pfinzing." Mittheilungen des Vereins für Geschichte der Stadt Nürnberg 2, (1880): 78-163.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Jerusalem/Individuals--Pfinzing, Jörg
127. Favreau-Lilie, Marie-Luise. "The German Empire and Palestine: German Pilgrimages to Jerusalem between the 12th and 16th Century." Journal of Medieval History 21, 4 (1995): 321-341.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Jerusalem
128. Walls, Archibald G.. "Two Minarets Flanking the Church of the Holy Sepulchre." Levant 8, (1976): 159-161.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Jerusalem
129. Ghūshah, Muḥammad Hāshim Mūsá. "al-Madrasah al-Māwardīyah (al-Bāwardīyah)." Majallat al-Āthār al-Filasṭīnīyah / Journal of Palestinian Archaeology 2, 1 (2001): 35-36.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Jerusalem
130. Bik, Aḥmad Ramzī. "Āthār al-Mulūk wa-al-Salāṭīn al-Miṣrīyīn bi-Madīnatay al-Quds wa-al-Khalīl." al-Risālah (Cairo) 16, 782 (1948): 720-722.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Jerusalem/Places--Hebron
131. Wasser, Ben. "Die Peregrinatie van Iherusalem: Pelgrimsverslagen van Nederlandse Jerusalemgangers in de 15e, 16e en 17e Eeuw: Ontstaan en Ontwikkeling." De Gulden Passer: Bulletin van de "Vereeniging der Antwerpsche Bibliophielen" 69, (1991): 5-72.
Notes: Summary in French on pp. 71-72.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Jerusalem
132. Tamari, Shemuel. "Sulla conversione della Chiesa di Sant'Anna a Gerusalemme nella Madrasa aṣ-Ṣalāḥīyya." Rivista degli studi orientali 43, (1968): 327-354, 3 pls..
Subjects: Places--Jerusalem/Scholarship/Architecture
133. Ghawānimah, Yūsuf Darwīsh. "Niyābat Bayt al-Maqdis." al-Majallah al-ʿArabīyah lil-Thaqāfah 1, (1982-1983): 75-98.
Subjects: Administration/Places--Jerusalem
134. Maḥāmīd, Ḥātim. "Developments and Changes in the Establishment of Islamic Educational Institutions in Medieval Jerusalem." Annales islamologiques/Ḥawlīyāt Islāmīyah 37, (2003): 329-354.
Subjects: Scholarship/Places--Jerusalem
135. Weigert, Gideon. "ʿAl ha-ḳodesh Abu-Madyan ha-Maġribi be-Yerushalayim." Cathedra / Ḳatedrah 58, (1990): 25-34.
Notes: Additional title: "A Maghribi Religious Endowment in Fourteenth-Century Jerusalem." English abstract on p. 199.
Subjects: Places--Jerusalem/Economics
136. Müller, Christian//Pahlitzsch, Johannes. "Sultan Baybars I and the Georgians -- In the Light of New Documents Related to the Monastery of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem." Arabica 51, 3 (2004): 258-290.
Subjects: Individuals--Baybars/Historiography/Places--Jerusalem/Social relations
137. Cramer, Volmar. "Meister der Farbe und des Stiftes als Pilger in Jerusalem." Das Heilige Land 84, (1952): 5-18.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Jerusalem
138. Diesbach, Max von. "Les pèlerins fribourgeois à Jérusalem (1436-1640): étude historique." Archives de la Société d'histoire du canton de Fribourg 5, (1893): 189-282.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Jerusalem
139. Frenkel, Yehoshua. "The Demographic History of Jerusalem during the Mamluk Period in Light of Shariʿa Court Records [in Hebrew]." Ha-Mizraḥ he-ḥadash 45(?), (2004): 115-126.
Subjects: Places--Jerusalem/Social relations
140. Schein, Sylvia. "La Custodia Terrae Sanctae franciscaine et les juifs de Jérusalem à la fin du moyen-age." Revue des études juives 141, 1-2 (1982): 369-377.
Subjects: Places--Jerusalem/Foreign relations
141. Bahat, Dan. "Mapat Marino Sanuṭo ve-ḥomot Yerushalayim be-meʾah ha-yod-gimel." Erets-Yisraʾel: meḥḳarim be-yediʿot ha-Erets ve-ʿatiḳoteha / Eretz-Israel: Archaeological, Historical and Geographical Studies 19, (1987): 295-298.
Notes: Additional title: "Sanuto's Map and the Walls of Jerusalem in the Thirteenth Century." English summary on p. 82*.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Jerusalem/Individuals--Marino Sanudo
142. Prawer, Joshua. "Minzar ha-Frantsisḳanim be-"Har-Tsiyon" ve-Yehudi Yerushalayim be-me'ah ha-ṭet-vav." Yediʿot ha-Ḥevrah ha-ʿIvrit la-ḥaḳirat Erets-Yisra'el ve-ʿatiḳoteha / Bulletin of the Jewish Palestine Exploration Society 14, 1-2 (1947-1948): 15-24.
Notes: Additional title: "The Friars of Mount Zion and the Jews of Jerusalem in the XVth Century." English abstract on p. iii.
Subjects: Religion/Places--Jerusalem/Foreign relations
143. Prawer, Joshua. "le-Biḳoret igerot yerushalamiyot min ha-me'ah ha-ṭet-vav ve-ha-ṭet-zayin." Yerushalayim: rivʿon le-heker Yerushalayim ve-toldoteha 1, (`1948): 139-159.
Notes: Translation of title: "On the Texts of Letters from Jerusalem of the 15th and 16th Centuries."
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Jerusalem
144. Sagredo, Agostino. "Sopra un viaggio da Milano a Gerusalemme intrapreso dal canonico Pietro Casola." Atti delle adunanze dell'imp. regio Istituto Veneto [Atti del Regio Istituto veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti] (1869 [if this doesn't work ask for 1855]): 277-285.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Jerusalem/Individuals--Casola, Pietro
145. Schein, Sylvia. "Bridget of Sweden, Margery Kempe and Women's Jerusalem Pilgrimages in the Middle Ages." Mediterranean Historical Review 14, 1 (1999): 44-58.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Jerusalem/Individuals--Kempe, Margery/Individuals--Bridget of Sweden
146. Bertolotti, Giuditta. "Un viaggio da Milano a Gerusalemme nel 1494." Brixia sacra 12, (1921): 68-77.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Jerusalem/Individuals--Casola, Pietro
147. Gilles, Frère. "La bibliothèque des Frères de la corde au Mont Sion (XVe et XVIe s)." Nos cahiers 2, (1937): 73-96.
Notes: Reprinted in Acta Custodiae Terrae Sanctae 30 (1985): 377-400.
Subjects: Historiography/Religion/Places--Jerusalem
148. Matthews, Charles D.. "A Muslim Iconoclast (Ibn Taymīyyeh) on the ʿMeritsʾ of Jerusalem and Palestine." Journal of the American Oriental Society 56, (1936): 1-21.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn Taymiyah/Places--Jerusalem/Places--Palestine
149. al-Imām, Rashād. "Bibliyūghrāfyā ʿan Madīnat al-Quds ilá Sanat 1948." Shuʾūn ʿArabīyah 40, (1984): 272-291.
Subjects: Places--Jerusalem/Historiography
150. al-Imām, Rashād. "al-Quds fī al-ʿAṣr al-Wasīṭ." Shuʾūn ʿArabīyah 40, (1984): 57-70.
Subjects: Places--Jerusalem



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