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1. Garcin, Jean-Claude, "al-Ṣaʿīd, or Ṣaʿīd Miṣr, 1. History." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam. 2d. 862-866. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1995.
Subjects: Places--Egypt, Upper
2. Halm, Heinz, "al-Manṣūra." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam. 2d. 440. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1990.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Egypt, Lower
3. Holt, P. M., "Dimyāṭ." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam. 2d. 292. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1965.
Subjects: Military/Places--Egypt, Lower
4. Haarmann, Ulrich, "Krokodile aus Holz und Krokodile aus Marmor: Altägyptisches in einem marokkanischen Pilgerbericht des vierzehnten Jahrhunderts." In Meilenstein: Festgabe für Herbert Donner zum 16. Februar 1995. Edited by Weippert, Manfred//Timm, Stefan. 60-72. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 1995.
Series: Ägypten und Altes Testament, 30
Subjects: Culture/Places--Egypt
5. Levi Della Vida, Giorgio, "Fazio degli Uberti e l'Egitto medievale." In Studi in onore di Angelo Monteverdi. 443-454. Modena: Società Tipografica Editrice Modenese, 1959.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Egypt
6. Codazzi, Angela, "Viaggiatori e descrittori italiani dell'Egitto fino alla metà del secolo XVI." In L'opera degli italiani per la conoscenza dell'Egitto e per il suo risorgimento civile ed economico. Edited by Almagià, Roberto. 105-133. Rome: Provveditorato generale dello stato, 1926.
Series: Comitato geografico nazionale italiano, 2
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Egypt
7. Walle, B. van de, "Voyages de quelques brugeois en Egypte et en Palestine au XVe et au XVIIe siècles." In Ad harenas: gedenkboek van de jubelviering Sint-Lodewijkscollege Brugge 1960. Edited by Strubbe, Eg. I.//Houtte, J. A. van//Viaene, A.. 260-272. Brügge: 1960.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Palestine/Places--Egypt
8. Petry, Carl F., "Egypt to 1798." In Encyclopedia of Arabic Literature. Edited by Scott Meisami, Julie//Starkey, Paul. 203-205. London and New York: Routledge, 1998.
Notes: Review see Abu-Haidar; Homerin.
Subjects: General works/Places--Egypt
9. Quatremère, Étienne Marc, "Mémoires, par ordre alphabétique, sur les villes et bourgs d'Égypte, dont il est fait mention chez les écrivains coptes." In Mémoires géographiques et historiques sur l'Égypte, et sur quelques contrées voisines. Recueillis et extraits des manuscrits coptes, arabes, etc., de la Bibliothéque Impériale. 1-525. Paris: F. Schoell, 1811.
Subjects: Economics/Places--Egypt
10. Quatremère, Étienne Marc, "Mémoire sur la mine d'émeraudes." In Mémoires géographiques et historiques sur l'Égypte, et sur quelques contrées voisines. Recueillis et extraits des manuscrits coptes, arabes, etc., de la Bibliothéque Impériale. 173-180. Paris: F. Schoell, 1811.
Subjects: Economics/Places--Egypt, Upper
11. Heyd, Wilhelm, "Le colonie commerciali degli italiani nell'Egitto." In Le colonie commerciali degli italiani in Oriente nel medio evo. translated byMüller, Joseph.167-285. Venezia: Stabilimento tipografico Antonelli, 1868.
Series: Nuova collezione di opere storiche, 13
Notes: Translation of the author's "Die italienischen Handelscolonien in Aegypten," published in Zeitschrift für die gesammte Staatswissenschaft 20 (1864).
Subjects: Economics/Foreign relations/Places--Egypt
12. Amīn, Muḥammad Muḥammad. "Wathīqat Waqf al-Sulṭān Qāytbāy ʿalá al-Madrasah al-Ashrafīyah wa-Qāʿat al-Silāḥ bi-Dimyāṭ." al-Majallah al-Tārīkhīyah al-Miṣrīyah 22, (1975): 343-390.
Subjects: Historiography/Individuals--Qaytbay/Places--Egypt, Lower
13. Castel, Georges//Mahmoud ʿAly. "Mausolées des cheikhs ʿUmar et Ḳahīl près d'Esna." Annales islamologiques/Ḥawlīyāt Islāmīyah 15, (1979): 441-468.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Egypt, Upper
14. Combe, Étienne. "Le Fort Qâyt-Bây à Rosette." Bulletin de la Société royale d'archéologie d'Alexandrie (n.s.) 10, 32-33 (1938-1939): 320-324.
Subjects: Places--Egypt, Lower/Architecture
15. de Cosson, A. F. C.. "Notes on the Forts of Alexandria and Environs: Fort Qaitbâî, Rosetta." Bulletin de la Société royale d'archéologie d'Alexandrie (n.s., vol. 10) 32/33, (1938/1939): 311-319.
Subjects: Places--Egypt, Lower/Architecture
16. Décobert, Christian//Gayraud, Roland-Pierre. "Une céramique d'époque mamelouke trouvée à Ṭōd." Annales islamologiques/Ḥawlīyāt Islāmīyah 18, (1982): 95-104.
Subjects: Excavations/Arts/Places--Egypt, Upper
17. Garcin, Jean-Claude. "La mosquée al-Lamaṭī à Minyā." Annales islamologiques/Ḥawlīyāt Islāmīyah 13, (1977): 101-111.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Egypt, Upper
18. Ḥamzah, ʿĀdil ʿAbd al-Ḥāfiẓ. "Aṭfīh fī ʿAṣr Salāṭīn al-Mamālīk." al-Tārīkh wa-al-Mustaqbal, Jāmiʿat al-Minyā (n.s.) 2, 2 (1992): 77-113.
Subjects: Places--Egypt, Upper
19. Joël, Guillermina. "Céramiques glaçurées d'époque islamique trouvées à Tôd." Annales islamologiques/Ḥawlīyāt Islāmīyah 26, (1992): 1-18.
Subjects: Arts/Excavations/Places--Egypt, Upper
20. Michel, Nicolas. "Villages désertés, terres en friche et reconstruction rurale en Égypte au début de l'époque ottomane." Annales islamologiques/Ḥawlīyāt Islāmīyah 36, (2002): 197-251.
Subjects: Administration/Economics/Places--Egypt, Lower
21. Heyd, Wilhelm. "Die italienischen Handelscolonien in Aegypten." Zeitschrift für die gesammte Staatswissenschaft 20, (1864): 54-138.
Subjects: Economics/Foreign relations/Places--Egypt
22. Millet, Nicholas B.. "Gebel Adda Preliminary Report, 1965-66." Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 6, (1967): 53-63.
Notes: Late Christian churches and burials from the 13th and 14th centuries on pp. 59-63.
Subjects: Excavations/Places--Egypt
23. Muḥammad, Muḥammad Aḥmad, Maẓāhir al-Ḥaḍārah fī Miṣr al-ʿUlyá fī ʿAṣr Salāṭīn al-Dawlatayn al-Ayyūbīyah wa-al-Mamlūkīyah. 372 pp.. Cairo: Dār al-Hidāyah, 1987.
Subjects: Places--Egypt, Upper
24. al-Shāʿir, Muḥammad Fatḥī, al-Sharqīyah fī ʿAṣray Salāṭīn al-Ayyūbīyīn wa-al-Mamālīk. 208 pp.. [S.l.]: Dār al-Maʿārif, 1997.
Notes: Review see Christie.
Subjects: Administration/Places--Egypt, Lower
25. Timm, Stefan, Das christlich-koptische Ägypten in arabischer Zeit. 6 vols.. Wiesbaden: Dr. Ludwig Reichert, 1984-1992.
Series: Beihefte zum Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients. Reihe B (Geisteswissenschaften), 41
Notes: Eine Sammlung christlicher Stätten in Ägypten in arabischer Zeit, unter Ausschluß von Alexandria, Kairo, des Apa-Mena-Klosters (Der Abū Mina), der Sketis (Wādī n-Naṭrūn) und der Sinai-Region.
Subjects: Religion/Places--Egypt/Administration
26. ʿAṭā, al-Sayyid Muḥammad Aḥmad, Iqlīm al-Gharbīyah fī ʿAṣr al-Ayyūbīyīn wa-al-Mamālīk: Dirāsah Tārīkhīyah wa-Ḥaḍārīyah (567-923 H/1171-1517 M). 483 pp.. Cairo: al-Hayʾah al-Miṣrīyah al-ʿĀmmah lil-Kitāb, 2002.
Series: Tārīkh al-Miṣrīyīn, 218
Subjects: Places--Egypt, Lower/Places--Gharbiyah
27. Wolff, Anne, How Many Miles to Babylon? Travels and Adventures to Egypt and Beyond, from 1300 to 1640. xvi, 311 pp.. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2003.
Notes: Review see Hayden, Williams.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Egypt
28. al-Dandarāwī, Qurashī ʿAbbās, Tārīkh Turāth al-Ṣaʿīd al-Aʿlá: al-Juzʾ al-Awwal: Mundhu al-Fatḥ al-ʿArabī ḥattá Sanat 827 H. 251 pp.. Cairo: Maktabat al-Ādāb, 1997.
Subjects: Historiography/Places--Egypt, Upper
29. Christie, Niall. Review of al-Sharqīyah fī ʿAṣray Salāṭīn al-Ayyūbīyīn wa-al-Mamālīk, by Muḥammad Fatḥī al-Shāʿir. Mamlūk Studies Review 6, (2002): 210-211.
Subjects: Administration/Places--Egypt, Lower
30. Hayden, John. Review of How Many Miles to Babylon? Travels and Adventures to Egypt and Beyond, from 1300 to 1640, by Anne Wolff. The MIT Electronic Journal of Middle East Studies 4, (Spring 2004): 93-97.
Notes: At
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Egypt
31. al-Shāʿir, Muḥammad Fatḥī. "Iqlīm al-Sharqīyah fī ʿAṣray Salāṭīn al-Ayyūbīyīn wa-al-Mamālīk." Master's thesis, Cairo University, 1976.
Subjects: Administration/Places--Egypt, Lower
32. Aḥmad, Aḥmad ʿAbd al-Rāziq, al-ʿImārah al-Islāmīyah fī Miṣr : mundhu al-fatḥ al-ʿArabī ḥattá nihāyat al-ʿaṣr al-Mamlūkī (21-923 H /641-1517 M). 1. 560 p.. Cairo: Dār al-Fikr al-ʿArabī, 2009.
Subjects: Excavations/Places--Egypt/Arts
33. Grabois, Aryeh. "La description de l'." Moyen 109, 3-4 (2003): 529-543.
Subjects: Places--Egypt/Literature
34. Smith, Martyn. Review of "Nature and Empire in Ottoman Egypt: An Environmental History" by Alan Mikhail. Mamlūk Studies Review 16, (2012): 175-178.
Notes: Online at:
Subjects: Places--Egypt/Administration
35. Hrbek, Ivan, "Egypt, Nubia and the Eastern Deserts." In The Cambridge History of Africa: Vol. III, from c. 1050 to c. 1600. 1. Edited by Oliver, R.. 10-97. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1977.
Subjects: Places--Egypt/Places--Nubia
36. Nazmi, Ahmad. "The Nile river in Muslim geographical sources." Studie Arabistyczne i Islamistyczne (2006): 28-54.
Subjects: Places--Egypt/Historiography
37. Muṣṭafá, Māhir Aḥmad, Ṣaʿīd Miṣr fī ʿAhd al-Mamālīk al-Charākisah (784–922/1382–1517). 1. 384 pp.. Cairo: Maktabat al-Adab, 2004.
Subjects: Places--Egypt/General works
38. Makārim, Laylá Sāmī, Qiyām dawlat al-Mamālīk al-ūlá fī Miṣr wa-al-Shām. 271. Beirut: Dār Rawāfid lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ : Maktabat Nuhá, 2015.
Subjects: Historiography/Places--Syria/Places--Egypt
39. Maghlūth, Sāmī ʻAbd Allāh, Aṭlas tārīkh al-ʻaṣr al-Mamlūkī. 325. Riyadh: Maktabat al-ʻUbaykān, 2013.
Subjects: Places--Egypt
40. ʻAjamī, Nuhā ʻAwaḍ Maḥmūd, al-Ḥamlāt al-Ṣalībīyah ʻalá Miṣr wa-Bilād al-Shām, 494-960 H / 1095-1291 M : al-tamwīl wa-al-imdād. 238. al-Haram [Giza]: ʻAyn lil-Dirāsāt wa-al-Buḥūth al-Insānīyah wa-al-Ijtimāʻīyah, 2015.
Subjects: Historiography/Places--Egypt
41. Muḥammad, Aḥmad ʻAbd al-Rāziq ʻAbd al-ʻAzīz, ʻAwāmil inhiyār dawlat salāṭīn al-Mamālīk fī Miṣr, 648-923 H/1250-1517 M. 295. Giza: ʻAyn lil-Durāsāt wa-al-Buḥūth al-Insānīyah wa-al-Ijtimāʻīyah, 2017.
Subjects: Places--Egypt/Politics
42. Conermann, Stephan and Sen, Gül, Editors. The Mamluk-Ottoman transition : continuity and change in Egypt and Bilād al-Shām in the sixteenth century. 378. Göttingen: V&R Unipress, Bonn University Press im Verlag V&R Unipress GmbH, 2017.
Series: Ottoman studies, 2
Subjects: Places--Egypt/Places--Syria/Politics--Mamlūks
43. Conermann, Stephan, Editor. History and society during the Mamluk period (1250-1517). 251. Göttingen: V&R Unipress, Bonn University Press, 2016.
Series: Mamluk Studies, 12
Subjects: Historiography/Places--Egypt
44. Winter, Michael, "Sultan Selīm's Obsession with Mamluk Egypt according to Evliyā Çelebī's Seyāḥatnāme." In Developing Perspectives in Mamluk History: Essays in Honor of Amalia Levanoni. Edited by Ben-Bassat, Yuval. 230-242. Leiden: Brill, 2017.
Series: Islamic History and Civilization, 143
Subjects: Historiography/Places--Egypt
45. Nahār, ʻAmmār Muḥammad, Miṣr wa-bilād al-Shām fī ʻaṣr al-Mamālīk. 409. Amman: Dār al-Iʻṣār al-ʻIlmī lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ, 2019.
Subjects: Historiography/Places--Egypt/Places--Syria
46. Conermann, Stephan and Gül Şen, "Introduction: A Transitional Point of View." In The Mamluk-Ottoman transition: continuity and change in Egypt and Bilād al-Shām in the sixteenth century. Edited by Stephan Conermann and Gül Şen. 13-32. Göttingen: V&R Unipress, Bonn University Press im Verlag V&R Unipress GmbH, 2017.
Series: Ottoman Studies, 2
Subjects: Places--Egypt/Places--Syria/Politics--Mamlūks
47. Winter, Michael, "Egypt and Syria in the Sixteenth Century." In The Mamluk-Ottoman transition: continuity and change in Egypt and Bilād al-Shām in the sixteenth century. Edited by Stephan Conermann and Gül Şen. 33-56. Göttingen: V&R Unipress, Bonn University Press im Verlag V&R Unipress GmbH, 2017.
Series: Ottoman Studies, 2
Subjects: Places--Egypt/Places--Syria/Politics--Mamlūks
48. Lewicka, Paulina B., "Challenges of Daily Life in Early-Ottoman Cairo: a Learned Sufi's Perspective. Preliminary Remarks on al-Munāwī's Memorandum on Decent Behavior.." In The Mamluk-Ottoman transition: continuity and change in Egypt and Bilād al-Shām in the sixteenth century. Edited by Stephan Conermann and Gül Şen. 59-86. Göttingen: V&R Unipress, Bonn University Press im Verlag V&R Unipress GmbH, 2017.
Series: Ottoman Studies, 2
Subjects: Places--Egypt/Politics--Mamlūks
49. Kumakura, Wakako, "The Early Ottoman Rural Government System and Its Development in Terms of Water Administration." In The Mamluk-Ottoman transition: continuity and change in Egypt and Bilād al-Shām in the sixteenth century. Edited by Stephan Conermann and Gül Şen. 87-114. Göttingen: V&R Unipress, Bonn University Press im Verlag V&R Unipress GmbH, 2017.
Series: Ottoman Studies, 2
Subjects: Administration/Places--Egypt
50. Römer, Claudia, "An Attempt at Reconstructing the Ottoman Correspondence during Grand Vizier İbrāhīm Paşa's 1525 Mission to Egypt." In The Mamluk-Ottoman transition: continuity and change in Egypt and Bilād al-Shām in the sixteenth century. Edited by Stephan Conermann and Gül Şen. 115-126. Göttingen: V&R Unipress, Bonn University Press im Verlag V&R Unipress GmbH, 2017.
Series: Ottoman Studies, 2
Subjects: Administration/Places--Egypt



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